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NWS Rip Current Safety Program

Teens: Don't Be a Rip Current Victim

Piers, jetties and wharfs are a major rip current hazard. Many of these structures have permanent rip currents. If you hang out on a pier, especially after lifeguards have gone off duty, NEVER jump off the pier. You may be diving to your death. Always swim at life guard protected beaches. Watch the PSA below to learn how to swim out of a rip. And check out our YouTube links for more rip info.swimmer escaping rip current by swimming parralellel to the shore.

Samonan teens, see caption below
Students of the Samoana High School, Samoa, holding rip current education tools sent to them by the National Weather Service, Marine and Coastal Weather Services at the request of Linda Taylor Austin, Chief, NOS,CO-OPS Special Projects, who provided this picture. These students are participating in the American Samoana “Ocean Swimming/Ocean Sciences Program  Toa o le Tai is a strength based youth mentorship program to teach open water swimming and safety along with ocean conservation to develop a new generation of Ocean Heroes for Amerika Samoa and the world in partnership with the America Samoa Department of Commerce and Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary”.

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Last Updated: July 23, 2012