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Maps of Mars Published by the U.S. Geological Survey

Geologic Investigations Series I-2557

Geologic Map of the Dao, Harmakhis, and Reull Valles Region of Mars

By Katherine H. Price

Geologic Investigations Series I-2561

Geologic Map of Pavonis Mons Volcano, Mars

By David H. Scott, James M. Dohm, and James R. Zimbelman

Geologic Investigations Series I-2568

Geologic Map of Ophir and Central Candor Chasmata (MTM –05072) of Mars

By Baerbel K. Lucchitta

Geologic Investigations Series I-2579

Geologic Map of the Galaxias Quadrangle (MTM 35217) of Mars

By René A. De Hon, Peter J. Mouginis-Mark, and Eugene E. Brick

Geologic Investigations Series I-2595

Geologic Map of the MTM –85280 Quadrangle, Planum Australe Region of Mars

By Ken Herkenhoff

Geologic Investigations Series I-2650

Geologic Map of the Thaumasia Region, Mars

By James M. Dohm, Kenneth L. Tanaka, and Trent M. Hare

Geologic Investigations Series I-2666

Geologic Map of the MTM –15182 and MTM –15187 Quadrangles, Gusev Crater–Ma'adim Vallis Region, Mars

By Ruslan O. Kuzmin, Ronald Greeley, Ragnhild Landheim, Nathalie A. Cabrol, and Jack D. Farmer

Geologic Investigations Series I-2686

Geologic Map of the MTM –85000 Quadrangle, Planum Australe Region of Mars

By Ken Herkenhoff

Geologic Investigations Series I-2693

Geologic Map of the MTM 25047 and 20047 Quadrangles, Central Chryse Planitia/Viking 1 Lander Site, Mars

By L.S. Crumpler, R.A. Craddock, and J.C. Aubele

Geologic Investigations Series I-2694

Geologic Map of the Hellas Region of Mars

By Gregory J. Leonard and Kenneth L. Tanaka

Geologic Investigations Series I-2727

Geologic Map of the Tempe-Mareotis Region of Mars

By Henry J. Moore

Geologic Investigations Series I-2730

Geologic Map of MTM –40252 and –40257 Quadrangles, Reull Vallis Region of Mars

By Scott C. Mest and David A. Crown

Geologic Investigations Series I-2746

Geologic Map Transecting the Highland/Lowland Boundary Zone, Arabia Terra, Mars: Quadrangles 30332, 35332, 40332, and 45332

By George E. McGill

Geologic Investigations Series I-2753

Geologic Map of the MTM 85080 Quadrangle, Chasma Boreale Region of Mars

By Ken Herkenhoff

Geologic Investigations Series I-2763

Geologic Map of MTM –45252 AND –45257 Quadrangles, Reull Vallis Region of Mars

By Scott C. Mest and David A. Crown

Geologic Investigations Series I-2782

Topographic Map of Mars

Geologic Investigations Series I-2785

Topographic Map of the Northwest Loire Valles Region of Mars—MTM 500k -15/337E OMKT

Geologic Investigations Series I-2786

Topographic Map of the Southeast Loire Valles Region of Mars—MTM 500k -20/347E OMKT

Geologic Investigations Series I-2787

Topographic Map of the Paraná Valles Region of Mars—MTM 500k -25/337E OMKT

Geologic Investigations Series I-2793

Topographic Map of the Margaritifer Chaos Region of Mars—MTM 500k–10/337E OMKT

Geologic Investigations Map I-2795

Topographic Map of the Northwest Ascraeus Mons Region of Mars—MTM 500k 15/252E OMKT

Geologic Investigations Map I-2796

Topographic Map of the Northeast Ascraeus Mons Region of Mars—MTM 500k 15/257E OMKT

Geologic Investigations Map I-2797

Topographic Map of the Southeast Ascraeus Mons Region of Mars—MTM 500k 10/257E OMKT

Geologic Investigations Map I-2798

Topographic Map of the Southwest Ascraeus Mons Region of Mars—MTM 500k 10/257E OMKT

Geologic Investigations Series I-2805

Topographic Map of the West Candor Chasma Region of Mars, MTM 500k -05/282E OMKT

By U.S. Geological Survey

Geologic Investigations Series I-2806

Topographic Map of the Tithonium Chasma Region of Mars, MTM 500k -05/277E OMKT

By U.S. Geological Survey

Geologic Investigations Series I-2807

Topographic Map of the Ophir and Central Candor Chasmata Region of Mars MTM 500k -05/287E OMKT

By U.S. Geological Survey

Geologic Investigations Series I-2811

Geologic Map of Cydonia Mensae-Southern Acidalia Planitia, Mars: Quadrangles MTM 40007, 40012, 40017, 45007, 45012, and 45017

By George E. McGill

Scientific Investigations Map 2866

Topographic Map of Part of the Kasei Valles and Sacra Fossae Regions of Mars—MTM 500k 20/287E OMKT

By Mark R. Rosiek, Bonnie L. Redding, and Donna M. Galuszka

Scientific Investigations Map 2867

Topographic Map of the Coronae Montes Region of Mars—MTM 500k -35/087E OMKTT

By Mark R. Rosiek, Bonnie L. Redding, and Donna M. Galuszka

Scientific Investigations Map 2888

Geologic Map of the Northern Plains of Mars

By Kenneth L. Tanaka, James A. Skinner, Jr., and Trent M. Hare

Scientific Investigations Map 2906

Topographic Map of the Arimanes Rupes Region of Mars-MTM 500k -10/212E OMKT

By Mark R. Rosiek, Bonnie L. Redding, and Donna M. Galuszka

Scientific Investigations Map 2926

Topographic Map of the Western Region of Dao Vallis in Hellas Planitia, Mars; MTM 500k -40/082E OMKT

By Mark R. Rosiek, Bonnie L. Redding, and Donna M. Galuszka

Scientific Investigations Map 2934

Geologic Map of the MTM –20272 and –25272 Quadrangles, Tyrrhena Terra Region of Mars

By Scott C. Mest and David A. Crown

Scientific Investigations Map 2936

Geologic Map of the MTM -30262 and -30267 Quadrangles, Hadriaca Patera Region of Mars

By David A. Crown and Ronald Greeley

Scientific Investigations Map 2953

Geologic Map of Part of Western Hellas Planitia, Mars

By Jeffrey M. Moore and Don E. Wilhelms

Scientific Investigations Map 3041

Geologic Map of MTM –20012 and –25012 Quadrangles, Margaritifer Terra Region of Mars

By J.A. Grant, S.A. Wilson, C.M. Fortezzo, and D.A. Clark

Scientific Investigations Map 3079

Geologic Map of MTM 35337, 40337, and 45337 Quadrangles, Deuteronilus Mensae Region of Mars

By Frank C. Chuang and David A. Crown

Scientific Investigations Map 3096

Geologic Map of MTM –40277, –45277, –40272, and –45272 Quadrangles, Eastern Hellas Planitia Region of Mars

By Leslie F. Bleamaster III and David A. Crown

Scientific Investigations Map 3177

Geologic Map of the North Polar Region of Mars

By Kenneth L. Tanaka and Corey M. Fortezzo

Scientific Investigations Map 3197

Geologic Map of the MTM 85200 Quadrangle, Olympia Rup?s Region of Mars

By James A. Skinner, Jr., and Kenneth E. Herkenhoff

Open-File Report 2007-1158

Mars Global Digital Dune Database: MC2–MC29

By R.K. Hayward, K.F., Mullins, L.K. Fenton, T.M. Hare, T.N. Titus, M.C.Bourke, A. Colaprete, and P.R. Christensen

Open-File Report 2007-1158

Mars Global Digital Dune Database: MC–1

By R.K. Hayward, L.K. Fenton, K.L. Tanaka T.N. Titus, A. Colaprete, and P.R. Christensen

Open-File Report 2012-1259

Mars Global Digital Dune Database: MC–30

By R.K. Hayward, L.K. Fenton, T.N. Titus, A. Colaprete, and P.R. Christensen

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Last updated: January 15, 2013 (mfd)