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Local Library Project

The summary below was provided by the Peace Corps Volunteer and the community administering this project.



Libraries are a source of knowledge and enjoyment for many students. Unfortunately, the current state of the library at the local high school does not make the books easily accessible to the students. There are no librarians to open the library for students, the room is filled with old molded textbooks, and the new books that have been donated to the school are going unread. This project includes 3 components that will enable the library to be open longer, provide the students with more access to books, technologies, and materials, and be more enjoyable for the students to use. First, we will clean out the library and give it a new coat of paint. The second component will be organizing and recording all the books and setting up a system of checking out and tracking books. Counterparts and teachers will help develop this system in a way that makes sense for them and the students. The last part of the project is in training the students and teachers to use the library. They will be trained on how to organize the books and track them and how to use the technology in the library as well and assist others in using it. The students and teachers that are trained will take over responsibility for the library and will open the library more during the school day to enable the students to have more access to the books and information there.

If you have questions about this or other projects, email our office.

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Project Details

Volunteer Coordinator
Shaw H. of LA
Project Number
Community Contribution
(37% of total budget)
Original Request
Funds Still Needed
