USAID Benin banner
50TH Anniversary banner
Parent-student associations planted the hybrid Tenera palm trees
Parent-student associations planted the hybrid Tenera palm trees
Reading sessions of the new Family Code, in several regions of Benin
Reading sessions of the new Family Code, in several regions of Benin
Ambassadors Girls' Scholarship Program (AGSP)
Ambassadors Girls' Scholarship Program (AGSP)
Peer Tutoring: Helping Girls Students in Northern Benin
Peer Tutoring: Helping Girls Students in Northern Benin
Trophy awarded to Vital Finance by USAID
Trophy awarded to Vital Finance by USAID
Motorcycle taxi drivers hit the streets of Cotonou with AIDS prevention messages
Motorcycle taxi drivers hit the streets of Cotonou with AIDS prevention messages
Benin USAID Activity Map

Activity Map of Benin

In the News
Mrs Annie Coons, Senator Christopher Coons (D-DE) and Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA)(left) converse with Professor Gazard, Minister of Health (2nd from right first row) and Dr. Alao at HOMEL pediatrics hospital, Cotonou. Back to camera is Dr. Milton Amayun, USAID/Benin. From Sen. Isakson: “We are happy to see what the USG through USAID and the President’s Malaria Initiative is doing in Benin....” more
A former fistula patient from Zou department, and her husband benefited from a successful surgical repair paid for through USAID. Photo URC/PISAF. In Benin, obstetric fistulas caused by difficult childbirth afflict three out of 1000 mothers, according to the epidemiological study ... more
Sister Marie Regina Tossou Climbing out of the canoe onto the wooden porch, Sister Marie Regina Tossou welcomes us with her warm smile, more
Indoor Residual Spraying technician in protective gear ready to spray insecticide inside of houses All systems are ready to move the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI)/Benin’s indoor residual spraying (IRS) to the country’s North. more
Newly elected members of Benin’s Central Medical Stores Management Committee posing with facilitator of capacity building workshop on governance and transparency. With support from USAID, Centre Afrika Obota will deploy 300 observers during the Benin presidential and legislative elections more
Peer educator: Cotonou sex workers listen to a peer educator talk about protecting their health from HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. I have been a sex worker for 10 years. But three years ago, I became a peer educator to my sisters here in Jonquet more
Students of Gasa University, Cotonou, act a play that exhorts fellow students to practice ABC and get tested for HIV and other STDs. Photo USAID World AIDS Day: USAID/Benin Supports Youth Access to HIV Information, Counseling, and Testing. more
Stephan McLetchie, addressing primary school principals at the launch of the Merit Award Program on November 23, 2010 (Photo USAID). USAID Promotes Excellence in Teachers and Schools. more
Newly elected members of Benin’s Central Medical Stores Management Committee posing with facilitator of capacity building workshop on governance and transparency. USAID Promotes Transparency in the Governance of Benin’s Central Medical Stores. more
Benin women mobilize in Cotonou to demand their legal rights and severe punishment of those who commit violence against them.  USAID Support to Fight Violence against Women Makes Strides in Benin. more
Pandemic Disaster Preparedness Exercise participant receives his certificate in the presence of General Mathieu Boni, Benin’s Chief of Defense, left, James Knight, U.S. Ambassador to Benin, second from left, and Kevin Armstrong, USAID Mission Director, far right. ( From US AFRICOM ) USAID Funds Help 15 African Countries Prepare Against Pandemic Disaster.more
S.E. James Knight, U.S. Ambassador to Benin, and M. Félicien Zacharie, Benin Minister of Preschool and Primary Education, center front, with trainers of USAID’s Teacher Motivation and Training project USAID Supports Training Of Teacher Trainers.more
Success Stories
A Red Cross volunteer helps a beneficiary use his coupons to buy manioc at the humanitarian market. Photo by Sarah Binder for CRS Coupons Get Relief to Disaster Victims Fast.more
Community teachers in training at Sikè training center in Cotonou, Benin. Photo by Pierre Achadé/USAID Meeting the Challenge of Training 9,800 Community Teachers.more
Members of the School Mothers Association of Djibio, southern Benin, have created and manage this daycare structure. Photo by World Education School Mothers’ Associations: Another Step Toward Improved Access to Quality Education in Benin.more
A multi-grade classroom in Benin. Sitting in opposite directions, pupils of each grade face a different blackboard. Multi-grade Teaching: One Step Toward Improved Access to Quality Education in Benin.more
pictures of 20 years  
Press Releases
  • Sept. 20, 2010
    USAID supports training of teacher trainers(Word, 32kb) more
  • July 19, 2010
    Official handover of drugs and equipment to fight Malaria (Word, 16kb) more

United States Agency for International Development
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Last Updated on: November 28, 2011