FACT SHEET: The UN Security Council Responds to North Korea's Launch

New York, NY
January 23, 2013


In response to North Korea's December 12 launch, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2087 to condemn the launch and impose new sanctions, including asset freezes and travel bans on critical North Korean companies and officials. Additionally, Resolution 2087 strengthens and expands the scope of existing sanctions, making them more effective and far-reaching.

By limiting North Korea's ability to procure funds, send agents abroad, transfer dual-use items or smuggle other goods, these provisions will make it harder for North Korea to proceed with its nuclear and missile programs. Combined with the measures in Resolutions 1718 and 1874, the Security Council has further strengthened the robust and stringent sanctions regime imposed on Pyongyang.

Resolution 2087:

· Condemns North Korea's launch as a violation of previous Security Council resolutions and reiterates the Security Council's previous demands that North Korea not conduct any further launch and that it comply fully with its obligations with respect to its nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

  • Imposes new sanctions on several North Korean companies and government agencies, including North Korea's space agency responsible for the launch, as well as on the Bank of East Land and several individuals. These six entities and four individuals will have their assets frozen and be prohibited from engaging in financial transactions. The individuals—including banking agents and space agency officials—will be subject to a travel ban, limiting their ability to procure technology and know-how or strike commercial deals abroad.
  • Updates current lists of nuclear and ballistic missile technology banned for transfer to and from the DPRK, helping ensure that North Korea is unable to procure or proliferate the most sensitive technology.
  • Addresses North Korea's illicit financial activities, including through enhanced vigilance and monitoring of a broad range of financial activities and actors, as well as by spotlighting the problem of North Korea's smuggling of bulk cash.

· Directs the Security Council's North Korea Sanctions Committee to issue public guidance for cargo interdiction for situations when suspicious vessels refuse to be inspected.

· Provides additional guidance to states on how to seize and dispose of illicit items discovered during cargo inspections.

· Clarifies existing sanctions to ensure states prohibit the transfer of any item if a UN-designated North Korean individual or entity is the originator, intended recipient or facilitator.

· Underscores the importance of states' taking action with respect to preventing the transfer of dual-use goods that could contribute to North Korea's violations.

· Calls on states to limit the travel of certain North Korea agents, many of whom are engaged in illegal activities abroad.

· Expands sanctions designation criteria to allow the Security Council's North Korea Sanctions Committee to impose sanctions on sanctions violators.

· Includes new language to improve sanctions implementation, including a force majeure clause to facilitate lawful interdiction of cargo by states; urges states to report on implementation; encourages international agencies to make sure their activities do not violate sanctions.

This resolution reaffirms the Council's desire for a peaceful, diplomatic and political solution to the situation in North Korea and reaffirms its support to the Six Party Talks. It also expresses the Council's readiness to strengthen or modify the sanctions imposed on North Korea and, in this regard, expresses the Council's determination to take "significant action" in the event of a further nuclear test or launch.


PRN: 2013/007