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Embassy Funding Opportunities

Criteria For Selecting Proposals For Funding

The Embassy maintains two types of grant assistance programs.  The Ambassador’s Self Help Fund and the Democracy and Human Rights Fund, both of which are aimed at improving the quality of life for Gambians at the community level.

The following criteria are recommended for selecting proposals for funding under the Ambassador’s Special Self Help and Democratic and Human Rights Fund.

  1. The proposal must be community initiative coming from an organization and not from an individual. The organization must also be registered as an NGO or CBO.
  2. The proposal must not serve a religious or ethnic interest. It must serve the whole community.
  3. The proposal must have a budget that is within the limit set for funding under both SSH and DHRF. Example it must not exceed $10,000 for SSH and $50,000 for DHRF.
  4. The project must be feasible and viable. In other words, the community must be able to implement it as agreed.
  5. The project must also be sustainable. It must have an impact on the lives of the community.
  6. The project should be completed within 12 months.
  7. The project must be environmentally friendly and not have negative impact on the community.
  8. The proposal must help to promote good governance and democracy in the country as well as human rights (DHRF).

Please select a link below to view the funding opportunities available at the US Embassy:

  1. Ambassador's Special Self-Help Program (SSHP)
  2. Democracy and Human Rights Fund (DHRF)


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