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About Us

This Mission includes approximately 310 U.S. and 560 locally engaged staff employed by 28 U.S. Government departments and agencies. In addition to the Embassy in Pretoria, there are Consulates in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban. Many U.S. Government departments, such as the Foreign Commercial Service, the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Health and Human Services, Overseas Foreign Disaster Assistance and Food for Peace have based their regional operations in South Africa, reflecting the facilities and services available in South Africa.

The United States’ strong trade and business partnerships with South Africa are hallmarks for the continent.  In 2010, the United States was the third largest trading partner for South Africa, after Germany and China. Also in 2010, South African exports to the U.S. totaled R57.4 billion. The United States is the largest portfolio investor (R400 billion) and the largest source of foreign direct investment in South Africa. American companies in South Africa contributed R9 billion in revenue in 2010 which equates to roughly 9% of total turnover of South African industry and Employ 125 000 direct employees, the majority being South Africans. The US Embassy regularly sponsors workshops on entrepreneurialism , small and medium business management and financial planning for businesses.

The U.S. Mission Provides Services:

  • We represent the people of the United States, the U.S. Government and President Barack Obama and his policies.
  • We protect and promote U.S. interests, such as the safety and welfare of U.S. citizens in South Africa.
  • We encourage and facilitate trade between the U.S. and South Africa.
  • We sponsor educational exchanges, and counsel students seeking to enroll at U.S. universities.
  • We issue visas for travel to the U.S.
  • We support South Africa through partnership programs in a number of areas including health, education, economic development, agriculture, combating terrorism, building democracy and helping to assure regional stability.

Speaker Program

  • Request a speaker

    Do you need a speaker for an event or program? Officials from the U.S. Embassy and our Consulates are available to speak on a wide variety of topics. To request a speaker, fill in this form and we will contact you.


  • We partner with South Africa in the areas of health, education, economic development, agriculture, military cooperation and consular services.