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Miscellaneous USACE Publications

Updated: 2012 October 05


PL PLAN 84-1(C) CECW-OE USACE Continuity of Operations Plan (CECOOP) (U) 21 Feb 84  
PL PLAN 84-2 CECW-OE Corps of Engineers Mobilization Plan (CEMP) 01 Aug 84  


91-PS-1 CEHO Reshaping National Water Politics: The Emergence of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 October 1991
NWS-79-S1 U.S. Army Engineer
Water Resources
Support Center
History of the Commercial Waterways & Ports of the United States: Volume I From Settlement to Completion of the Erie Canal September 1979  
NWS-80-S1 U.S. Army Engineer
Water Resources
Support Center
The United States Waterways and Ports: A Chronology Volume I 1541-1871 April 1980  
NWS-83-9 U.S. Army Engineer
Water Resources
Support Center
History of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway January 1983  
NWS-83-10 U.S. Army Engineer
Water Resources
Support Center
History of the Waterways of the Atlantic Coast of the United States January 1983  


UN 1 CECW-OE Corps of Engineers Mobilization and Operations Planning System (CEMOPS) 01 May 83  
UN 2 CECW-OE Corps of Engineers Mobilization Plan (CEMP) 17 Oct 83  
UN 5 CEPR-P Engineer Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (EFARS) 13 May 95  
UN 6 CECW-PP Fisheries Handbook of Engineering Requirements and Biological Criteria 01 Jan 86  
UN 7 CEHO The Corps of Engineers: The War Against Japan 01 Jan 88  
UN 8 CEHO The Corps of Engineers: The War Against Germany 01 Jan 88  
UN 9 CEPA-C Water Resources Development Act Brochure 01 Jul 87  
UN 10 CERE-P Your Rights and Benefits as a Displaced Person/Under The Federal Relocation Assistance Program (DOT Pub) S&I By OCE Depot 01 May 90  
UN 11 CESI Our Vision 01 Dec 88  
UN 12 CECW-OE-E Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) Program Handbook 01 Jun 91  
UN 13 CEMP-ET Hot Mix Asphalt Paving Handbook 31 Jul 91  
UN 14 CECW-ON TRAIL Boss Manual - Teaching Resources and Individual Leadership 30 Nov 92  
UN 15 CERE-R Acquiring Real Property for Federal and Federal-Aid Programs and Projects (DOT Pub) (stocked & issued by USACE Depot) 30 Jun 93  
UN 16 CEHO The District: A History of the Philadelphia District -U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1866-1971 Jan 1974  
UN 18 CEHO The Corps Responds: A History of the Susquehanna Engineer District and Tropical Storm Agnes
UN 19 CEHO A History of the U.S. Army Engineer Studies Center, 1943-1982
UN 20 CEHO United States Army in World War II - The Corps of Engineers: Construction in the United States 1972  
UN 21 CEHO United States Army in World War II - The Corps of Engineers: Troops and Equipment 1958  
UN 22 CEHO The Falls City Engineers - A History of the Louisville District Corps of Engineers United States Army 24 Dec 74  
UN 23 CEHO Custodians of the Coast - History of the United States Army Engineers at Galveston 1977  
UN 24 CEHO Army Engineers and the Development of Oregon
A History of the Portland District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
UN 25
(same as
EP 870-1-71 /
CMH Pub 45-1)
CEHO Building For Peace: U.S. Army Engineers in Europe, 1945-1991 2007
GPO Online

contact: HQPublications@usace.army.mil