States & Local Communities

The U.S. Department of Energy has programs and partnerships supporting energy efficiency and renewable energy efforts in the states and their communities.

States and Local Communities

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in the States
Includes renewable energy resource maps as well as information organized by state about DOE-funded projects; energy statistics; and policies, rebates and incentives.

Better Buildings Neighborhood Program works with communities to promote energy efficiency upgrades in homes and other buildings.

Building America conducts energy-efficient home research projects in the states.

Clean Cities supports coalitions in the states dedicated to reducing petroleum use in transportation. 

Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency provides information on the use of local, utility, state, and federal incentives for energy-efficient purchases and improvements.

Geothermal Technologies Office funds geothermal projects in the states.

Green Power Network provides information on green power options in the states.

Advanced Manufacturing Office works in the states to help industry use energy more efficiently.

Tribal Energy Program supports energy projects on tribal lands in the states.

Weatherization & Intergovernmental Programs Office provides funding and technical assistance to state and local governments to facilitate the adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.

Wind Powering America supports activities in the states to increase the use of wind energy.