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  • Interview with Minister Marie-Elise GBEDO on "Women in Public Service"

    Marie-Elise GBEDO, Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Legislation and Human Rights of the Government of the Republic of Benin has recently participated as a guest of the Secretary Clinton to the forum on "Women in Public Service". Here is her interview on the women's history month (March 8, 2012).

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  • Interview with Benjamin Nahum, Director of Programs at Golfe Television in Benin

    In 2011, the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) initiated the Edward R. Murrow program for young African French-speaking journalists. Benjamin Nahum, the Director of Programs at Golfe Television, participated in this program and was able to examine the realities of press freedom in the United States of America.

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  • Interview with John W. Franklin, Director of Partnerships and International Programs for the Smithsonian’s 19th Museum, the National Museum of African American History and Culture

    Every February, Americans observe National African American History Month with programs, ceremonies, and activities that honor the rich legacy and remarkable contributions made by African Americans throughout history. John W. Franklin, director of partnerships and international programs at the newest Smithsonian museum, the National Museum of African American History and Culture, discusses Africa’s and America’s complex history, the state of racism following the election of President Obama, and the impact the new museum will have when it comes to addressing these issues and more.

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  • Podcast on Female Genital Mutilation with Waris Dirie

    Born into a Somali nomad family, Waris Dirie was forced to undergo female genital mutilation at the young age of five. At 13, she fled Somalia and an arranged marriage eventually becoming a world renowned super model and top crusader against FGM. Listen to her story and how she still struggles today with members of her family to convince them to give up this appalling practice.

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  • Education Advising

    Study in the U.S? It’s possible. You just need to plan ahead. click here to learn more

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  • Discussion with the Grammy Award-winner and AfrofunknSoul singer Angelique Kidjo

    The Grammy Award-winner and AfrofunknSoul singer Angelique Kidjo is the Founder of Batonga Project for girls education in Africa. During a visit back home in Benin, she visited the American Cultural Center. She spoke about her passion for girls, her social engagement and how she created Batonga Foundation. Click here to listen.

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  • Concours de Discours "Rêve ou Prophetie"

    La deuxième édition du concours de discours "Martin Luther King : Rêve ou Prophétie" vient d'être lancée. Vous êtes peut être le lauréat ou la lauréate de cette 2ème édition. Date limite de soumission 09 Janvier 20121. Cliquez ici.

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  • Humprey Scholarship Program Master 2

    Si vous etes un professionnel en quete d’excellence dans votre domaine d’activité, une experience americaine pourrait etre la clé. Vous n’avez peut pas idée des possibilities et des opportunités que vous offrent la bourse Humphrey du Gouvernement Américain. Cliquez ici.

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  • International Education Week - Benin

    La troisième semaine du mois de novembre est célèbre par les Etats Unis comme la semaine de l’Education Internationale. A cet effet, Le Conseiller académique du CC parcourt 2 villes de l’intérieur, Parakou et Dassa, et bien sûr Cotonou pour expliquer aux jeunes élèves et étudiants béninois comment se preparer pour étudier aux Etats Unis. Cliquez ici.

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  • MCC’s Compact success story : DETAREN SARL: A demand-driven approach (French)

    Listen to the vibrant testimony of entrepreneur Nicolas Ahouandjinou, whose strong belief in hard work and the power of positive thinking led his business to receive funding from Millennium Challenge Account and a visit from the CEO of Millennium Challenge Corporation. Click here to listen to his story.

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  • Press Briefing on the 2013 Diversity Visa Program - Oct 25, 2011 Q&A (FRENCH)

    Press Briefing on the 2013 Diversity Visa Program - Oct 25, 2011 - Questions and Answers session

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  • Press Briefing on the 2013 Diversity Visa Program - Oct 25, 2011 Intro (FRENCH)

    Press Briefing on the 2013 Diversity Visa Program - Oct 25, 2011 - Introduction

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  • 20th Anniversary of USAID in Benin - PART 1 (French)

    The year 2011 marks the 20th anniversary of USAID in Benin. Kevin Armstrong, Director of USAID in Benin, speaks in this podcast about 20 years of contribution to the development of the American people in Benin and managed by the U.S. Agency for International Development, USAID. Click here to listen to part 1.

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  • 20th Anniversary of USAID in Benin - PART 2 (French)

    The year 2011 marks the 20th anniversary of USAID in Benin. Kevin Armstrong, Director of USAID in Benin, speaks in this podcast about 20 years of contribution to the development of the American people in Benin and managed by the U.S. Agency for International Development, USAID. Click here to listen to part 2.

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  • Discussion autour d'un livre "Les pays pauvres sont-ils condamnes à le rester?" 19 oct 2011

    Les pays pauvres sont-ils condamnes à le rester? Discussion autour du livre de William Easterly présenté par Latifou Soumanou à la bibliothèque Kennedy-King du CCA. Mercredi 19 octobre 2011. Cliquez ici pour en savoir d’avantage.

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  • Obama in Cairo - Education and development (ENGLISH)

    Education is one the most important parts of the Obama administration's policy agenda. The president himself expressed the challenges that face citizens around the world and in America in his speech in Cairo.

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  • AGOA and the MCC: America's Development Partners for Africa (ENGLISH)

    In recent years, the African Growth and Opportunity Act has played an important role in expanding the trade and commercial ties between the U.S. and Africa.

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  • Policymaking in America (ENGLISH)

    In Washington, people hear a lot about policy. What exactly is policy? And how is it made? Policy can be described as a plan or strategy that identifies goals and the possible courses of action along with management and administrative tools that the government can use to accomplish those goals. The impact of the U.S. federal government's policies on the functioning of America even at the most local level can be significant.

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  • Women of Courage - Chouchou Namegabe of Congo (ENGLISH)

    Namegabe has worked as a radio journalist in the DRC since she was 17. When the eastern Congo was first overcome by hostilities and civil war in the late 1990s, she broke cultural taboos for women, faced down prejudice and threats of violence and used her microphone to denounce the grave violations of women's human rights that were occurring.

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  • Understanding Gender-Based Violence with Author Souzan Kreston

    Ms. Souzan Kristen is a consultant to the U.S. southern Africa, and Thai governments as well as NGOs about child abuse, exploitation issues, and as violence against women. She has written extensively about children's right, criminal law, Internet law, and human rights, with a focus on investigation and prosecution of crimes against women and children.

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