Food Preparation and Handling


Includes food safety resources for hand washing, food preparation and food handling for food service and retail establishments, pregnant women, infants, children, educators, and the general public.


AGRICOLA - Journal Citations Food Preparation

USDA. National Agricultural Library.

Database for Article Citations. Articles related to food preparation and safety.

Books and Materials on Food Preparation in the NAL Catalog (AGRICOLA)

USDA. National Agricultural Library.

Information on finding resources for food preparation in formats such as books, videorecordings and manuals.

Consumers Food Safety and Nutrition Information and Campaigns

DHHS. FDA. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

Advice for consumers on specific products such as dairy, seafood, dietary supplements, eggs, bottled water and ready-to-eat foods. Food safety advice for women who are pregnant and information on food labeling and nutrition.

Cooking for Groups - A Volunteers Guide to Food Safety: When You Prepare Food

USDA. Food Safety and Inspection Service.

The Food and Drink Federation serves the UK food and drink industry, and is the largest manufacturing sector in the country.

Food Preparation Fact File

Food Link. Food and Drink Federation (United Kingdom).

The Food and Drink Federation serves the UK food and drink industry, and is the largest manufacturing sector in UK.

Food Safety at Home and Shopping

State Government of Victoria. Department of Human Services.

This web page provides information for the public about: Food safety at home, Shopping, Food poisoning, Community events and Back to school.

Food Safety Facts: Basics for Handling Food Safely (PDF | 114 KB)

USDA. Food Safety and Inspection Service.

Safe steps in food handling, cooking, and storage are essential to prevent foodborne illness. This document follows the Fight BAC! guidelines to help you keep food safe.

Meal Preparation and Food Safety after a Flood (PDF | 472 KB)

University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service.

A guideline that instructs consumers how to deal with different kinds of food after a flood.

National Food Safety Database

University of Florida.

An informative website providing food safety information for consumers, educators and the food industry.

USDA Fact Sheets

USDA. Food Safety and Inspection Service.

USDA Fact sheets of various food safety topics.

Food Safety Facts: Cooking Safely in the Microwave Oven (PDF | 20 KB)

USDA. Food Safety and Inspection Service.

Microwave ovens can cook unevenly and leave "cold spots," where harmful bacteria can survive. For this reason, this document gives the following safe microwaving tips to prevent foodborne illness.