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NOAA Seafood Inspection Program has posted here a guide to the flavor and texture of fish and shellfish to help consumers select species based on these qualities.

It also offers consumers tips on storing, purchasing, and preparing seafood in its Consumer Brochure.

The NOAA Fisheries Service offers its FishWatch page as another source consumers can use to make informed decisions about the seafood they eat by providing the most accurate and up-to-date information on seafood available in the U.S. The FishWatch page is available here.

Download the Consumer Brochure here

U.S. Department of Commerce/NOAA Fisheries • 1315 East West Highway • Silver Spring, MD 20910 • Phone (301) 427-8300 • Toll Free (800) 422-2750

Our Vision:

  • "An informed society that has confidence in the seafood that they purchase, sell and consume today and in the future."

Our Mission:

  • To ensure the safety and quality as well as enhance the marketability and sustainability of seafood products for the benefit of the American consumer by providing science based inspection services to the seafood industry.