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American Language Center

Presenting the American Language Center

Operating in Ouagadougou since 1985, the American Language Center (ALC) is a public diplomacy program of the American Embassy specialized in English language teaching. The ALC offers courses to adults and secondary school students with over 650 students enrolled every quarter.  The goal of the ALC is to break down communication barriers through teaching English.  To do this, the Center offers a variety of courses.  It also offers a range of services related to the English language.

Where is the ALC located?

The American Language Center is in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso.  It is located at 62, Avenue Mogho Naba Wobgo (formerly Avenue Bassawarga) across from the Kamsaonghin water tower, in sector 7 (Samandin).

When is the ALC open?

  • Monday-Friday, 8:30-12:00 & 15:00-18:30
  • Saturday, 8:00-11:00

How can I contact the ALC?

American Language Center
American Embassy
2440 Ouagadougou Place
Washington, D. C. 20521-2440


American Language Center
01 B. P. 35
Ouagadougou 01
Burkina Faso

Telephone: (226) 50. 30. 63. 60 // (226) 78. 95. 30. 49 


What services are offered by the ALC? 

The ALC has a regular English course program to serve the general public.  The Center also has a contract course program for individual clients and businesses or organizations desiring more specialized English training.  The ALC does English to French and French to English translations related to documents needed by candidates wishing to study in the USA.  The Center also offers English proficiency testing.  As a support to its English training program, the ALC has an on-site bookstore called Bountiful Books, offering a variety of books and audio resources for sale. The ALC also has an active English teachers training program and organizes teacher training workshops and seminars throughout Burkina Faso. 

Regular Courses (50 hours) 

These are trimester courses organized on a fixed schedule throughout the year. The courses are divided into four (4) cycles with each cycle comprised of several levels. Each level consists of a 50-hour trimester course, which meets two times per week This program is designed to provide learners with a solid base in the English language and to improve their knowledge of English on all levels. 

American Language Center English Program 

Cycle I
100 101 102 103
Cycle II
Intermediate I
201 202 203
Cycle III
Intermediate II
301 302 303
Cycle IV
401 402 403

The possible class schedules are as follows:

  • Formula “B”
    Mondays & Thursdays
  • Formula “C”
    Tuesdays & Fridays
  • Formula “D”
    & Saturdays
    8:30-10:45 AM

Enrollment fees
Sponsored students - 74,000 FCFA
Other students - 68,000 FCFA

N. B.:  All fees must be paid in full before a course begins.  Paying by installment is not allowed except when payment is being made in advance of a course.

If you are:

Placed at level 302, 303, 401, or 402, you will need to make an additional payment of 5,500 FCFA to cover the costs of materials used for these classes.  For continuing students, there is no materials fee for classes/levels 303 and 402. 

Non-sponsored students will benefit from a discount of 2,000 FCFA upon their second enrollment. Upon the third enrollment this discount will increase to 4,000 FCFA.

Calendar 2012/2013

Session I: October 1-December 15, 2012
Enrollment period: September 17-25, 2012
Placement test: September 25 & 26, 2012 at 18:00

Session II: January 2-March 16, 2013
Enrollment period: December 17-26, 2012
Placement test: December 26 & 27, 2012 at 18:00

Session III: April 1-June 15, 2013
Enrollment period: March 18-26, 2013
Placement test: March 26 & 27, 2013 at 18:00

Session IV: July 1–September 7, 2013

Contract Courses (40/50 hours)

Contract courses are by nature specialized and more tailored to a client’s professional English language needs than the regular course program.  These courses are organized upon the request of an individual, an organization, or a business to address specific English training needs.  Contract classes can take place at the ALC or at the place of work or home of a client. Contract courses are scheduled as 40-hour modules for individuals and 50-hour modules for groups. 

Please contact the ALC Program Assistant for fees and other information concerning these courses.

Conversation Courses (40 hours)

These classes are organized by the ALC to help students with at least an intermediate level in English to improve their speaking skills.  Classes meet twice a week for a total of 5 hours per week for 8 weeks. 

Enrollment Fees
Sponsored students - 60,000 FCFA
Other students - 54,000 FCFA

Session I: November 7-December 29, 2012
Enrollment period: October 29-November 2, 2012
Placement test: November 3, 2012 at 11:00

Session II: May 1-June 22, 2013
Enrollment period: April 22-26, 2013
Placement test: April 27, 2013 at 11:00

Summer Vacation Courses for Secondary School Students (90 hours)

Every July and August the American Language Center organizes intensive summer vacation courses for secondary school students (junior high “collège” and senior high school “lycée”).  Each session is 90 hours and includes classroom instruction which covers all English language skill areas:  reading, writing, listening, and speaking. In addition, students participate in ‘camp’ activities including songs, games, films, and cultural activities.  The goal of these courses is to help students develop their proficiency in speaking English and to ground them with an enhanced understanding of the structural aspects of the English language.  These courses meet for four (4) weeks Monday through Friday in the mornings.

Enrollment fees
All students - 75,000 FCFA  

The program will be announced in May 2013.

TOEFL Preparation (50 hours)

The American Language Center is the official test site for the TOEFL exam as well as a number of other standardized exams such as GRE, LSAT, etc.   

Enrollment fees
Sponsored students - 89,500 FCFA
Other students - 83,500 FCFA

Session I:  October 3, 2012 – December 29, 2012
Enrollment period: September 17-25, 2012
Placement test: September 25, 2012 at 18:00
Candidates must show proof of an advanced level in English to enroll.

Session II:  February 6 – Mai 4, 2013
Enrollment period:  Janvier 28, February 2, 2013
Placement test: February 2, 2013 at 11:00 
Candidates must show proof of an advanced level in English to enroll.

To register for the TOEFL exam, please consult the TOEFL web site for information.

Other information on ALC courses

  • Enrollment. With the first enrollment of the academic year, all students are required to pay the annual administrative fee.  New students must also furnish two (2) ID photos at the time of enrollment.  Continuing students should present their current ALC student card at the time of enrollment in order to be exempted from paying the administrative fee again during the year.  For those students who are being sponsored by their employer, a letter of guarantee signed by the employer is required.  All enrollment fees are to be paid in full before the beginning of each course.

    N. B.: With the exception of contract courses, a course cannot take place unless a certain minimum number of students are enrolled.
  • Placement test. All new students must take a placement test after their enrollment fees are paid and before they are officially enrolled in a given class.  This test occurs before classes begin each session.

Other services provided by ALC

  • Translation - The American Language Center has a wealth of experience in translation work.  The ALC has highly qualified staff skilled at doing French to English and English to French translations.  The ALC accepts only documents for translation that are related to enrollments in American universities such as transcripts, diplomas, birth certificates, marriage licenses, bank statements, legal documents, etc.

    Fee: 8,000 FCFA/page and up, depending on the nature of the  document
  • English Proficiency Testing - The ALC offers two (2) types of English proficiency tests.  These tests are offered on the first Friday of each month.  Candidates must register to sit for these exams at least 24 hours in advance.
  • TELP (Test of English Language Proficiency)
    Michigan Test of English
    Fee: 17,000 FCFA
  • Bountiful Books - The ALC has an on-site bookstore where supplemental materials for English learners are sold.  There are books and audio resources for all levels. There is also a great collection of titles for English teachers available.  Bountiful Books is located in the ALC reception and is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 18:30 PM.  
  • English Teacher Training - Another aspect of the ALC mission is to help train local English teachers. By training English teachers, the ALC helps the Burkinabe students to obtain higher quality and more efficient English language instruction. The ALC will spare no effort to respond to the training needs expressed by local English teachers within the limits of the resources at its disposal. The ALC also manages the E-Teacher Program which provides opportunities for English teachers to take on-line courses from American universities. There are also webinars available on-line for interested English teachers. Finally, the ALC’s Bountiful Books bookstore has an excellent collection of pedagogical materials available for sale to all English teachers to help them in their professional development pursuits.  Please contact the ALC for more information. 

Weekly Expression

  • Get caught/Be left holding the bag

    Meaning:  To make someone the scapegoat; to be blamed for something that was not one’s fault or was only partly one’s fault.