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Environmental Division Newsletter

Check out our Environmental Newsletter that provides you with the status of Schweinfurt's EMS implementation and with some interesting facts on environmental issues.

February 2013

Bird of 2013, Getting ready to PCS, Weekly Market & Farmer's Market...

December 2012

Holiday Fun, Recycling Center Hours, Bird Feeding, Heating and Airing...

October 2012

Energy Saving Tips, Spill Response in Housing Areas, the Bat and the Hedgehog...

August 2012

Birds of Conn, Asbestos Containing Material, HAZMAT Planning for Moving...

June 2012

Wildlife Park Celebration, Bees, Wasps and Hornets, Bavarian Garden Show...

April 2012

Recycling, The Rook - A Red List Bird, Food Waste, Wind Power...

February 2012

Animal Tracks in the Snow, Fuel Saving Tips, Spring Cleaning, New Compliance Manager...

December 2011

Proper Heating and Airing, Tree of the Year 2012, Clearing paths during winter, Recycling...

October 2011

Load Securing, Drive safely in Fall, Energy Saving Light Bulbs, Win a 2012 Calendar...

August 2011

EPAS 2011, Bavarian Regional Garden Show, Summertime - Healthy Living & Energy Saving...

June 2011

Avoid littering, Kinderfest at Askren Manor, CO2 and Climate Change...

April 2011

Lighting labelling, Environmental Leadership Day, bats, recycling cork...

February 2011

Animal and bird of the year, upgraded hazardous waste facilities, caritas boxes...

December 2010

Windshield covers, fallow land biodiversity, asbestos removal, holiday wishes...

October 2010

Filming at USAG Schweinfurt, green halloween, low energy lightbulbs, invasive species...

August 2010

Honeybees and their mysterious disease, storage of compressed gas cylinder, RFID...

June 2010

BBQ season, open burning restrictions, biodiversity, summer safety, hazardous material...

April 2010

Wildlife Park, refrigerator disposal, frog and toad migration, recycling cell phones...

February 2010

Animal of the Year, EMS info, correct handling of batteries, recycling empty printer cartridges...

December 2009

Have a green Christmas, accidents with household cleaning agents, Christmas tree pick-up...

October 2009

EMS info, Schweinfurt Wildlife Park, hedgehogs, ‘Steigerwald’ Nature Park, low energy light bulbs...

August 2009

Cork facts, nature reserves, Core Compliance Manager, external EPAS, dangerous moths, fuel saving tips...

June 2009

Hay fever, External EPAS, Environmental Awareness days, since the beginning...

April 2009

Environmental Officer Training, Spring info, EMS info, Hazardous Waste Specialist...

February 2009

External EPAS is coming, Kingfisher birds, new SOP's, fuel saving tips...