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ACC supports Global Youth Innovation Network campaign (Jan 25,2013)

The American Cultural Center hosted a training seminar from January 21 to 25 in collaboration with the Global Youth Innovation Network (GYIN) campaign. The workshop aimed to promote entrepreneurship among the 30 emerging leaders who participated. They received training in communications, marketing, and negotiation.

In his remarks at the closing ceremony, Ambassador Michael Raynor said, “Since arriving in Benin I have been continually impressed by the creativity, passion, and determination I’ve witnessed Beninese youth put toward the challenge of improving your country. I’m not alone in believing that youth are the key to the future of the African continent. In fact, the U.S. Government’s  Strategy toward Sub-Saharan Africa prioritizes efforts to empower you, Africa’s next generation of leaders.

At the end of the training, two participants were selected to represent Benin at the GYIN global convention in Italy in October.