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2012 Marine Corps Birthday Ball
The 237th Marine Corps Birthday Ball is 02-NOV-12. Click here for the flyer
Contact SSgt Don Matthews for tickets at (904) 696-5051 or email

50 Years Ago This Week - August 22nd, 2011
What was in Blount Island's future in 1961?
Jacksonville Daily Record
More . . .

Blount Island Takes on Bigger Role in Marine logistics
When the Marines took ownership of half of Blount Island about five years ago, the Jacksonville site wasn't much to look at.
Timothy Gibbons -
Full Story . . . (external link)

Norway Prepositioning Management Office Fills Critical Mission
A small group of extremely dedicated government employees based in Jacksonville, Fla., who manage a program based in Norway, is a big part of the reason the Marine Corps holds the title “the force in readiness.”
2nd. Lt. Caleb Eames, Public Affairs Officer
Full Story . . . (Submitted on: 08/07/2008)