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Scenic images from the field

Youth Council Park Project

The summary below was provided by the Peace Corps Volunteer and the community administering this project.



Students in my town have formed a Youth Council to work with the mayor's office to learn about civic affairs, to have a voice in local government, and to participate in community activities. One of the Council's first projects is to continue to improve the central park by converting old fountains from the Russian era into landscaped gardens and to repair and paint murals on retaining walls. Making the park more attractive and usable is a high priority for the community. The empty fountains are a danger to young children and often become trash pits. The mural walls will provide a place for youth to express themselves artistically and create a stronger feeling of community ownership.

A previous Public Achievement youth project installed a few new benches but did not raise enough money to do more. This project will let the youth continue to make the park more of a community gathering place and to display their skills and commitment to the community, and in the process, learn how to coordinate and work more effectively with local government. The project will pay for the plants and for the materials and paints for the art walls. Youth volunteers will do the planting and the artwork.

The town has added wifi to the park at the request of the youth and will fill the fountain pits with soil. The town plans to raise money for a future project to install more benches and a playground structure for young children.

If you have questions about this or other projects, email our office.

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Project Details

Volunteer Coordinator
Asadorian R. of CA
Project Number
Community Contribution
(31% of total budget)
Original Request
Funds Still Needed
