Business Improvement - Lean Six Sigma

Why Lean Six Sigma at IMA?

Lean Six Sigma practices and applications fully align with the Army’s priority of accelerating business transformation and process improvement.

IMA is deploying Lean Six Sigma to increase productivity and reduce costs. These efforts will maintain or improve the quality of service offered by IMA to effectively respond to Soldiers, families and Army Civilians who live and work on Army installations.

About Lean Six Sigma:

Lean Six Sigma: A business improvement methodology that maximizes shareholder value by achieving the fastest rate of improvement in customer satisfaction, cost, quality, process speed, and invested capital. [Lean Six Sigma Institute]

History of Lean Six Sigma: Lean Six Sigma is a combination of two business improvement techniques, Lean and Six Sigma. Lean focuses on eliminating waste and constantly shortening the cycle time. On the other hand, Six Sigma has a focus on quality and variability reduction. The combination of the two, Lean Six Sigma, methodologies to help improve lead time, cost and quality.

IMA BI-LSS Deployment Strategy:
     • IMA’s program to use Lean Six Sigma to evaluate business processes to increase        productivity and reduce costs while maintaining or improving the quality of        service and responsiveness to our customers.

     • Lean Six Sigma is IMA’s primary method for Business transformation to:
          • Improve effectiveness and increase productivity while maintaining quality to             standard and improve customer satisfaction
          • Enable a culture of continuous process improvement through Lean Six Sigma             training and execution

     • IMA will identify business processes for improvement and conduct LSS        Projects/Business Improvement Events (BIE) based on:
          • Current enterprise-wide business processes for delivering services               to installation customers (Enterprise Implementation)
          • Local Opportunities For Improvement (OFI) for service delivery at the HQ               IMA, Region Office and Garrison Local Implementation

     • IMA will utilize LSS and other productivity improvement tools and techniques to        achieve cumulative efficiency goals including:
          • Enterprise and Local LSS Business Improvement Events
          • A-76/Competitive Sourcing
          • Strategic Sourcing
          • BRAC and GDPR
          • Divestitures/Program Reductions

Training Opportunities:

The Installation Management Agency centrally funds a full spectrum of Lean Six Sigma training at all levels of the organization:

o Executive Awareness Training - IMA offers a two day course for all Senior Executive Leadership, Garrison Commanders, Deputy Region Directors, and Region Chiefs of Staff.

o Project Sponsor - IMA provides three day training for IMA Headquarters Functional Process Owners and Deputies to Garrison Commanders.

o IMA Green Belt Training - IMA runs a five day course for Headquarters functional project leaders and Garrison Lean Six Sigma leads.

o Awareness Training – IMA offers one-day awareness training on Lean Six Sigma for Plans Analysis & Integration Office Chiefs and staff members. (available for Project Team Members as well)

o Awareness E-Learning - IMA provides an exportable e-learning opportunity for Headquarters, Region office staff, Garrison Directorate Chiefs and the Garrison workforce.



Glossary of Terms


Training Opp


IM Journal

United States Army

Army Knowledge Online

Civilian Personnel Online

The Pentagon Channel


Interactive Customer Evaluation

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requester Service Center

Army Traffic Safety Training 

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