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Career Development Resource Center in Morocco

The summary below was provided by the Peace Corps Volunteer and the community administering this project.



The country of Morocco is currently experiencing an unemployment rate of 8.9% and according to a 2011 World Bank report almost 30% of Moroccans between the ages of 15 and 29 are unemployed. The city where I am serving is no exception to this phenomenon. However, the town has also seen much growth in the past 10 years and many measures have been taken to support the influx of people from neighboring villages. The rapid population growth means that there are now more people searching for work in a town that possesses no major industries or businesses. Students that are lucky enough to pass their baccalaureate exam and can afford to move out of town do so quickly, as there is no work here. The resulting brain-drain means that students remaining here are in desperate need of technical and vocational skills if they hope to find a job.

With money from this grant, I will build a computer lab in the local youth center. After the completion of the lab, a full schedule of computer courses will be offered including everything from basic typing courses to courses on how to use the internet as a tool to find jobs. In addition, a series of vocational skills workshops will be conducted to teach youth additional skills like resume writing and interview etiquette. I also hope for the lab to be used as a reserach tool for residents desiring to bring new businesses to the region.

If you have questions about this or other projects, email our office.

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Project Details

Volunteer Coordinator
Fedorowicz M. of MI
Project Number
Community Contribution
(43% of total budget)
Original Request
Funds Still Needed
