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Customer Support Rulings

  August 2012

We created Customer Support Rulings (CSRs) to help Postal Service employees and customers use the information in Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM). The CSRs provide examples of specific mailpieces and an analysis of how our mailing standards are applied.

We publish CSRs when needed; new CSRs are announced in DMM Advisory. We delete or consolidate CSRs as mailing standards change. Below is the complete list of active CSRs.

If you have any questions, please contact your local manager of business mail entry.

 August 2012 Media Mail Manuals - Media Mail
This CSR discusses the eligibility of manuals at the Media Mail rates of postage.
 PS-045 173.4
 August 2012 Periodicals Requester Records - Periodicals
This CSR discusses valid requests and the types of records publishers should maintain to support compliance with circulation standards for requester publications.
 PS-054 707.6.4
 August 2012 Other Company Permit Imprint
This Customer Support Ruling discusses the use of company permit imprint.
 PS-342 604.5.3
 July 2012 Priority Mail Measuring Priority Mail Dimensions to Determine Dimensional Weight
This Customer Support Ruling describes the procedure to determine whether a parcel containing selvage is subject to dimensional weight or machinable parcel pricing, eligible for certain preparation options, or is subject to balloon or oversized pricing.
 PS-340 123.1.4
 June 2012 Standard Mail Optional Pallet Preparation and Labeling for Mailings of Nonmachinable, Nonbarcoded Carrier Route Letters or Flats with In-Home Delivery
This CSR describes optional pallet preparation and labeling requirements that may be used with nonmachinable, nonbarcoded mailings of Standard Mail or Periodicals carrier route letters or flats (saturation, high density or carrier route prices) for which a specific in-home delivery date is requested.
 PS-341 705.8
 May 2012 Periodicals Envelopes in Periodicals Publications
This CSR discusses envelopes included in copies of a Periodicals publication.
 PS-078 707.3.3
 February 2012 Other Unopened Parcels
This Customer Support Ruling discusses the procedures when refusing a piece of mail, endorsed 'Return Service Requested' or when any unendorsed piece of mail is opened and the addressee wishes to return the item to the sender without affixing new postage.
 PS-177 508.1.1.3
 February 2012 Other Embossed Permit Imprints
This CSR discusses the use of embossing techniques on permit imprints.
 PS-280 604.5.3
 February 2012 Periodicals Mobile Barcodes (QR Codes) Printed in Periodicals Publications
This CSR discussses the use of Mobile Barcodes in a Periodicals publication to determine whether it would be considered advertising or nonadvertising content.
 PS-338 707.3.6
 February 2012 Periodicals Sealed See-through Pouches in Periodicals Publications
This CSR discusses perishable matter that may be inserted in copies of a Periodicals publication as unsolicited promotional product samples prepared in completely sealed, sift-proof see-through pouches.
 PS-339 707.3.3
 September 2011 Standard Mail Pallets Containing Simplified Addressed Mailpieces
This Customer Support Ruling discusses the preparation and labeling of pallets of simplified addressed mailpieces, commonly referred to as Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM).
 PS-337 705.8
 April 2011 Standard Mail Identification of Nonprofit Standard Mail Matter
This Customer Support Ruling discusses the identification of a nonprofit organization on matter mailed at the Nonprofit Standard Mail (nonprofit) prices.
 PS-336 703.1.5
 August 2010 Mixed Classes Repositionable Notes – Application for Destination Delivery Unit Carrier-route Newspapers and Flats
This CSR discusses attaching repositionable notes (RPNs) to newspapers and other flats prepared as Carrier-Route, destination delivery unit entry only mail.
 PS-335 705.21
 September 2009 Media Mail Computer Readable-Media Eligibility for Media Mail Prices
This CSR discusses the eligibility of computer-readable media at the Media Mail prices.
 PS-334 243.2.2
 June 2009 Standard Mail Cooperative Mail Fundraising Exception
This CSR is a case study in the use of Nonprofit Standard Mail prices when mailing under the 'fundraising exception' to the cooperative mail rule.
 PS-333 703.1.6
 September 2008 Other Small Flat Odd-Shaped Items in Envelopes at Automation Letter Prices
This CSR describes the preparation of letter-size automation compatible envelopes that contain coins, tokens, or similar small flat odd-shaped items. This ruling does not pertain to items thicker than a U.S. nickel.
 PS-328 201.3.10
 September 2008 Standard Mail Personal Information
In this CSR, a case study of a financial institution's mailing clarifies what is considered 'personal information' when determining what may be mailed as Standard Mail and what is required to be mailed as First-Class Mail.
 PS-332 243.2.2
 June 2008 Hazardous Materials Mailing Flammable and Combustible Liquids That Do Not Sustain Combustion
This CSR describes the conditions under which certain flammable and combustible liquids that do not sustain combustion are mailable.
 PS-331 601.10
 April 2008 Hazardous Materials Mailing Compact Fluorescent Lamps
This CSR describes the conditions under which Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL), also known as compact fluorescent light bulbs or compact fluorescent tubes, are mailable.
 PS-330 601.10
 March 2010 Other Packaging Books, Bound Printed Matter, and Similar Printed Matter
This CSR clarifies that packaging standards apply to all mailpieces that contain books, Bound Printed Matter (BPM), heavy journals or magazines, and similar items.
 PS-329 601.3
 March 2010 Other Preparing and Labeling Low Volume Pallets
This CSR discusses the preparation and labeling of low volume pallets under limited circumstances.
 PS-327 705.8.5.3
 March 2010 Periodicals Production of Printed Sheets - Periodicals
This CSR discusses permissible methods of producing printed sheets for Periodicals publications.
 PS-070 707.4.5
 June 2006 Periodicals Publications of Institutions and Societies with General Advertising - Periodicals
This Customer Support Ruling discusses the adoption of a resolution to substantiate paid circulation consisting of membership subscriptions for certain publications of institutions and societies that may be authorized to carry general advertising-i.e., advertising that includes other than publisher's advertising only.
 PS-071 707.6.2
 June 2006 Periodicals Alternative Methods of Substantiating Payments for Subscriptions - Periodicals
This CSR discusses alternative methods used to substantiate the payment for subscriptions by membership organizations.
 PS-085 707.6.1.2
 June 2006 Periodicals Postage for Periodicals Paid at Other Than Periodicals Rates - Periodicals
This CSR discusses circumstances when rates other than Periodicals postage rates apply for mailing copies of a Periodicals publication.
 PS-186 707
 June 2006 Periodicals Privileges of Pending Periodicals Publications
This CSR discusses the privileges a publication pending Periodicals authorization is eligible to receive. It also discusses combined mailings of pending and authorized Periodicals publications
 PS-211 707.5
 May 2006 Periodicals Nominal Rate Subscriptions - Periodicals
This CSR discusses nominal rate subscriptions for publications in the general publications category.
 PS-132 707.6
 May 2006 Periodicals Circulation Standards for General Publications - Periodicals
This CSR discusses the circulation standards that apply to newspapers and other periodical publications authorized Periodicals mailing privileges under the general publications category.
 PS-228 707.6.1.2
 May 2006 Periodicals Multilayer Pages in Periodicals Publications - Periodicals
This Customer Support Ruling provides examples of permissible multilayer pages in copies of Periodicals publications.
 PS-234 707.3.3.1
 May 2006 Periodicals Titles on Editions of Periodicals Publications
This CSR discusses how a Periodicals publication's title may appear when the publication is prepared in multiple editions.
 PS-286 707.4.12.1
 May 2006 Periodicals Attachments to the Covers of Unbound Periodicals Attachments
This CSR clarifies what material that may be attached to the cover of an unbound Periodicals publication without enclosing the publication in a mailing wrapper.
 PS-311 707.3.3.8
 May 2006 Periodicals Revenue Deficiencies on Inserts to Periodicals Publications
This CSR discusses the assessment of postage charges for ineligible enclosures in Periodicals publications when the material is detected after acceptance.
 PS-313 707.3.4.2
 May 2006 Periodicals Cobundling Multiple Periodicals Publications
This CSR explains when mailers may cobundle Periodicals flats over 20 ounces with automated flat sorting machine (AFSM) 100 compatible flats.
 PS-325 705.11
 May 2006 Periodicals Attachments to Bound Periodicals Publications - Periodicals
This CSR concerns material that may be attached to the cover of a bound Periodicals publication without enclosing the publication in a mailing wrapper.
 PS-326 707.3.3.8
 January 2006 Standard Mail State Committee of a Political Party - Nonprofit Standard Mail
This CSR discusses the eligibility of a state committee of a political party to mail at the Nonprofit Standard Mail (nonprofit) rates of postage.
 PS-055 703.1.6
 January 2006 Standard Mail Materials Furnished to an Authorized Nonprofit Organization Mailable at the Nonprofit Standard Mail Rates
This CSR discusses materials that were provided to an authorized organization by an outside party or entity that are mailable by the authorized nonprofit organization at the Nonprofit Standard Mail (nonprofit) rates.
 PS-120 703.1.6
 January 2006 Standard Mail Identification of Nonprofit Standard Mail Matter (a.k.a. and d.b.a.)
This CSR discusses the identification of a nonprofit organization on matter mailed at the Nonprofit Standard Mail (nonprofit) rates of postage.
 PS-124 703.1.5
 January 2006 Standard Mail Political Action Committee - Nonprofit Standard Mail
This CSR discusses the eligibility of a so-called 'political action committee' of an authorized nonprofit organization to mail at the Nonprofit Standard Mail (nonprofit) rates of postage.
 PS-128 703.1.3
 January 2006 Standard Mail 'Celebrity' Names on Nonprofit Standard Mail
This CSR discusses eligibility of materials to be mailed at the Nonprofit Standard Mail (nonprofit) rates when the name of a celebrity, politician, or other 'endorser' is shown on the envelope or printed materials being mailed.
 PS-140 703.1.5
 January 2006 Standard Mail Cooperative Mailings
This CSR discusses cooperative mailings and lists factors to consider in the determination of an eligible or ineligible cooperative mailing.
 PS-209 703.1.6
 January 2006 Standard Mail Special-Event Fundraising Mailings - Nonprofit Standard Mail
This CSR discusses the eligibility of special-event fundraising mailings sent at the Nonprofit Standard Mail (nonprofit) rates that show the names or logos of sponsoring organizations.
 PS-233 703.1.6.3
 January 2006 Standard Mail Charge Card Advertisements - Nonprofit Standard Mail
This CSR discusses the eligibility of a charge card advertisement in copies of a circular mailed to members of an organization at the Nonprofit Standard Mail (nonprofit) rates of postage.
 PS-257 703.1.6
 January 2006 Standard Mail Charitable Gift Annuities - Nonprofit Standard Mail
This CSR discusses the eligibility of charitable gift annuities (CGA) advertisements in mailings at the Nonprofit Standard Mail (nonprofit) rates of postage.
 PS-294 703.1.6
 January 2006 Standard Mail Travel Arrangements - Nonprofit Standard Mail
This CSR discusses the eligibility of a travel arrangement advertisement in a mailing at the Nonprofit Standard Mail rates of postage.
 PS-298 703.1.6.4
 January 2006 Standard Mail Membership Benefits - Nonprofit Standard Mail (Permissible References)
This CSR discusses the eligibility of membership benefits in a mailing at the Nonprofit Standard Mail (nonprofit) rates of postage.
 PS-299 703.1.6.7
 January 2006 Standard Mail Membership Benefits - Labor Unions and Similar Organizations (Permissible References)
This CSR discusses the eligibility of membership benefits for labor unions and similar organizations in a mailing at the Nonprofit Standard Mail (nonprofit) rates of postage.
 PS-304 703.1.6.7
 January 2006 Standard Mail Travel Arrangements - Recreational or Religious Event
This CSR discusses the eligibility of a travel arrangement advertisement for a recreational or religious event in a mailing at the Nonprofit Standard Mail (nonprofit) rates of postage.
 PS-305 703.1.6.4
 January 2006 Standard Mail Materials Mailed by Voting Registration Officials - Nonprofit Standard Mail
This CSR discusses the acceptance of materials mailed by voting registration officials at Nonprofit Standard Mail (nonprofit) rates.
 PS-310 703.1.3.3
 January 2006 Standard Mail Authorization to Mail at Nonprofit Rates for Affiliated (Umbrella) Organizations
This CSR discusses the eligibility of an organization authorized to mail at the Nonprofit Standard Mail rates to enter mail on behalf of an integral department of the organization at those rates.
 PS-314 703.1.6
 September 2005 Periodicals Fragrance and Cosmetic Advertisements in Periodicals Publications
This CSR discusses the proper preparation of fragrance and cosmetic advertisements designed to be included in copies of bound publications mailed at the Periodicals rates.
 PS-273 601.11.15
 September 2005 Other Split Bundles of Flat-Size and Irregular Parcel Mailpieces
This CSR discusses balancing (or leveling) of bundles for those limited situations in which the pieces that would ordinarily constitute the 'last bundle' for a presort destination are less than the minimum amount required for the destination.
 PS-308 705.8.9.4
 June 2005 Standard Mail Donation Solicitation
This CSR will discuss whether 'personal information' present in the mailpiece of an organization authorized to mail at the Nonprofit Standard Mail rates causes the piece to be ineligible for Standard Mail rates.
 PS-262 243.2.2
 June 2005 Standard Mail Points Programs
In this CSR, a case study clarifies whether certain 'personal information' present in the mailpiece of a 'points program' mailing is part of an 'explicit' advertisement where all of the personal information is 'directly related' to the advertisement and the 'exclusive' purpose for including the personal information is in support of the advertisement.
 PS-275 243.2.2
 June 2005 Standard Mail Advertising for Services
In this CSR a determination will be made as to whether certain 'personal' information present in the mailpiece is part of an 'explicit' advertisement where all of the personal information is 'directly related' to the advertisement and the 'exclusive' purpose for including the personal information is in support of the advertisement.
 PS-318 343.2.2
 June 2005 First-Class Mail Annual Mailings by Credit Card Issuers Organizing All Account Transactions
In this CSR, a case study clarifies whether certain 'personal information' present in the mailpiece of a credit card issuer's mailing is part of an 'explicit' advertisement where all of the personal information is 'directly related' to the advertisement and the 'exclusive' purpose for including the personal information is to support the advertisement.
 PS-321 233.2.3
 June 2005 First-Class Mail Donation Solicitation/Previous Donation Receipt
This CSR discusses whether 'personal information' in the mailpiece of an organization authorized to mail at the Nonprofit Standard Mail rates causes the piece to be ineligible for Standard Mail rates.
 PS-322 233.2
 May 2005 Standard Mail Computer-Prepared Mailpieces Entered by Authorized Nonprofit Mailers
This CSR discusses whether 'personal information' present in the mailpiece of an organization authorized to mail at Nonprofit Standard Mail rates causes the piece to be ineligible for Standard Mail rates.
 PS-323 243.2.2
 May 2005 Standard Mail Personal Information in 'Advocacy' Mailings Entered at Standard Mail Rates
This CSR discusses whether 'personal information' in an 'advocacy' mailpiece causes the piece to be ineligible for entry as Standard Mail.
 PS-324 243.2.2
 March 2005 Standard Mail Written Additions
This CSR discusses whether a mailpiece that bears a handwritten addition may be mailed as Standard Mail, rather than at First-Class Mail or Express Mail rates.
 PS-006 243.2.6
 February 2005 First-Class Mail Old Letters
This CSR discusses whether the age of documents affects their status as handwritten or typewritten matter that is mailable only at First-Class Mail or Express Mail rates.
 PS-091 133.3.4
 February 2005 Standard Mail ACME Trading Company Catalog - 'Keycode' and 'Customer Number'
This CSR discusses whether certain information inserted into a mailpiece by computer constitutes 'personal information' within the meaning of postal standards governing what may be mailed as Standard Mail and what must be mailed as First-Class Mail.
 PS-159 343.2.2
 January 2005 Standard Mail Pay to Bearer Checks
In this CSR a determination will be made as to whether a 'check' is 'personal' information and mailable only at First-Class Mail or Express Mail rates.
 PS-026 243.2
 January 2005 First-Class Mail Checks
In this CSR a determination will be made as to whether a 'check' is considered 'personal information' and mailable only at First-Class Mail or Express Mail rates.
 PS-319 233.2.3
 January 2005 Standard Mail Hybrid Coupon/Checks
In this CSR, a determination will be made as to whether a 'check,' while present in a mailpiece, is 'personal' information mailable only as First-Class Mail or at Express Mail rates.
 PS-320 243.2
 December 2004 Standard Mail Renewal Notices
In this CSR, a determination will be made as to whether a mailpiece containing 'personal' information is eligible as Standard Mail.
 PS-238 243.2.2
 December 2004 Standard Mail Customer Markings
In this CSR, a question is raised as to whether certain information is considered 'personal' information for the purpose of classifying mail.
 PS-317 243.2
 February 2004 Periodicals Agents for Foreign Periodicals Publications
This CSR discusses the 'agents' who perform services on behalf of foreign publishers seeking Periodicals privileges for the purpose of mailing copies of foreign publications.
 PS-316 707.6.5
 January 2004 First-Class Mail Sealing of Double Post Cards
This CSR discusses the standards for sealing a double postcard at the card rate.
 PS-315 201.1.2
 May 2003 Addressing Occupant Addresses
This CSR discusses the use of addressee designators on mailpieces using the occupant address or simplified address format.
 PS-048 602.3
 March 2003 Mixed Classes Periodicals Publications with Printed Standard Mail Enclosures
This CSR discusses the standard for enclosing printed Standard Mail enclosures in a Periodicals publication.
 PS-306 703.9.3
 March 2010 Standard Mail Standard Parcels
This CSR determines when mailers may enter Standard Mail (STD) parcels at Destination Delivery Units (DDUs) and claim the 3/5 Presorted rate and the Destination Bulk Mail Center (DBMC) discount.
 PS-312 440
 March 2002 Standard Mail Lotteries - Raffles
This CSR discusses the eligibility of lottery advertisements by authorized nonprofit organizations.
 PS-307 601.13.3
 July 2001 Mixed Classes Determining the Classification of Mail: Host Piece Test
This CSR discusses the use of the 'host piece test' when combining different classes of mail within a mailpiece.
 PS-303 703.9
 April 2001 Extra Services Return Receipt for Merchandise (RRM) Service for Documents
This CSR discusses the documents that are eligible to be mailed with return receipt for merchandise service.
 PS-288 503.8.2.2
 April 2001 Addressing Delivery Stop Information Updates for Simplified Address Periodicals, Standard Mail, and BPM
This CSR discusses the delivery stop information update requirements for Periodicals, Standard Mail, and Bound Printed Matter (BPM) carrier route/Enhanced Carrier Route rate mailings using the simplified address format.
 PS-300 602.3.2
 March 2001 Other Mailer Endorsements
This CSR explains what happens when a mailer uses an endorsement for forwarding and return address correction service(s), but then refuses to pay the fee for the service rendered.
 PS-142 507.1.5
 March 2001 Extra Services Insured Mail
This CSR discusses insured mail and the payment of claims.
 PS-171 503.4
 March 2001 First-Class Mail Postcard Rate
This CSR discusses the standards for mailing a postcard at the card rate.
 PS-189 101.6.3
 March 2001 Media Mail Books and Charts - Media Mail
This CSR is a case study of a prototype mailpiece containing books and charts that a postal customer wants to mail at the Media Mail rates of postage.
 PS-213 473.2
 March 2001 First-Class Mail Stock Certificates
This CSR discusses whether 'stock certificates' filled out in handwriting or typewriting are considered handwritten or typewritten matter that is mailable only at First-Class Mail or Express Mail rates.
 PS-222 233.2.4
 March 2001 Periodicals Simplified Form of Address and Exceptional Address Format - Periodicals
This CSR discusses the use of the simplified and exceptional address formats on copies of a Periodicals publication.
 PS-223 707.6.2
 March 2001 Bound Printed Matter Calendars - Bound Printed Matter
This CSR discusses the eligibility of calendars as Bound Printed Matter (BPM).
 PS-232 463.3.1
 March 2001 Media Mail Atlas - Media Mail
This CSR discusses the eligibility of maps in books at the Media Mail rates of postage.
 PS-236 473.2.2
 March 2010 Standard Mail Refund - Return of Presorted Standard Mail
This CSR discusses a request for a refund of postage on mail recalled by a customer prior to delivery.
 PS-260 604.9
 March 2001 Extra Services Insurance for Airline Tickets
This CSR discusses the availability of postal insurance for airline tickets.
 PS-287 503.4
 March 2010 Standard Mail Multiple Entry Discounts in a Single Mailing - Standard Mail
This CSR discusses how a single mailing can be eligible to receive multiple entry discounts.
 PS-295 246.2.2
 February 2001 Periodicals Measurement of Advertising Matter
This CSR discusses the methods that can be used to measure the advertising portion of a Periodicals publication.
 PS-012 707.17.5.2
 January 2001 Media Mail Loose Leaf Pages - Media Mail
This CSR discusses the eligibility of loose-leaf pages as books at the Media Mail rates of postage.
 PS-010 473.2
 January 2001 Media Mail Objective Test Materials - Media Mail
This CSR discusses the eligibility of objective test materials at the Media Mail rates of postage.
 PS-017 473.2.2
 January 2001 Media Mail Manuscripts - Media Mail
This CSR discusses the eligibility of manuscripts at the Media Mail rates of postage.
 PS-018 473.2.2
 January 2001 First-Class Mail Postcard Size Pieces Bearing Attachments
This CSR discusses whether a postcard mailed at the card rate may bear an attachment.
 PS-020 201.1.2
 January 2001 Library Mail Libraries
This CSR provides a definition of 'libraries' as stated in the Domestic Mail Manual.
 PS-022 483
 January 2001 First-Class Mail Sealed Envelopes
This CSR determines the rate of postage required on a sealed envelope enclosed in a mailpiece.
 PS-044 343.3.2.3
 January 2001 Periodicals Advertising Matter - Periodicals
This CSR provides a definition of advertising matter in a Periodicals publication.
 PS-047 707.4.13.1
 January 2001 Media Mail Books - Media Mail
This CSR discusses the eligibility of books at the Media Mail rates of postage.
 PS-064 473.2.2
 January 2001 Periodicals In-County Rates - Periodicals
This CSR discusses the standards for mailing subscriber and nonsubscriber copies at the In-County rates of postage.
 PS-069 707.11.3
 January 2001 Media Mail Book Advertisements - Media Mail
This CSR discusses advertisements in books mailed at the Media Mail rates of postage.
 PS-072 473.2.2
 January 2001 Periodicals Reentry and Additional Entry Fees - Periodicals
This CSR discusses reentry and additional entry fees when the geographic area of an authorized entry is modified.
 PS-076 707.9
 January 2001 Package Services Sealing of Package Services Matter
This CSR discusses the sealing of matter mailed at the Package Services rates of postage.
 PS-100 453.2.4
 January 2001 Media Mail Motor Common Carrier Tariffs - Media Mail
This CSR discusses the eligibility of motor common carrier tariffs at the Media Mail rates of postage.
 PS-102 473.2.2
 January 2001 Media Mail Copyright Material - Media Mail
This CSR discusses the eligibility of copyright material at the Media Mail rates of postage.
 PS-109 173.3.2
 January 2001 Library Mail Scientific Instruments - Library Mail
This CSR discusses the eligibility of scientific instruments at the Library Mail rates of postage.
 PS-112 483.2.4
 January 2001 Periodicals Nonsubscriber Copies - In-County Rates
This CSR discusses the standards for mailing nonsubscriber copies at the In-County rates.
 PS-122 707.7.9.3
 July 1997 Standard Mail Documentation to Support ECR Mailings Prepared in Walk Sequence using CDS
This CSR pertains to documentation submitted to support Enhanced Carrier Route (ECR) Standard Mail rate mailings prepared in walk sequence using the Postal Service's Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) product.
 PS-293 708.3.5
 October 1996 First-Class Mail Double Post Cards
This CSR discusses the standards for mailing a double postcard at the card rate.
 October 1996 Periodicals Requester Subscription with Premium Offers
This CSR discusses the eligibility of a request for a Periodicals publication that was induced by a premium offer.
 PS-009 707.6.4.2
 October 1996 Free Matter Free Matter for the Blind or Other Physically Handicapped Persons - Extra Services
This CSR discusses the use of extra services when mailing material as Free Matter for the Blind and Other Physically Handicapped Persons.
 PS-013 703.5
 October 1996 Free Matter Materials Mailable as Free Matter for the Blind or Handicapped
This CSR discusses material that is eligible to be mailed as Free Matter for the Blind and Other Physically Handicapped Persons.
 PS-014 703.5
 October 1996 Free Matter Unsealed Letters and Other Items Mailable as Free Matter for the Blind or Handicapped
This CSR discusses requirements for material mailable as Free Matter for the Blind and Other Physically Handicapped Persons.
 PS-015 703.5.3.1
 October 1996 Free Matter Cartons Used for the Conveyance of Free Matter for the Blind or Handicapped
This CSR provides a determination on the mailability of shipping cartons as Free Matter for the Blind and Other Physically Handicapped Persons.
 PS-016 703.5.2.1
 October 1996 Addressing Simplified Address - Governmental Bodies and Organizations
This CSR discusses the use of the simplified address format for government organizations that also qualify for Nonprofit Standard Mail rates.
 PS-032 602.3.2
 October 1996 Periodicals Reader Service Cards - Periodicals
This CSR discusses the classification of a reader service card enclosed in a Periodicals publication.
 PS-034 707.3.3.4
 October 1996 Free Matter Minimum Type Size - Free Matter for the Blind or Handicapped
This CSR discusses the minimum type size for material mailable as Free Matter for the Blind and Other Physically Handicapped Persons.
 PS-046 703.5
 October 1996 Addressing Advertising on Detached Address Labels
This CSR discusses the placement of advertising on detached address labels.
 PS-049 602.4.2
 October 1996 Periodicals Filing Monthly Postage Statements - Periodicals
This CSR discusses the standards for newspapers authorized to use a monthly postage statement.
 PS-063 707.17.5
 October 1996 Business Reply Mail Business Reply Mail Cards, Envelopes and Labels
This CSR discusses the improper use of Business Reply Mail cards, envelopes, and labels.
 PS-086 507.9
 October 1996 Periodicals Advertisements Printed on Plastic Wrappers - Periodicals
This CSR discusses advertisements that are printed on wrappers covering individual copies of a Periodicals publication.
 PS-104 707.3.3
 October 1996 Hazardous Materials Mailability of Live Animals
This CSR discusses the mailability of live animals.
 PS-106 601.9.3
 October 1996 Free Matter Library Order Forms - Free Matter for the Blind or Handicapped
This CSR provides a determination on the mailability of library order forms as Free Matter for the Blind and Other Physically Handicapped Persons.
 PS-108 703.5
 October 1996 Periodicals Similar Newspapers or Other Publications - Periodicals
This CSR discusses the eligibility of mailing similar copies of newspapers or other publications under different permits.
 PS-141 707.6
 October 1996 Periodicals Page Headings - Periodicals
This CSR discusses the rate of postage charged for page headings.
 PS-143 707.4.13
 October 1996 Periodicals Pages and Advertising Content of Requester Copies
This CSR discusses the page and advertising standards required for a requester publication.
 PS-147 707.6.4.1
 October 1996 Periodicals Expired Subscriptions - Periodicals
This CSR discusses the eligibility of expired subscriptions of a general publication.
 PS-153 707.7.6
 October 1996 Other Unauthorized Endorsements
This CSR discusses the use of unauthorized endorsements.
 PS-178 507.1.5.3
 October 1996 Free Matter Transcribers - Free Matter for the Blind or Handicapped
This CSR discusses the provisions for transcribers and typists to mail material as Free Matter for the Blind and Other Physically Handicapped Persons.
 PS-194 703.5.2.1
 October 1996 Other Mail Addressed to Prisoners
This CSR discusses mail addressed to inmates or prisoners, including forwarding and undeliverable items.
 PS-206 507.1.4.1
 October 1996 Other Precanceled and Unprecanceled Stamps
This CSR discusses the use of precanceled and unprecanceled stamps to pay for regular postage and fees.
 PS-225 604.1.2
 October 1996 Periodicals Questionnaires/Order Forms - Periodicals
This CSR discusses whether a questionnaire may be considered matter related exclusively to a subscription or a request for a Periodicals publication.
 PS-239 707.3.3
 October 1996 Periodicals Advertising in Periodicals Issues
This CSR discusses the advertising content of an issue of a general or requester publication prepared in editions.
 PS-241 707.6
 October 1996 Periodicals Verification of Circulation
This CSR discusses a procedure to assist in the verification of records for publications with large circulations.
 PS-248 707.8
 October 1996 Periodicals Questionnaires/Reader's Profile - Periodicals
This CSR discusses whether a 'reader profile' questionnaire is considered advertising or nonadvertising matter.
 PS-250 707.4.13
 October 1996 Periodicals Advertiser Index Page - Periodicals
This CSR discusses whether an advertiser index page is considered advertising or nonadvertising matter.
 PS-251 707.4.13
 October 1996 Free Matter Unsealed Letters Sent by Blind or Other Handicapped Persons
This CSR discusses the requirements for unsealed letters sent by blind or other handicapped persons.
 PS-254 703.5
 October 1996 Addressing Saturation Requirements for Detached Address Label Mailings
This CSR discusses detached address labels and the saturation requirements for Periodicals and Standard Mail flats.
 PS-276 602.4.1.2
 October 1996 Free Matter Subscription Order Forms - Free Matter for the Blind
This CSR provides a determination on the mailability of a Periodicals subscription order form as Free Matter for the Blind and Other Physically Handicapped Persons.
 PS-277 703.5
 October 1996 Periodicals Classroom Rate Publications
This CSR discusses the factors used to determine if a publication qualifies for classroom rates.
 PS-278 707.10.4.2
 October 1996 Periodicals Known Office of Publication Change Within Same Jurisdiction or Ownership Change
This CSR discusses a change in a publisher's known office of publication when it remains within the jurisdiction of the same original entry post office. It also discusses a change in ownership of a Periodicals publication.
 PS-285 707.9.1.2
 May 1995 Other Torn Postage Stamps
This CSR discusses the operational impact of torn postage stamps, and replacement procedures.
 PS-281 604.1.3
 July 1993 First-Class Mail Computer Prepared Mortgage Payment Cards
This CSR shows whether a computer-prepared mortgage payment card is considered a bill or statement of account that is mailable only at First-Class Mail or Express Mail rates, rather than as Standard Mail.
 PS-031 233.2.2
 July 1993 Free Matter Forwarding of Mail Marked as Free Matter for the Blind or Handicapped
This CSR discusses forwarding of mail marked as Free Matter for the Blind or Handicapped.
 PS-041 703.5
 July 1993 Other United States Postage Stamps
This CSR discusses the use of postage stamps with advertising stickers in an advertising campaign.
 PS-081 604.1.4
 July 1993 Free Matter Eligibility of Blind or Other Handicapped Persons
This CSR defines persons who are eligible for Free Matter for the Blind and Other Physically Handicapped Persons mailing privileges.
 PS-107 703.5
 July 1993 First-Class Mail Alumni Records - Computer Generated
This CSR determines whether a computer-generated 'alumni record' contains 'personal information' and is mailable only at First-Class Mail or Express Mail rates.
 PS-154 233.2.3
 July 1993 First-Class Mail Interest Statements
This CSR determines whether two computer-generated 'interest statements' contain 'personal information' and are mailable only at First-Class Mail or Express Mail rates.
 PS-210 233.2.3
 July 1993 First-Class Mail Identification Cards
This CSR determines whether computer-generated 'identification cards' contain 'personal information' and are mailable only at First-Class Mail or Express Mail rates.
 PS-227 233.2.3
 July 1993 First-Class Mail Birth Registration Notification Forms
This CSR determines whether computer-generated 'notification of birth registration forms' contain 'personal information' and are mailable only at First-Class Mail or Express Mail rates.
 PS-235 233.2.3
 July 1993 Business Reply Mail Business Reply Mail
This CSR discusses why Business Reply Mail is not eligible to be sent as Certified Mail.
 PS-243 507.9.4.3
 July 1993 Express Mail Express Mail Reship Service
This CSR discusses Express Mail Reship Service and the collection of caller service fees for services rendered under this program.
 PS-264 507.6.6
 July 1988 First-Class Mail Drivers' Licenses, Motor Vehicle Registrations, and Titles
This CSR determines whether a driver's license, motor vehicle registration, and title contain 'personal information' and are mailable only at First-Class Mail or Express Mail rates.
 PS-160 233.2.3
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