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Love Your Body, Empower the Mind

The summary below was provided by the Peace Corps Volunteer and the community administering this project.



If you ask a Thai student what the difference is between HIV and AIDS, chances are he or she will respond, "There is no difference," or, "I don't know." If you ask a student what the difference between someone who is gay and someone who is a transgender he or she will respond, "There is no difference." Thailand is a very progressive country. However, there are overlooked gaps in the education of students about sexual health and gender that affects everyone. The community has expressed a need for a Sexual Health and Gender Empowerment training at the local high school covering the topics of HIV/AIDS, Sexual Health, LGBT Awareness, Nutrition, Gender Empowerment, and Teen Pregnancy. After the training students will be able to identify ways in which HIV/AIDS is transmitted, describe issues facing LGBT populations, list factors associated with high teen pregnancy and identify ways to address risk factors of teen pregnancy. They will also be able to identify modern safe methods of birth control and where to attain the contraceptives. The local Sub-District Administration has agreed to fund 25% of the program, with the PCPP covering the remainder. Over the course of the three day camp, students will hear a story from a person with HIV/AIDS, switch typical Thai gender roles to provide social awareness, and participate in multiple activities to reinforce healthy sexual choices and gender roles/empowerment.

If you have questions about this or other projects, email our office.

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Project Details

Volunteer Coordinator
Kim J. of MD
Project Number
Community Contribution
(37% of total budget)
Original Request
Funds Still Needed
