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  1. How can I obtain a scholarship?: [Undergraduate]

    Public Affairs Section of the American Embassy, Dar es Salaam offers no undergraduate scholarships. We have no funds available for study in the U.S., Tanzania or elsewhere.

    American universities and private foundations may offer limited opportunities for exceptional candidates. The admission office of the university you wish to attend will be the best source of information on these opportunities.

    Consult books in the library for information on financial aid for international students.

    College Board International Student Handbook and Peterson's applying to Colleges and Universities in the United States, then visit the websites of the universities that interest you for further information.

    When you write directly to a university or college for admission application materials, also request information on financial assistance. At some institutions your academic ability is considered together along with your financial need. At others your application for admissions and your financial need are considered separately.

    Colleges and universities in the United States vary considerably in their admissions standards and requirements. To be considered for admission in American universities, a student must be qualified to enter Tanzanian universities. To compete successfully for financial aid, students must have A' and B's on their A-level exams.

    A student with 3 strong A levels, good O-level record and high SAT test results has the best chance of being offered a scholarship. In addition to the academics, a student who can demonstrate extracurricular interests (sport activities, clubs, hobbies, community projects) is also much appreciated. It will be up to the student to convince the admissions personnel of the institutions to which he/she is applying that he/she will be a real asset to that institution.

    In order to make your applications competitive and convincing, use the guide books in our library, such as "Presenting Yourself Successfully to Colleges"

    For the student with exceptional ability in a particular sport, a sports scholarship could be an excellent way of financing his/her education. Write to the coach at a particular institution and correspond with him directly. The student should be aware that acceptance by the coach or even the offer of a scholarship does not guarantee admission into the university/college. The regular admissions procedure must still be followed. The student should also be aware that he/she would still be expected to carry a minimum course load and maintain a certain academic average in addition to participating in the sports program.

    Consult books in the library for in-depth information on how to apply for a sports scholarship.

  2. How do I pay the college application and test registration fees?

    For application fees and test fees, you should approach any bank's foreign exchange department so that an application can be made in order to obtain a US bank draft.

  3. After gaining admission to an U.S. college/university, what college expenses will I incur?

    There are several types of expenses which you will incur. The comprehensive cost of attendance per hyear ragnes from about 12000 to 40000. A rough estimate is given below:
    a. Tuition and fees this could range from $8,000 to $30,000.
    b. Books and supplies $1,000 and above
    c. Student's room & board (meals) $6,000 to $10,000
    d. Personal (clothing, laundry, recreation, medical) $2,000
    e. Transportation (If you do not live on campus.) $500

  4. Which are the best schools?

    You should decide which university is the best for you, i.e., one that offers your field and meets the other criteria important to you, such as location, housing, and facilities for international students.

  5. How can I be assured that the degree which I obtain at an U.S. University is acceptable in Tanzania?

    You should apply only to accredited universities. These universities/colleges are accredited by various national and regional accrediting groups that are recognized as meeting accepted levels of quality and performance. These colleges are listed in Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education, a publication of the American Council of Education available in the Library. You can also check the accreditation of a school on the following website:

    Consult the Ministries of Higher Education to find out if these institutions are acceptable to them. Seek advice from lecturers at the Universities in Tanzania or various professionals and speak to established professionals already working in your area of interest. Consult professional association in Tanzania, such as the bar association, pharmacy, engineers, etc, to ascertain the acceptability of American professional qualifications.

  6. How do I apply to colleges in the U.S.?

    You must first possess the necessary academic qualifications: good grades at A-levels. After you have selected universities that meet your criteria, obtain their application forms by downloading them from each university's website.

  7. Which college entrance examinations do I have to take?

    Many colleges and universities require prospective undergraduate students to take SAT 1 and /or TOEFL exams. Consult books in our library or admission information for international students on each university's website for their requirements. The centers for these examinations are Computing Center of the University of Dar es Salaam for TOEFL and International School of Tanganyika, Upper School for SAT. Both these centers are in Dar es Salaam.

    TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language. This test is often required even if English is the medium of instruction in your school. IT is a computer based test.

    SAT - The SAT I Reasoning Test measures your verbal and mathematical aptitude. The SAT II, the Subject test measures your abilities in particular subject areas.

    GRE - The Graduate Record Examination measures verbal, quantitative, and analytical abilities of graduate School applicants.

    GMAT - The Graduate Management Admissions Test measures the general verbal and mathematical skills of graduate applicants to schools of management (MBA programs).

    All registration forms for these tests can be obtained from the Educational Advising Center at the American Embassy. You can register online if you have access to a credit card: GRE/TOEFL: GMAT:; SAT:

  8. How can I obtain a student visa?

    You must first gain admission to an institution. The school will send you the Form I 20 that will provide essentialdetails about your admission and financing. Cointact the Educational Advisor for detailed information about student visa requirements, and (visit the visa section of this website).

  9. What is the deadline for application to a university?

    It differs from university to university. Look in the International Student handbook or one of the college directories under "Application Deadline" to find each university's deadline.

  10. How can I find out what the courses are like at the various universities?

    Go to their website

  11. When should I apply for financial aid?

    If you need to apply for financial aid, you should do so the at the same time that you apply for admission.

  12. How do I find college/university names and addresses?

    The Educational Advisor at the American Embassy offers a complete library of materials on U.S. education. If you are not familiar with the geography of the U.S. use a map to guide you in choosing states and/or institutions.

Use the following outline to guide you:

The Index of Majors: this manual lists nearly 600 fields of study alphabetically. Under each heading you will find an alphabetical list of institutions by state, which offers that field of study. A Associate Degree (2 year diploma), B Bachelor's Degree (4 year degree), M Master's Degree, D Doctorate, and F Post Doctorate or First Professional Degree.

Graduate (post graduate) study is applied to only after the Bachelor's has been obtained. If you do not have a first degree, you cannot apply for any kind of Masters degree.

The College Board International Student Handbook: this manual offers information of particular interest to a non US citizen and should be studied carefully. Responses are given from colleges/universities regarding test requirements, deadlines, costs and financial aid for foreign students.

After compiling a list of names, the college/university manuals can be used to:
Confirm the degrees offered
Get an idea of the location and environment
Review the admissions procedure
Find out about academic programs offered
Obtain addresses.

The manuals, which can be used for this, include:
Peterson's Guide to Four Year Colleges
The College Handbook

For more information on study in the U.S. please contact Educational Advisor at tel. 2668001 or write to Educational Advisor's email address.