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English Language Resource Center

The summary below was provided by the Peace Corps Volunteer and the community administering this project.



Our community's gymnasium is a school with a high level of English-language education. However, there is a severe lack of quality educational resources at the school. The English Resource Center seeks to improve students' critical thinking, independent learning, and English language skills. We plan on purchasing authentic English-language textbooks and supplementary materials, as well as corresponding materials for teachers that will help provide new, communicative teaching methods.

The Gymnasium's current books are based on reading long, tedious texts and translating. This method is dull for students and teachers, and does little to give students the ability to communicate in English. Furthermore, the money from the Partnership Program will be used to buy computer programs, a laptop, projector, and printer with the goal of creating opportunities for students to use their English for correspondence and research. This is a major part of this project, as it will give students the opportunity to use English outside of the classroom. Both students and teachers will be provided with training on the benefits of using technology for educational purposes. The resource room will also be used by other teachers in the school to conduct region-wide seminars in their respective subjects, which are a regular occurrence at our school. As their contribution to the project, the school is providing the room for the resource center, internet access, a mobile blackboard, a round table, and chairs for the room. The Partnership Program will be used to buy textbooks, computer programs, a laptop, projector, and printer.

If you have questions about this or other projects, email our office.

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Project Details

Volunteer Coordinator
Christensen D. of GA
Project Number
Community Contribution
(25% of total budget)
Original Request
Funds Still Needed
