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Beryllium Program

Beryllium At Hanford

Beryllium is a light weight, durable metal that has wide spread industrial applications. The use of beryllium at the Hanford site during fuel element production, and maintenance of selected industrial components and tools, has resulted in potential occupational beryllium exposure to current and former employees. As Hanford proceeds with extensive decommissioning and decontamination of older facilities, legacy beryllium containing dust and debris may still be encountered. Unfortunately, a small portion of exposed personnel have been diagnosed with beryllium-related medical conditions including Chronic Beryllium Disease (CBD) or Beryllium Sensitivity (BeS). DOE and all Hanford contractors are committed to ensuring that current and former employees that may have received exposure to beryllium have an opportunity to receive appropriate medical testing, and if necessary, follow-up medical attention. This web site provides general information, as well as references and guidance, which may be beneficial to exposed personnel and other interested individuals. Independent Oversight Hanford Site Chronic Beryllium Disease Beryllium Disease

Hanford Site Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program (CBDPP)
Hanford has developed an integrated, site wide program to minimize exposure to beryllium while working at Hanford. The program, now in its first revision, is called the Hanford Site Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program (CBDPP).  Revision 1 became effective on July 30, 2012.  A new implementing procedure for the CBDPP, the Hanford Site Beryllium Work Permit (BWP) and Hazard Assessment Procedure  (PDF)  was also implemented on July 30, 2012. This web page is provided to assist contractors in the implementation of the CBDPP.


Clearly, everyone at Hanford is committed to minimizing the potential for exposure to beryllium.









Last Updated 07/30/2012 4:00 PM