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Executive Office of the President of the United States seal National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program



Proceedings of the 2011 Model Benchmarking Workshop

Tsunamis! What boaters should know


2011 NTHMP Tsunami Planning and Hazard Mitigation Survey Report

NTHMP Tsunami Evacuation Mapping Guidelines

NTHMP Inundation Modeling Guidelines

NTHMP Rules of Procedure (Amend. 02/2011)

Media Guidebook


NTHMP Strategic Plan - Updated June 2010

Oregon State Broadcaster's Guidebook

Gray's Harbor County, Washington All Hazards Guide

Regional Assessment of Tsunami Potential in the Gulf of Mexico


NTHMP Rules of Procedure

NTHMP Strategic Plan

Vertical Evacuation from Tsunamis: A Guide for Community Officials

LANTEX 2009 Handbook

Washington State Broadcaster's Tsunami Emergency Guidebook

Hazard Assessment


NOAA's Tsunami Program 2008–2017 Strategic Plan

Guidelines for Vertical Tsunami Evacuation Structures

Draft California End-to-End Testing Action Plan

California Strategic Plan for End-to-End Testing


Preparing Your Community for Tsunamis: A Guidebook for Local Advocates - A GeoHazards Interational guidebook.

Public Law 109-424 - Tsunami Warning and Education Act

The Tsunami Warning and Education Act as passed by both U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate (GPO)

Oregon Tsunami Evacuation Maps

Becker, J., Johnston, D., Lazrus, H., Crawford, G., Nelson, D. (2007, in press). Use of traditional knowledge in emergency management for tsunami hazard: A case study from Washington State in the Pacific Northwest. Disaster Prevention and Management.

Bernard, E.N., and V.V. Titov (2007): Improving tsunami forecast skill using deep ocean observations. Mar. Tech. Soc. J., 40(3), 23–26.

Denbo, D.W. (2007): NOAA tsunami forecasting system: Design and implementation using service oriented architecture. In 23rd Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, 87th AMS Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 14–18 January 2007.

Gica, E. , M. H. Teng, P. L.-F. Liu, V. Titov, and H. Zhou (2007): Sensitivity Analysis of Source Parameters for Earthquake Generated Distant Tsunamis. Journal of Waterways, Port, Coast and Ocean Engineering. (accepted).

Geist, E.L., V.V. Titov, D. Arcas, F.F. Pollitz, and S.L. Bilek (2007): Implications of the 26 December 2004 Sumatra–Andaman Earthquake on tsunami forecast and assessment models for great subduction-zone earthquakes. Bull. Seis, 97(1A), doi: 10.1785/0120050619, S249–S270.  

Gregg, C.E.; Houghton, B.F.; Paton, D; Johnston, D.M., Swanson, D., Yanagi, B. A. 2007. Tsunami Warnings: Understanding in Hawai`i. Natural Hazards 40:71-87.

Johnston, D., Becker, J., Gregg, C., Houghton, B., Paton, D., Leonard, G., Garside, R. (2007 in press). Developing warning and disaster response capacity in the tourism sector in coastal Washington, USA. Disaster Prevention and Management.

Mofjeld, H.O., F.I. González, V.V. Titov, A.J. Venturato, and J.C. Newman (2007): Effects of tides on maximum tsunami wave heights: Probability distributions. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 24(1), 117–123.

Paton, D., Gregg, C.E., Houghton, B.F., Lachman, R., Lachman, J., Johnston, D.M., Wongbusarakum, S. (2007, in press). The impact of the December 26th 2004 tsunami on coastal Thai communities: Assessing adaptive capacity. Disasters.

Synolakis, C.E., E.N. Bernard, V.V. Titov, U. Kânoglu, and F. González (2007): Standards, Criteria, and Procedures for NOAA Evaluation of Tsunami Numerical Models. NOAA Tech. Memo. OAR PMEL-135, 42pp.

Venturato, A.J., D. Arcas, V.V. Titov, H.O. Mofjeld, C.C. Chamberlin, and F.I. Gonzalez (2007):  Tacoma, Washington, tsunami hazard mapping project: Modeling tsunami inundation from Tacoma and Seattle fault earthquakes.  NOAA Tech. Memo. OAR PMEL-132, 23pp.

Weiss, R., and H. Bahlburg (2007): Sedimentology of the December 26, 2004, Sumatra Tsunami deposits in intermediate and large distances, Eastern India (Tamil Nadu) and Kenya. International Journal of Earth Sciences (accepted).


Government Accountability Office Report on U.S. Tsunami Preparedness (June 2006)

Arcas, D., and V. Titov (2006): Sumatra tsunami: lessons from modeling. Surv. Geophys., 27(6), doi: 10.1007/s10712-006-9, 679–705.

Bernard, E.N., H.O. Mofjeld, V.V. Titov, C.E. Synolakis, and F.I. González (2006): Tsunami: Scientific frontiers, mitigation, forecasting, and policy implications. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lon. A, 364(1845), doi: 10.1098/rsta.2006.1809, 1989–2007.

Crawford, G.L. (2006), “Developing Tsunami Ready Communities: Translating Scientific Research in Usable Emergency Management Products, Paper No. 1334”, in Proceedings of the 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, April 18-22, 2006, San Francisco, California.

Crawford, G.L. (2006), “On Shore Tsunami Communications – Getting the Tsunami Warning to the People on the Beach, Paper No. 1341”, in Proceedings of the 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, April 18-22, 2006, San Francisco, California.

Geist, E.L., V.V. Titov, and C.E. Synolakis (2006): Tsunami: Wave of change. Scientific American, 294(1), 56–63. Text of article from the Scientific American website.

Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF.., Paton, D., Lachman, R., Lachman, J., and Johnston, D.M. 2006. Natural Warning Signs of Tsunamis: Human sensory and response during the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunamis. Spectra 22: S671-S691.

Koshimura, S., T. Katada, H.O. Mofjeld, and Y. Kawata (2006): A method for estimating casualties due to the tsunami inundation flow. Nat. Hazards, 39(2), 265–274.

Synolakis, C.E., and E.N. Bernard (2006): Tsunami science before and beyond Boxing Day 2004. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lon. A, 364(1845), doi: 10.1098/rsta.2006.1824, 2231–2265.

Tang, L., C. Chamberlin, E. Tolkova, M. Spillane, V.V. Titov, E.N. Bernard, and H.O. Mofjeld (2006): Assessment of potential tsunami impact for Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. NOAA Tech. Memo. OAR PMEL.

Walsh, Timothy J.; Titov, Vasily V.; Venturato, Angie J.; Mofjeld, Harold O.; Gonzalez, Frank I., 2005, Tsunami hazard map of the Anacortes–Whidbey Island area, Washington—Modeled tsunami inundation from a Cascadia subduction zone earthquake: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open File Report 2005-1. 48 x 36 in. color sheet, scale 1:62,500.

Walsh, Timothy J.; Crawford, George; Eisner, Richard; Preuss, (2006), “Motivation for and development of new construction guidelines for local evacuation from a near-field tsunami, Paper No. 1864”, in Proceedings of the 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, April 18-22, 2006, San Francisco, California.

Washington Emergency Management Division (2006): Disaster Response Guidebook For Hotels and Motels on Washington’s Coast, Washington Military Department.

Washington Emergency Management Division (2006): Broadcasters Tsunami Emergency Guidebook, Washington Military Department, 24pp.

Washington Emergency Management Division (2006): Tsunamis in Washington, Washington Military Department, Video 4 minutes.

Washington Emergency Management Division: Tsunami Evacuation Maps for Selected Washington Coastal Communities.

Weiss, R., and H. Bahlburg (2006): The Coast of Kenya Field Survey after the December 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. Earthquake Spectra, 22(S3), S235-S240. doi:10.1193/1.2201970

Weiss, R., Kai Wünnemann, Heinrich Bahlburg (2006): Numerical modelling of generation, propagation and run-up of tsunamis caused by oceanic impacts: model strategy and technical solutions. Geophysical Journal International 167 (1), 77–88. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.02889.x

Weiss, R., H. Bahlburg (2006): A note on the preservation potential of offshore tsunami deposits. Journal of Sedimentary Research. Vol. 76, DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2006.110.12


Bernard, E.N. (2005):The U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program: A successful state–federal partnership. . Nat. Hazards, 35(1), Special Issue, U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, 5–24.

Bernard, E.N. (ed.) (2005): Developing Tsunami-Resilient Communities: The National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program.. (Reprinted from Natural Hazards, 35(1), 2005), Springer, The Netherlands, 184 pp.

Bernard, E.N., F.I. González, and V.V. Titov (2005): The tsunameter and real-time tsunami forecasting. Chikyu Monthly, 27(3), 210–215 (in Japanese).

Crawford, G. L., 2005. NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) – A Coastal Solution to Tsunami Alert and Notification, Natural Hazards 35 (1), 163-171.

Crawford, G., 2005. TsunamiReady Communities No Overnight Solution, Natural Hazards Observer XXIX (6), 5-6.

Washington Emergency Management Division: Tsunami Evacuation Maps for Selected Washington Coastal Communities.

Washington Emergency Management Division (2005): Emergency Preparedness Public Education Materials, 4 CDs.

Darienzo, Mark, Al Aya, George L. Crawford, David Gibbs, Paul M. Whitmore, Tyree Wilde, and Brian S. Yanagi (2005): Local Tsunami Warning in the Pacific Coastal United States. Nat. Hazards, 35(1), Special Issue, U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, 111-119.

Dengler, Lori (2005): The Role of Education in the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program. Nat. Hazards, 35(1), Special Issue, U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, 141-1.

DGER, Washington Emergency Management Division, and Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties tsunami inundation and evacuation brochures for communities on the southern Washington coast.

Eisner, Richard K. (2005): Planning for Tsunami: Reducing Future Losses Through Mitigation. Nat. Hazards, 35(1), Special Issue, U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, 155-162. Crawford, George L. (2005): A Coastal Solution to Tsunami Alert and Notification. Nat. Hazards, 35(1), Special Issue, U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, 163-171.

González, F.I., E.N. Bernard, C. Meinig, M. Eble, H.O. Mofjeld, and S. Stalin (2005): The NTHMP tsunameter network. Nat. Hazards, 35(1), Special Issue, U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, 25–39.

González, F.I., V.V. Titov, H.O. Mofjeld, A. Venturato, S. Simmons, R. Hansen, R. Combellick, R. Eisner, D. Hoirup, B. Yanagi, S. Yong, M. Darienzo, G. Priest, G. Crawford, and T. Walsh (2005): Progress in NTHMP hazard assessment. Nat. Hazards, 35(1), Special Issue, U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, 89–110.

Jonientz-Trisler, Chris, R. Scott Simmons, Brian S. Yanagi, George L. Crawford, Mark Darienzo, Richard K. Eisner, Ervin Petty, and George R. Priest (2005): Planning for Tsunami-Resilient Communities. Nat. Hazards, 35(1), Special Issue, U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, 121-139.

Johnston, David, Douglas Paton, George L. Crawford, Kevin Ronan, Bruce Houghton, and Petra Bűergelt (2005): Measuring Tsunami Preparedness in Coastal Washington, United States. Nat. Hazards, 35(1), Special Issue, U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, 141-153.

McCreery, Charles S. (2005): The Impact of the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program on Operations of the Richard H. Hagemeyer Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. Nat. Hazards, 35(1), Special Issue, U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, 73-88.

Meinig, C., S.E. Stalin, A.I. Nakamura, F. González, and H.G. Milburn (2005): Technology Developments in Real-Time Tsunami Measuring, Monitoring and Forecasting. In Oceans 2005 MTS/IEEE, 19–23 September 2005, Washington, D.C.

Meinig, C., S.E. Stalin, A.I. Nakamura, H.B. Milburn (2005), Real-Time Deep-Ocean Tsunami Measuring, Monitoring, and Reporting System: The NOAA DART II Description and Disclosure.

Oppenheimer, David, Alex Bittenbinder, Barbara Bogaert, Raymond Buland, Lynn Dietz, Roger Hansen, Steve Malone, Charles S. McCreery, Thomas J. Sokolowski, Craig Weaver, and Paul M. Whitmore (2005): The Seismic Project of the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, Nat. Hazards, 35(1), Special Issue, U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, 59-72.

WHF Smith, R Scharroo, VV Titov, D Arcas, BK Arbic (2005): Satellite Altimeters Measure Tsunami. Oceanography Vol.18, No.2, June 2005. (PDF)

Suleimani, E.N., Combellick, R.A., Marriott, D., Hansen, R.A., Venturato, A.J., and Newman, J.C. Tsunami hazard maps of the Homer and Seldovia areas, Alaska. Report of Investigations 2005-2, State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, 28 p., 2 sheet, scale 1:12,500, 2005.

Titov, V.V., F.I. González, E.N. Bernard, M.C. Eble, H.O. Mofjeld, J.C. Newman, and A.J. Venturato (2005): Real-time tsunami forecasting: Challenges and solutions. Nat. Hazards, 35(1), Special Issue, U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, 41–58.  

Titov, V.V., A.B. Rabinovich, H.O. Mofjeld, R.E. Thomson, and F.I. González (2005): The global reach of the 26 December 2004 Sumatra Tsunami. Science, 309(5743), 2045–2048. Download: Abstract or Reprint (PDF) or Full Text

Tsunami Risk Reduction for the United States: A Framework for Action (National Science and Technology Council, Subcommittee on Disaster Reduction) December 2005

Venturato, A.J., V.V. Titov, D. Arcas, F.I. González, and C.D. Chamberlin (2005): Reducing the impact: U.S. tsunami forecast modeling and mapping efforts. In ESRI International User Conference Proceedings (UC2471), 25–29 July 2005, San Diego, CA.

Washington Emergency Management Division: Tsunami Evacuation Maps for Selected Washington Coastal Communities.

Wong, F.L., E.L. Geist, and A.J. Venturato (2005): Probabilistic tsunami hazard maps and GIS. In ESRI International User Conference Proceedings (UC2000), 25–29 July 2005, San Diego, CA.


Johnston, D., Houghton, B., Ronan, K. & Paton, D., 2004. Children’s risk perceptions and preparedness: A hazard education assessment in four coastal communities in Washington, USA – tabulated results. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences science report 2004/26 25p.

Mofjeld, H.O., A.J. Venturato, F.I. González, V.V. Titov, and J.C. Newman (2004): The harmonic constant datum method: Options for overcoming datum discontinuities at mixed-diurnal tidal transitions.. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 21, 95–104.

Venturato, A.J., V.V. Titov, H.O. Mofjeld, and F.I. González (2004): NOAA TIME eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington, mapping project: Procedures, data sources, and products. NOAA Tech. Memo. OAR PMEL -127 (PB2005-101207), 22 pp.

Washington Emergency Management Division (2004): Run to High Ground! -Audience Level: K-6 grade; Washington Military Department, Video 14minutes.

Walsh, Timothy J.; Titov, Vasily V.; Venturato, Angie J.; Mofjeld, Harold O.; Gonzalez, Frank I., 2004, Tsunami hazard map of the Bellingham area, Washington--Modeled tsunami inundation from a Cascadia subduction zone earthquake: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open File Report 2004-15, 1 sheet, scale 1:50,000.

Wood, Nathan J., and James W. Good (2004). Vulnerability of Port and Harbor Communities to Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards: The Use of GIS in Community Hazard Planning. In Coastal Management 32:243-269.


Darienzo, Mark, (2003), Tsunami Sign Placement Guidelines: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, Open File Report O-03-06 on CD.

Darienzo, M. (2003) The National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program. In Earthquake Quarterly, Summer 2003, p. 4-7, 17.

González, F.I., B.L. Sherrod, B.F. Atwater, A.P. Frankel, S.P. Palmer, M.L. Holmes, R.E. Karlin, B.E. Jaffe, V.V. Titov, H.O. Mofjeld, and A.J. Venturato (2003): Puget Sound Tsunami Sources—2002 Workshop Report.. A contribution to the Inundation Mapping Project of the U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, NOAA OAR Special Report, NOAA/OAR/PMEL, 34 pp. [Full Text]

Jonientz-Trisler, C. (2003) Tsunami Readiness and Use of Watch and Warning Messages by Local Emergency Managers. In Earthquake Quarterly, Summer 2003, p. 8-9, 14-16.

Olmstead, Dennis (2003), Development in Oregon's Tsunami Inundation Zone: Information Guide for Developers and Local Government: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, Open File Report O-03-05 on CD.

Priest, G.R., Chawla, A., and Allan, J.C., 2003, Tsunami hazard map of the Alsea Bay (Waldport) area, Lincoln County, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Interpretive Map, IMS-24, on CD.

Taft, B., C. Meinig, L. Bernard, C. Teng, S. Stalin, K. O'Neil, M. Eble, and C. Demers (2003): Transition of the Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis network—A technology transfer from NOAA Research to NOAA Operations. In Proceedings of Oceans 2003, San Diego, CA, September 2003, 2582–2588.

Titov, V.V., F.I. González, H.O. Mofjeld, and A.J. Venturato (2003): NOAA TIME Seattle Tsunami Mapping Project: Procedures, data sources, and products. NOAA Tech. Memo. OAR PMEL-124 (NTIS PB2004-101635), 21 pp.

Tsunami evacuation maps for selected coastal communities, including Bandon; Brookings; Charleston; Coos Bay; Depoe Bay; Gearhart; Gold Beach; Lincoln City; Manzanita/Nehalem; Oceanside/Netarts; Nestucca; Newport; Port Orford; Rockaway Beach; Salishan/Gleneden/ Lincoln Beach; Seaside: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (2003).

Tsunami Preparedness Guide for Oregon Lodging Facilities (2003): Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, Open File Report O-03-04 on CD.

Walsh, Timothy J.; Myers, Edward P., III; Baptista, Antonio M., 2003, Tsunami inundation map of the Quileute, Washington area: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open File Report 2003-1, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.

Walsh, T. J.; Titov, V. V.; Venturato, A. J.;. Mofjeld, H. O. ; Gonzalez, F. I. , 2003, Tsunami hazard map of the Elliott Bay area, Seattle, Washington—Modeled tsunami inundation from a Seattle fault earthquake: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open File Report 2003-14, 1 sheet, scale 1:50,000.

Washington Emergency Management Division (2003): How the Smart Family Survived a Tsunami - Elementary Edition K-6, Washington Military Department, 16pp.


Bernard, E.N. (2002): The U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program.. In Proceedings of Solutions to Coastal Disasters '02, L. Ewing and L. Wallendorf (eds.), ASCE, San Diego, CA, 24–27 February 2002, 964–971.

González, F.I., V.V. Titov, H.O. Mofjeld, and J.C. Newman (2002): Project SIFT (Short-term Inundation Forecasting for Tsunamis). In Underwater Ground Failures on Tsunami Generation, Modeling, Risk and Mitigation, NATO Advanced Workshop, Instanbul, Turkey, 23–26 May 2001, 221–226.

Johnston, D. M., D. Paton, B. Houghton, J. Becker, and G. Crumbie 2002. ‘Results of the August–September 2001 Washington State Tsunami Survey’. Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Science Report 2002/17, 35 pp.

Koshimura, S., H.O. Mofjeld, F.I. González, and A.L. Moore (2002): Modeling the 1100 bp paleotsunami in Puget Sound, Washington. Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(20), 1948, doi: 10.1029/2002GL015170.

Mofjeld, H.O., A.J. Venturato, V.V. Titov, F.I. González, and J.C. Newman (2002): Tidal datum distributions in Puget Sound, Washington, based on a tidal model. NOAA Tech. Memo. OAR PMEL-122 (PB2003102259), NOAAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, WA, 35 pp. [PDF Version] 

National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) (2002): Proceedings of a Workshop on Construction Guidance for areas of High Seismic and Tsunami Loading, 25pp.

Priest, G.R., Allan, J.C., Myers, E., Baptista, A.M., and Kamphaus, R., 2002, Tsunami hazard map of the Coos Bay area, Coos County, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Interpretive Map Series map IMS-21.

Suleimani, E.N., R.A. Hansen, R.A. Combellick, G.A. Carver, R.A. Kamphaus, J.C. Newman, and A.J. Venturato (2002a): Tsunami hazard maps of the Kodiak area, Alaska, State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources – Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, Alaska, RI 2002-1, 18pp.

Suleimani, E.N., R.A. Combellick , R.A. Hansen, and G.A. Carver (2002b): Tsunami Hazard Mapping of Alaska Coastal Communities, State of Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, Alaska Geosurvey News, Vol. 6, No. 2, June 2002 (Download at http://wwwdggs.dnr.state.ak.u

Titov, V.V., and F.I. González (2002): Modeling solutions for short-term inundation forecasting for tsunamis. In Underwater Ground Failures on Tsunami Generation, Modeling, Risk and Mitigation, NATO Advanced Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey, 23–26 May 2001, 227–230.

Walsh, T.J., E.P. Myers, and A.M. Baptista, OFR 2002-1: Tsunami inundation map of the Port Angeles, Washington, area, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Washington, 1 pl.

Walsh, T.J., E.P. Myers, and A.M. Baptista, OFR 2002-2: Tsunami inundation map of the Port Townsend, Washington, area, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Washington, 1 pl.

Walsh, T.J., E.P. Myers, and A.M. Baptista, OFR 2003-1: Tsunami inundation map of the Neah Bay, Washington, area, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Washington, 1 pl.


Bernard, E.N., and G.T. Hebenstreit (2001): The 1990s: A critical decade in tsunami research and mitigation. In Tsunami Research at the End of a Critical Decade, G.T. Hebenstreit (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1–6.

Bernard, E.N. (2001): Recent developments in tsunami hazard mitigation. In Tsunami Research at the End of a Critical Decade, G.T. Hebenstreit (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 7–15.

Bernard, E.N. (2001): The U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program Summary. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-1, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 21–27.  

Bernard, E.N. (2001): Tsunami: Reduction Of Impacts through three Key Actions (TROIKA). In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), Session 1-1, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 247–262.

Bernard, E.N., F.I. González, C. Meinig, and H.B. Milburn (2001): Early detection and real-time reporting of deep-ocean tsunamis. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-6, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 97–108.

Brown, G., and S. Simmons (2001): Alaska’s 5-year tsunami activity report (1997-2001). In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-11, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 175-180.

Crawford, G.L. (2001): Tsunami inundation preparedness in coastal communities. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-18, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 213-219.

Darienzo, M. (2001): Oreonn’s 5-year tsunami activity report (1997-2001). In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-17, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 209-211.

Dengler, L.(2001): Tsunami mitigation efforts on California’s north coast. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-14, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 187-202.

Eble, M.C., S.E. Stalin, and E.F. Burger (2001): Acquisition and quality assurance of DART data. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), Session 5-9, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 625–632.

Eisner, R.K (2001): State of California 5-year review (1997-2001). In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-13, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 183-186.

Eisner, R.K., J.C. Borrero and C.E. Synolakis (2001): Inundation maps for the State of California. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CDROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-4, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001,

Frinell-Hanrahan, K. (2001): Creating a tsunami-ready community. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-10, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 173.

Fryer, G.F., K.F. Cheung, J.R. Smith, Jr., M.H. Teng and P. Watts (2001): Inundation Mapping in Hawaii. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CDROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-16, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 207.

González, F.I., V.V. Titov, H.O. Mofjeld, A.J. Venturato, and J.C. Newman (2001): The NTHMP Inundation Mapping Program. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-2, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 29–54.

Hagemeyer, R. (2001): Develop state/NOAA coordination and technical support. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-9, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 161-172. 

Hansen, R., E. Suleimani, Z. Kowalik and R. Combelick (2001): Tsunami inundation mapping for Alaska Communities. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-12, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 181.

Imamura, F., S. Koshimura, H. Iwasa, S. Imoto, K. Sato, and N. Shuto (2001): TIMING: Sanriku network for the exchange of tsunami information. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), 5-3, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 589–593.

Jonientz-Trisler, C. (2001): The Mitigation Strategic Implementation Plan: Toward tsunami-resistant communities. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-8, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 119-159.

Jonientz-Trisler, C. (2001): The Mitigation Strategic Implementation Plan: Toward tsunami-resistant communities. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-21, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 225. 

Koshimura, S., and H.O. Mofjeld (2001): Inundation modeling of local tsunamis in Puget Sound, Washington, due to potential earthquakes. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), Session 7-18, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 861–873.  

Koshimura, S., and H.O. Mofjeld, F. I. González, and V.V. Titov (2001): Tsunamis in the Puget Sound region—New program [abstract]. In Washington State Puget Sound Water Quality Action Team, Puget Sound research 2001; The Puget Sound/Georgia Basis ecosystem—Status, stressors and the road to recovery: Washington State Puget Sound Water Quality Action Team [Abstracts of Oral Presentations], p. 19.

Koshimura, S., A.L. Moore, and H.O. Mofjeld (2001): Simulation of paleotsunamis in Puget Sound, Washington. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), Session 7-7, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 761–773.  

S. Koshimura and H. O. Mofjeld: Puget Sound Tsunami Inundation Modeling Preliminary Report: Phase 2 ( April, 2001)

S. Koshimura and H. O. Mofjeld: Puget Sound Tsunamis - A New Partnership to Model and Map the Hazard, USGS/Project Impact Meeting, November 29, 2000

Manson, C.J. and L. Walkling. (2001): TsuInfo, a tsunami information component of the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-20, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 223.

McCreery, C. S. (2001): Impact of the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program on operations of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-7, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 109-117.

Meinig, C., M.C. Eble, and S.E. Stalin (2001): System development and performance of the Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART) system from 1997–2001. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-24, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 235–242.  

Mofjeld, H.O., V.V. Titov, F.I. González, and J.C. Newman (2001): Tsunami scattering provinces in the Pacific Ocean. Geophys. Res. Lett., 28(2), 335–337.

Mofjeld, H.O., P.M. Whitmore, M.C. Eble, F.I. González, and J.C. Newman (2001): Seismic-wave contributions to bottom pressure fluctuations in the North Pacific—Implications for the DART Tsunami Array. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), Session 5-10, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 633–641.

National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) (2001): Designing for Tsunamis— Seven Principles for Planning and Designing for Tsunami Hazards. NTHMP, 60 pp. 

Oppenheimer, D., A. Bittenbinder, B. Bogaert, R. Buland, L. Dietz, R. Hansen, S. Malone, C.S. McCreery, T. J. Sokolowski, and C. Weaver. (2001): Consolidated reporting of earthquakes and tsunamis. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CDROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-5, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 83-95.

Oppenheimer, D., A. Bittenbinder, B. Bogaert, R. Buland, L. Dietz, R. Hansen, S. Malone, C.S. McCreery, T. J. Sokolowski, and C. Weaver. (2001): Consolidated reporting of earthquakes and tsunamis. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CDROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-22, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 227.

Priest, G.R., 2001, Priority directions for research on tsunami hazard estimation: Cascadia subbduction zone, Pacific Northwest coast of North America: In, Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM) Session 1-3, Seattle, WA, 7– 10 August 2001, 273-278.

Priest, G.R., Baptista, A.M., Myers, E.P., III, and Kamphaus, R.A., (2001), Tsunami hazard assessment in Oregon: In, Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session R-3, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 55-65.

Sokolowski, T.J. (2001): The U.S. West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-23, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 229-234.

Titov, V.V., and F.I. González (2001): Numerical study of the source of the July 17, 1998 PNG tsunami. In Tsunami Research at the End of a Critical Decade, G.T. Hebenstreit (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 197–207.

Titov, V.V., F.I. González, H.O. Mofjeld, and J.C. Newman (2001): Project SIFT (Short-term Inundation Forecasting for Tsunamis). In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), Session 7-2, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 715–721.

Titov, V.V., B. Jaffe, F.I. González, and G. Gelfenbaum (2001): Re-evaluating source mechanisms for the 1998 Papua New Guinea tsunami using revised slump estimates and sedimentation modeling. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), Session 2-4, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 389–395.

Titov, V.V., H.O. Mofjeld, F.I. González, and J.C. Newman (2001): Offshore forecasting of Alaska tsunamis in Hawaii. In Tsunami Research at the End of a Critical Decade, G.T. Hebenstreit (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 75–90.  

Tsunami evacuation brochures for the Oregon coast.

Walsh, T.J., C. G. Caruthers, A.C. Heinitz, E.P. Myers III, A.M. Baptista, G. B. Erdakos, and R.A. Kamphaus (2001): Tsunami hazard map of the southern Washington coast: Modeled and infrared tsunami inundation from a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake. In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), NTHMP Review Session, R-19, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 221.

Yanagi, B.S. (2001): State of Hawaii tsunami 5-year review (1997-2001). In Proceedings of the International Tsunami Symposium 2001 (ITS 2001) (on CD-ROM), Review Session R-15, Seattle, WA, 7–10 August 2001, 203-205.


Mofjeld, H.O., F.I. González, E.N. Bernard, and J.C. Newman (2000): Forecasting the heights of later waves in Pacific-wide tsunamis. Nat. Hazards, 22, 71–89.  

Mofjeld, H.O., V.V. Titov, F.I. Gonzalez, and J.C. Newman (2000): Analytic theory of tsunami wave scattering in the open ocean with application to the North Pacific Ocean NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL PMEL-116 38 pp [PDF Version] 

Priest, G.R., and Baptista, A.M., 2000, Digital reissue of tsunami hazard maps of coastal quadrangles originally mandated by Senate Bill 379 (1995): Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Open-File Report O-00-05, maps in .pdf and GIS formats and text files for Open File Reports O-95-38 and O-95-43 to O-95-67.

Priest, G.R., Myers, E., Baptista, A., Fleuck, P., Wang, K., and Peterson, C.D., 2000, Source simulation for tsunamis: lessons learned from fault rupture modeling of the Cascadia subduction zone, North America. Science of Tsunami Hazards, v. 18, p. 77-106.

Priest, G.R., Myers, E., Baptista, A.M., and Kamphaus, R., 2000, Tsunami hazard map of the Gold Beach area, Curry County, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Interpretive Map Series map IMS-13, scale 1:12,000.

Walsh, T.J., C.G. Caruthers, A.C. Heinitz, E.P. Myers, A.M. Baptista, G.B. Erdakos, and R.A. Kamphaus, (2000): Tsunami hazard map of the southern Washington coast – Modeled tsunami inundation from a Cascadia subduction zone earthquake, Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Geologic Map GM-49, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,100,000, with 12 pp. text.


Atwater, B.F., M.V. Cisternas, J. Bourgeois, W. C. Dudley, J.W. Hendley, II, and P. H. Stauffer, compilers (1999): Surviving a Tsunami–Lessons from Chile, Hawaii, and Japan. USGS Circular 1187, 18 pp.

Bernard, E.N. (1999): Tsunami. Natural Disaster Management, Tudor Rose, Leicester, England, 58–60.

Bourgeois, J., C. Petroff, H. Yeh, V. Titov, C.E. Synolakis, B. Benson, J. Kuroiwa, J. Lander, and E. Norabuena (1999): Geologic setting, field survey and modeling of the Chimbote, Northern Peru, tsunami of 21 February 1996. Pure Appl. Geophys., 154, 513–540.

González, F.I. (1999): Tsunami! Sci. Am., 280(5), 56–65.

Jonientz-Trisler, C., and J. Mullin (1999): 1997-1999 Activities of the Tsunami Mitigation Subcommittee: A Report to the Steering Committee of the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program. FEMA Region 10 publication, 45 pp.

Mofjeld, H.O., F.I. González, and J.C. Newman (1999): Tsunami prediction in U.S. coastal regions. In Coastal Ocean Prediction, Coastal and Estuarine Studies 56, C. Mooers (ed.), chapter 14, American Geophysical Union, 353–375.  

Mofjeld, H.O., V.V. Titov, F.I. Gonzalez and J.C. Newman (1999): Tsunami Wave Scattering in the North Pacific
IUGG 99 Abstracts (B), 132-133. Includes simulations of three Pacific Ocean tsunamis.

Myers, E., Baptista, A.M., and Priest, G.R., 1999, Finite element modeling of potential Cascadia subduction zone tsunamis: Science of Tsunami Hazards, 17, 3-18 .

Priest, G.R., Myers, E., Baptista, A.M., Erdakos, G., and ., Kamphaus, R., 1999, Tsunami hazard map of the Astoria area, Clatsop County, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Interpretive Map Series map IMS-11, scale 1:24,000.

Priest, G.R., Myers, E, Baptista, A.M., Fleuck, P., Wang, K., and Peterson, C.D., 1999, Limitations of fault dislocation models for tsunami simulations of the Cascadia Subduction zone, northwest coast, North America: International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, XXII General Assembly, 1999, Birmingham, U.K.

Priest, G.R., Myers, E., Baptista, A.M., and ., Kamphaus, R., 1999, Tsunami hazard map of the Warrenton area, Clatsop County, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Interpretive Map Series map IMS-12, scale 1:24,000.

Titov, V.V., H.O. Mofjeld, F.I. González, and J.C. Newman (1999): Offshore forecasting of Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone tsunamis in Hawaii. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL PMEL-114, (NTIS PB2002-101567), NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, WA, 22 pp. [PDF Version] 

Washington Emergency Management Division (1999a): Surviving great waves of destruction; Tsunami curriculum Grades 7-12. Washington Military Department, 52 pp.

Washington Emergency Management Division (1999b): Tsunami curriculum Grades K-6. Washington Military Department, 68 p


Bernard, E.N. (1998): Program aims to reduce impact of tsunamis on Pacific states. Eos Trans. AGU, 79(22), 258, 262–263.

Bernard, E.N. (1998): Program aims to reduce impact of tsunamis on Pacific states. Earth in Space, 11(2), 6–10, 14.  

Dengler, L. (1998): Strategic Implementation Plan for Tsunami Mitigation Projects, approved by the Mitigation Subcommittee of the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, April 14, 1998. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL PMEL-113 (PB99-115552), NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, WA, 133 pp. [PDF Version] 

González, F.I., H.M. Milburn, E.N. Bernard, and J. Newman (1998): Deep-ocean assessment and reporting of tsunamis (DART): Brief overview and status report. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Tsunami Disaster Mitigation, Tokyo, Japan, 19–22 January 1998, 118–129.  

Priest, G.R., Myers, E., Baptista, A.M., Kamphaus, R., Peterson, C.D., and Darienzo, M.E., 1998, Tsunami hazard map of the Seaside-Gearhart area, Clatsop County, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Interpretive Map Series map IMS-3, scale 1:12,000.

Titov, V.V., and C.E. Synolakis (1998): Numerical modeling of tidal wave runup. J. Waterw. Port Coastal Ocean Eng., 124(4), 157–171.


Bernard, E.N. (1997): Reducing tsunami hazards along U.S. coastlines. In Perspectives on Tsunami Hazards Reduction, G. Hebenstreit, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 189–203.

Mofjeld, H.O., M.G.G. Foreman, and A. Ruffman (1997): West coast tides during Cascadia Subduction Zone tsunamis.. Geophys. Res. Lett., 24(17), 2215–2218.

Mofjeld, H.O., F.I. González, and J.C. Newman (1997): Short-term forecasts of inundation during teletsunamis in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. In Perspectives on Tsunami Hazards Reduction, G. Hebenstreit, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 145–155.

Percival, D.B., and H.O. Mofjeld (1997): Analysis of subtidal coastal sea levels using wavelets. J. Am. Stat. Assoc., 92(439), 868–880.

Priest, G.R., E. Myers, A.M. Baptista, P. Fleuck, K. Wang, R.A. Kamphaus, and C.D. Peterson (1997): Cascadia subduction zone tsunamis: Hazard mapping at Yaquina Bay, Oregon. Open-File Report O-97-34, Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, State of Oregon, 144 pp.  

Priest, G.R., Myers, E., Baptista, A.M., Kamphaus, R., Peterson, C.D., and Darienzo, M.E., 1997, Tsunami hazard map of the Yaquina Bay area, Lincoln County, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Interpretive Map Series map IMS-2, scale 1:12,000.

Titov, V., and F.I. González (1997): Implementation and testing of the Method of Splitting Tsunami (MOST) model. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL PMEL-112 (PB98-122773), NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, WA, 11 pp. [PDF Version] 

Titov, V.V., and C.E. Synolakis (1997): Extreme inundation flows during the Hokkaido-Nansei-Oki tsunami. Geophys. Res. Lett., 24(11), 1315–1318.


Milburn, H.B., A.I. Nakamura, and F.I. González (1996): Real-time tsunami reporting from the deep ocean. Proceedings of the Oceans 96 MTS/IEEE Conference, 23–26 September 1996, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 390–394.

Mofjeld, H.O., F.I. González, and M.C. Eble (1996): Subtidal bottom pressure observed at Axial Seamount in the northeastern continental margin of the Pacific Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 101(C7), 16,381–16,390.  

Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Federal/State Working Group (1996): Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Implementation Plan —A Report to the Senate Appropriations Committee, 22 pp., Appendices.


Blackford, M., and H. Kanamori (1995): Tsunami Warning System Workshop Report (September 14–15, 1994). NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL PMEL-105 (PB95-187175), 95 pp.  

Boss, E.F., and F.I. González (1995): Corrections to bottom pressure records for dynamic temperature response. J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., 12(4), 915–922.

González, F.I., E.N. Bernard, and K. Satake (1995): The Cape Mendocino tsunami, 25 April 1992. In Tsunami: Progress in Prediction, Disaster Prevention and Warning, Y. Tsuchiya and N. Shuto (eds.), Series of Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 151–158.  

Gonzalez, F.I., K. Satake, E.F. Boss, and H.O. Mofjeld (1995): Edge wave and non-trapped modes of the 25 April 1992 Cape Mendocino tsunami. Pure and Appl. Geophys., 144(3/4), 409-426.

Good, J.W. (1995): Tsunami Education Planning Workshop, Findings and Recommendations. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL PMEL-106 (PB95-195970), 41 pp.

Priest, G. R., 1995, Explanation of mapping methods and use of the tsunami hazard maps of the Oregon coast: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Open-File Report O-95-67, 95 pp.

Priest, G.R., Baptista, A.M., Qi, M., Peterson, C.D., and Darienzo, M.E., 1995, Simplified explanation of the tsunami hazard map of the Siletz Bay area, Lincoln County, Oregon in Priest, G.R., ed., Explanation of mapping methods and use of the tsunami hazard map of the Siletz Bay area, Lincoln County, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Open-File Report O-96-5, p. 1-20.

Priest, G.R., Qi, M., Baptista, A.M., Kamphaus, R., Peterson, C.D., and Darienzo, M.E., 1995, Tsunami hazard map of the Siletz Bay area, Lincoln County, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries GMS-99, scale1:12,000.

Ritsema, J., S.N. Ward, and F.I. González (1995): Inversion of deep-ocean tsunami records for 1987-88 Gulf of Alaska earthquake parameters. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 85, 747–754.


Bernard, E.N., and F.I. González (1994): Tsunami Inundation Modeling Workshop Report (November 16–18, 1993). NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL PMEL-100 (PB94-143377), 139 pp.

Bernard, E.N., C. Mader, G. Curtis, and K. Satake (1994): Tsunami inundation model study of Eureka and Crescent City, California. NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL PMEL-103 (PB95-198388), 80 pp.

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