
Small Business and GSA Schedule Changes

Did you know that there are many changes coming that will affect the way that agencies purchase from small business?  As these changes happen we at OSBU are working hard to get you good and current information. 


Do All Team Members of a CTA Have To Be Small Businesses When Using a Small Business Set Aside?


Why do all members of the CTA have to be small businesses if an agency uses a small business set aside for their requirement?

It seems that Brad and I are receiving quite a few calls on this subject lately. I guess that is to be expected with the inception of discretionary set asides for the GSA schedules program as of November 2011.  Currently, the Small Business Administration (SBA) is working on developing policies in reference to set asides.

Agencies Do better with Small Business Goals on MAS

The GSA Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) program provides agencies with great flexibility to meet and exceed Federal small business spending goals.

June 14 Webinar: GSA Schedules and the Utilization of Small Business

Thursday, June 14, 2012
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. EST
Credit=1 Continuous Learning Point (CLP)

Join us for this Small Business Utilization training online and receive one (1) continuous learning point (CLP).  Learn how the FAR has changed to provide agencies with the discretionary authority to set-aside orders against multiple award contracts for small business.

Video: Small Business Utilization (Pt 6 of 7)

In this video clip from the Small Business Utilization series, Mahruba Uddowla of the GSA Multiple Award Schedules Office continues with the frequently asked questions section. She provides information regarding the eBuy site, set-aside orders, and FAR 8.405-5(a)(2)(ii).  Click here to watch this video on YouTube.

Tune in next week as we wrap up the Small Business Utilization series with the final video!

eBuy is “Set-Aside” Ready!

eBuy, GSA’s request-for-quote (RFQ) system, has been updated to facilitate set-asides.
Now you can choose whether your requirement will be set-aside for small business or another small business category.  If you decide to set-aside the requirement, then the RFQ will be viewable only by eligible Schedule contractors. For example, only HubZone Schedule contractors could view a RFQ set-aside for HubZone small business concerns.

Take a Minute to Understand 8(a) Set-asides

Section 1331 of the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 authorized discretionary use of set-asides against multiple award contracts (i.e. Multiple Award Schedules).  This includes setting-aside orders to 8(a) contractors. The provision did not authorize the use of sole-sourcing under the various small business programs.

Utilizing Set-Aside Special Item Numbers (SINs) for Small Business

Schedule contractors’ catalogs and pricelists, available on GSA Advantage!® and GSA eLibrary, contain information on a broad array of supplies and services offered by small businesses. Ordering activities may use this information to meet or exceed established socioeconomic goals. The information should also be used as a tool to identify specific small business representations: small business, veteran-owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, HUBZone small business, woman-owned small business, and small disadvantaged business.

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