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Girl's Leadership Conference

The summary below was provided by the Peace Corps Volunteer and the community administering this project.



The Girls' Leadership Conference is an annual conference put on by Peace Corps Volunteers in the local Region. This year, 28 Volunteers will each bring one middle school-aged girl and her chaperone, preferably a father figure, to the city of Tambacounda for a four-day conference. The foundation of this conference will be teaching life skills as the building block of girls' leadership. This project has two main goals: The first goal is to encourage girls to stay in school, develop ambitions for the future, and discuss the importance of parental involvement and support during school. The second goal is to fully discuss the drawbacks of early marriage and having children at an early age. These goals will be accompanied by in depth discussions in both health and nutrition, i.e. HIV/AIDS awareness, sexual health, gardening sessions, and nutrition education. This conference will enable these girls and their fathers to return to their own communities and act as agents of change.

If you have questions about this or other projects, email our office.

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Project Details

Volunteer Coordinator
Bunkley E. of NM
Project Number
Community Contribution
(25% of total budget)
Original Request
Funds Still Needed
