Welcome to the NIDC !

The National Isotope Development Center (NIDC) interfaces with the User Community and manages the coordination of isotope production across the facilities and business operations involved in the production, sale, and distribution of isotopes. A virtual center, the NIDC is funded by the Isotope Development and Production for Research and Applications (IDPRA) subprogram of the Office of Nuclear Physics in the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science.

Please visit the links in the navigational bar above for the online isotope catalog, for detailed isotope information,
for current funding opportunities, for more information on the NIDC, and much more.

You can contact the NIDC via email at isotopes@ornl.gov.

Please read the Notice to Users of our site.

the government source of isotopes for science, medicine, security, & applications
  He-3 Auction Bidding Closed; Updates on U.S. Helium & 99-Mo Programs and on Medical Isotopes Legislation -- see Breaking News