Neutrons Sciences Directorate at ORNL

Instrument Fact Sheets

The following instrument fact sheets are provided here in PDF format to give a brief overview of each neutron scattering instrument at ORNL. You can also view SNS Instrument and HFIR Instrument pages that go to the related instrument's web pages. Detailed information pages can also be accessed visually using the SNS beamline Experiment Hall and HFIR beamline Experiment Hall pages.

HFIR Fact Sheets

Beam Line All HFIR Fact Sheets
CG-1D Neutron Imaging Prototype Facility
Located on the Instrument Development Beam Line
CG-2 General-Purpose SANS – Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Diffractometer
CG-3 Bio-SANS – Biological Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument
CG-4C US/Japan Cold Neutron Triple-Axis Spectrometer
CG-4D IMAGINE – Laue Diffractometer
HB-1 Polarized Triple-Axis Spectrometer
HB-1A Fixed-Incident-Energy Triple-Axis Spectrometer
HB-2A Neutron Powder Diffractometer
HB-2B NRSF2 – Neutron Residual Stress Mapping Facility
HB-2C WAND – US/Japan Wide-Angle Neutron Diffractometer
HB-3 Triple-Axis Spectrometer
HB-3A Four-Circle Diffractometer

SNS Fact Sheets

Beam Line All SNS Fact Sheets
1A Time-of-Flight Ultra-Small-Scale Neutron Scattering (TOF-USANS)
1B Nanoscale-Ordered Materials Diffractometer (NOMAD)
2 Backscattering Spectrometer (BASIS)
3 Spallation Neutrons and Pressure Diffractometer (SNAP)
4A Magnetism (vertical surface) Reflectometer (MR)
4B Liquids (horizontal surface) Reflectometer (LR)
5 Cold Neutron Chopper Spectrometer (CNCS)
6 Extended Q-Range Small Angle Neutron Diffractometer (EQ-SANS)
7 Engineering Materials Diffractometer (VULCAN)
9 Elastic Diffuse Scattering Spectrometer (CORELLI)
11A Powder Diffractometer (POWGEN)
11B Macromolecular Neutron Diffractometer (MaNDi)
12 Single Crystal Diffractometer (TOPAZ)
13 Fundamental Neutron Physics Beam Line (FNPB)
14B Hybrid Spectrometer (HYSPEC)
15 Neutron Spin Echo Spectrometer (NSE)
16B Neutron Vibrational Spectrometer (VISION)
17 Fine-Resolution Fermi Chopper Spectrometer (SEQUOIA)
18 Wide Angular-Range Chopper Spectrometer (ARCS)