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News and Notices

This page provides announcements and links for documents, press releases, meeting notices, and activities of the NOAA Seafood Inspection Program. The items are presented in reverse chronological order so the most recent links are listed at the top.

2011 | 2012

Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May |  Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct |  Nov | Dec


Posted: 12/21/12

AQSIQ and NOAA Agree in Principle to a New Fish and Fishery Product Health Certificate

Officials from NOAA and AQSIQ China's food safety authority met on the evening of December 20,
2012 to discuss issues related to the new fish and fishery products certificate that will be in force on
January 1, 2013. After a productive session the issues were resolved to both side's satisfaction and
an agreement in principle was made. NOAA will be following up with details on the certificate format
and a letter confirming our understanding of the agreement. As a result of this cooperative session,
trade in fish and fishery products should continue past January 1, 2013 without disruption. The current
certificate format can be used through December 31, 2012 so any planned shipments can proceed. The
Seafood Inspection Program and NOAA Fisheries wish to thank the seafood industry for your support
and patience.


Posted: 12/4/12

Canada Will Begin Enforcement of New Aquatic Animal Import Regulations as of December 10, 2012

NOAA-SIP has been notified by CFIA of the enforcement of new Aquatic Animal Health regulations. Details for the regulations can be found at the CFIA website: requirements/2012-11-30/eng/1354240516487/1354240686379

"The requirements for imports of aquatic animals (finfish, molluscs, and crustaceans) into Canada are changing. Beginning December 10, 2012, aquatic animals listed on Schedule III of the Health of Animals Regulations will require an import permit to enter the country. This measure is aimed at protecting Canada's aquatic animal resources. The enforcement of these new requirements will be phased in and will come into effect either on December 10, 2012, February 4, 2013 or April 8, 2013 depending on the specific end uses and the applicable HS codes."

All US exporters should be aware that the products they handle may be affected by the implementation of these new regulations. The three U.S. federal agencies that function as Competent Authorities for exported aquatic animals (the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service [USDA-APHIS]; the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service [NOAA Fisheries]; and the U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Services [FWS]) have worked with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) on specific export requirements that will facilitate continued US trade in aquatic animals and products with Canada. As of December 10, 2012, each shipment must be accompanied by an import permit issued from CFIA and possibly a health certificate from NOAA-SIP / APHIS / FWS.

The regulated species and the diseases of concern are at the link below.

Species specific information from CFIA:

NOAA-SIP will be issuing certification for:

Website for USDA APHIS / Canada Exports:

Website for OIE:


Posted: 11/21/12

New Registration Requirement for the People's Republic of China

AQSIQ the food safety competent authority in China has enacted a new requirement for all food importers entitled Public Notice 55. Effective October 1, 2012 AQSIQ requires that all importers register at the following web address: The purpose of this measure is to enable AQSIQ to perform better product traceability within the PRC.

In order to ensure that there is no trade disruption we recommend that firms that have not registered do so as soon as possible. The process for registration appears straightforward and AQSIQ promises to complete it within five days of the initial application.

Please note that this registration notice is different from Decree 145 that will go into effect April 30, 2013. This Decree will be administered by CNCA, another agency of the Chinese government and will require much more information about products and labels and a list of approved shippers will be proposed by NOAA and/or FDA to AQSIQ. The Seafood Inspection Program is in the process of writing a detailed letter to CNCA that will hopefully clarify what steps both the U.S. government and the seafood industry need to take to ensure compliance and the flow of trade to the PRC. We will inform you of new development as soon as we learn of them.

Link to GAIN Report for registration information


U.S. Department of Commerce/NOAA Fisheries • 1315 East West Highway • Silver Spring, MD 20910 • Phone (301) 427-8300 • Toll Free (800) 422-2750

Our Vision:

  • "An informed society that has confidence in the seafood that they purchase, sell and consume today and in the future."

Our Mission:

  • To ensure the safety and quality as well as enhance the marketability and sustainability of seafood products for the benefit of the American consumer by providing science based inspection services to the seafood industry.