Regional and National Assessments


USGS Water Science Centers are located in each state.

There is a USGS Water Science Center office in each State. Washington Oregon California Idaho Nevada Montana Wyoming Utah Colorado Arizona New Mexico North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Texas Minnesota Iowa Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Wisconsin Illinois Mississippi Michigan Indiana Ohio Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Pennsylvania West Virginia Georgia Florida Caribbean Alaska Hawaii New York Vermont New Hampshire Maine Massachusetts South Carolina North Carolina Rhode Island Virginia Connecticut New Jersey Maryland-Delaware-D.C.

Estimation of Nutrient and Sediment Loading in the Mississippi River and Great Lakes Basins with Regional SPARROW Models

Principal Investigators: Dale M. Robertson and David Saad
Cooperators: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Period of Project: October 2005 – Continuing


Throughout the country, declining water quality in rivers and streams has been linked to excessive inputs of nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus. Nutrient over-enrichment in streams and rivers can lead to eutrophication in downstream waterbodies, causing hypoxia and threatening fish and other aquatic animals. These problems can arise both locally and regionally; for example, one of the principal causes for the increasing size of the Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone is believed to be the increasing supply of nitrogen delivered to the Gulf from the Mississippi River Basin.

The NAWQA Program has adopted SPARROW modeling to assess nutrient conditions in large regions of the conterminous United States. These nutrient modeling studies are part of NAWQA's Major River Basin (MRB) status and trends assessments of stream chemistry, with emphasis on nutrients, pesticides, and ecosystem health. Wisconsin Water Science Center researchers have been focusing their efforts on both the Mississippi model and the model for Major River Basin 3 (MRB3), which includes the Great Lakes and the Ohio, Upper Mississippi, and Souris-Red-Rainy River basins (upper Midwest).


SPARROW Modeling

SPARROW (SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes) is a mass-balance watershed modeling technique for relating water-quality measurements made at a network of monitoring stations to nutrient inputs and other attributes of the watersheds containing the stations. SPARROW tracks the transport of nutrients from local,  inland watersheds to regional, coastal waters by explaining spatial patterns in stream water-quality conditions in relation to human activities and natural processes. The system uses calibrated models to predict long-term average loads, concentrations, yields, and source contributions (and associated error estimates) for all stream reaches within the modeled watersheds. SPARROW models have been  developed for a variety of water-quality constituents and time periods.

This project will develop calibrated SPARROW models to estimate nutrient loading from streams.  

Project description

The SPARROW project has three phases:

    1. Compile existing water-quality information from federal, state, and local agencies and universities; use these data to estimate nutrient loads from streams in large regions of the country.
    2. Develop SPARROW models to estimate loads and sources of nutrients in streams and rivers. Models are developed at a range of scales, including national and major river basin models. Wisconsin Water Science Center researchers are responsible for the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Basin (MARB) and MRB3 (upper Midwest) models.
    3. Build web-based tools to illustrate results of the SPARROW models and evaluate effects of specific management decisions.


Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Basin

Combined Yields thumbnailThe Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Basin (MARB) SPARROW model, primarily based on 1992 data and published in Environmental Science and Technology in 2008, evaluated the watersheds that deliver nitrogen and phosphorus to the Gulf of Mexico. The model showed that while Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio and Mississippi make up only one-third of the 31-state Mississippi River drainage area, they contribute more than 75 percent of nitrogen and phosphorus to the Gulf. Agricultural nonpoint sources contribute more than 70 % of the nitrogen and phosphorus delivered to the Gulf, versus only about 9 to 12 % from urban sources.

Corn and soybean cultivation was the largest contributor of nitrogen to the Gulf. The study reported that 66% of nitrogen originated primarily from cultivated crops, mostly corn and soybean, with animal grazing and manure contributing only about 5 percent. Atmospheric contributions also were important, accounting for 16% of nitrogen.

Animal manure on pasture and range lands contribute nearly as much phosphorus as cultivated crops, 37 versus 43 percent, suggesting that the wastes of unconfined animals is a much larger source of phosphorus in the Mississippi River Basin than previously recognized.

Read the full press release here.

Uncertainties in the nutrient yield estimates from the MARB SPARROW model published in the Journal of the American Water Resources Association in 2009, were incorporated into a statistical ranking procedure to determine the probability that a watershed is within the top 150 delivering the highest nutrient yields to the Gulf.

Model findings show that 11 watersheds are reliably placed in the top 150 category for total nitrogen (3 for total phosphorus) delivered to the Gulf of Mexico with 90 percent certainty. Although only a few watersheds could be placed into the top 150 category, numerous watersheds could be removed from consideration of being in the top 150 category. A total of 513 watersheds for total nitrogen and 505 watersheds for total phosphorus are reliably placed outside of the top 150 category with 90 percent uncertainty.

Probabilistic ranking of watershed nutrient yields can assist water managers, policy makers, and scientists in identifying watersheds that may be primarily responsible for nutrient delivery to the Gulf of Mexico.

Read the full press release here.

Ongoing Work
An updated model with 2002 data is being developed and planned to be released in Fiscal Year 2012.


Total phosphorus thumbnail

MRB3 Basin

Results for the MRB3 (Upper Midwest) SPARROW models, based on 2002 data, were published in the Journal of the American Water Resources Association in 2011. Results indicated that recent (2002) U.S. loadings to Lakes Michigan and Ontario are similar to those in the 1980s, whereas loadings to Lakes Superior, Huron, and Erie decreased. Highest loads were from tributaries with the largest watersheds, whereas highest yields were from areas with intense agriculture and large point sources of nutrients.

Input from agricultural areas was a significant source of nutrients, contributing 33-44% of the phosphorus and 33-58% of the nitrogen to each of the Great Lakes, except for areas around Superior with little agriculture. Point sources were also significant in some areas, contributing 14-44% of the phosphorus and 13-34% of the nitrogen to each of the Great Lakes.

Watersheds around Lake Erie contributed nutrients at the highest rate (similar to intensively farmed areas in the Midwest) because they have the largest nutrient inputs and highest delivery ratio, while those aroundLake Superior contributed the least nutrients. Nutrient deposition in lakes and reservoirs on tributaries to the Great Lakes was important in reducing nutrient delivery to the lakes.

Read the full press release here.


Web-based Tools  

SPARROW Mapper: MRB3 2002 Nutrient Models

This mapper displays SPARROW nutrients load and yield data and the importance of various nutrient sources for the MRB3 basin using maps, graphs and tables. Rankings available by major watershed, state, HUC8, tributary, and catchment. Modeling data can be exported as an Excel spreadsheet.

SPARROW WMA screenshot

SPARROW Decision Support Tool

The Decision Support System displays model predictions of water-quality conditions and sources by stream reach and catchment, tracking transport to downstream receiving waters, and evaluating management source-reduction scenarios. Complementary map overlays include land use, shaded relief, street-level data, and hydrologic unit boundaries. Models currently available include national nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended sediment models as well as regional nutrient models.


SPARROW Applications

USDA's Mississippi RIver Basin Healthy Watersheds Initiative (MRBI)'s_Mississippi_River_Basin_Healthy_Watersheds_Initiative_(MRBI)

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Nitrate Standards,com_docman/task,doc_view/gid,15398

Ongoing Work

An updated model with a refined stream network (NHD) is planned to be released in Fiscal Year 2013.


Web Links


Publications and Reports

Robertson, D.M. and D.A. Saad, 2011. Nutrient Inputs to the Laurentian Great Lakes by Source and Watershed Estimated Using SPARROW Watershed Models. Journal of the American Water Resources Association

Booth, N.L., E.J. Everman, I.-L. Kuo, L. Sprague, and L. Murphy, 2011. A Web-Based Decision Support System for Assessing Regional Water-Quality Conditions and Management Actions. Journal of the American Water Resources Association

Saad, D.A., G.E. Schwarz, D.M. Robertson, and N.L. Booth, 2011. A Multi-Agency Nutrient Dataset Used to Estimate Loads, Improve Monitoring Design, and Calibrate Regional Nutrient SPARROW Models. Journal of the American Water Resources Association

Robertson, D.M., Schwarz, G.E., Saad, D.A., and Alexander, R.B., 2009, Incorporating uncertainty into the ranking of SPARROW model nutrient yields from Mississippi/Atchafalaya River basin watersheds. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, v. 45, n. 2, p. 534-549.

Alexander, R.B., Smith, R.A., Schwarz, G.E., Boyer, E.W., Nolan, J.V., and Brakebill, J.W., 2008, Differences in phosphorus and nitrogen delivery to the Gulf of Mexico from the Mississippi River Basin. Environmental Science and Techology, v. 42, n. 3, p. 822-830

Smith, R.A., Alexander, R.B., and Schwarz, G.E., 2003, Estimating the natural background concentrations of nutrients in streams and rivers of the conterminous United States, Environ. Sci. Tech., 37, 3039-3047.

Smith, R.A., Schwarz, G.E., and Alexander, R.B., 1997, Regional interpretation of water-quality monitoring data, Water Resources Research, 33, 12, 2781-2798.


Robertson, Dale and Richard Alexander. 29 June 2007. SPARROW modeling in the Mississippi and Atchafalaya River Basins (MARB) (SPARROW_MARB_Ranking_1992.pps)

Robertson, Dale M., Saad, D.A., Alexander, R.A., and Schwarz, G.E. 24 July 2008. SPARROW Modeling – with special emphasis on modeling in the Mississippi River Basin and Upper Midwest. Upper Midwest Partnership Meeting. (MWPartnership_SPARROW_July2008.ppt)

Robertson, Dale M., and Saad, D.A., 2011. New Science and Online Management Tools to Help Guide Action on Nutrients in Rivers of the Upper Midwest Region of the U.S., Especially in the Great Lakes Region (MRB3_Online_Tools_Webinar.pptx)




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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 10-Jan-2013 12:11:56 EST

04064500: Flow=417cfs,Stage=2.77ft,Floodstage=7ft,2013-02-13 17:00,High,PINE RIVER BELOW PINE R POWERPLANT NR FLORENCE, WI 04060993: Flow=867cfs,Stage=4.92ft,2013-02-13 18:30,High,BRULE RIVER AT US HIGHWAY 2 NEAR FLORENCE, WI 05427965: Flow=1.8cfs,Stage=0.60ft,2013-02-13 18:00,>90,SPRING HARBOR STORM SEWER AT MADISON, WI 05427948: Flow=20cfs,Stage=4.14ft,2013-02-13 17:05,>90,PHEASANT BRANCH AT MIDDLETON, WI 04027500: Flow=237cfs,Stage=1.38ft,2013-02-13 17:00,>90,WHITE RIVER NEAR ASHLAND, WI 05389500: Flow=11400cfs,2013-02-13 18:30,Stage=7.93ft,2013-02-13 18:45:00,Floodstage=16ft,<10,Mississippi River at McGregor, IA 05391000: Flow=467cfs,Stage=1.65ft,2013-02-13 18:00,<10,WISCONSIN RIVER @ RAINBOW LAKE NR LAKE TOMAHAWK,WI 05548280: Flow=183cfs,Stage=4.84ft,2013-02-13 19:00,76-90,NIPPERSINK CREEK NEAR SPRING GROVE, IL 05437500: Flow=6380cfs,Stage=5.40ft,2013-02-13 18:30,76-90,ROCK RIVER AT ROCKTON, IL 05429500: Flow=250cfs,Stage=4.26ft,2013-02-13 17:15,76-90,YAHARA RIVER AT MC FARLAND, WI 05423500: Flow=27cfs,Stage=2.37ft,Floodstage=6ft,2013-02-13 15:00,76-90,SOUTH BRANCH ROCK RIVER AT WAUPUN, WI 05414820: Flow=23cfs,Stage=4.81ft,2013-02-13 18:15,76-90,SINSINAWA RIVER NEAR MENOMINEE, IL 05406500: Flow=41cfs,Stage=1.94ft,Floodstage=7ft,2013-02-13 17:00,76-90,BLACK EARTH CREEK AT BLACK EARTH, WI 04087257: Flow=45cfs,Stage=2.20ft,2013-02-13 15:00,76-90,PIKE RIVER NEAR RACINE, WI 04087240: Flow=448cfs,Stage=3.80ft,2013-02-13 15:00,76-90,ROOT RIVER AT RACINE, WI 04062000: Flow=164cfs,Stage=3.72ft,2013-02-13 18:30,76-90,PAINT RIVER NEAR ALPHA, MI 04037500: Flow=48cfs,Stage=4.71ft,2013-02-13 20:00,76-90,CISCO BRANCH ONTONAGON R AT CISCO LAKE OUTLET, MI 05398000: Flow=1840cfs,Stage=12.67ft,Floodstage=25ft,2013-02-13 18:00,10-24,WISCONSIN RIVER AT ROTHSCHILD, WI 05360500: Flow=679cfs,Stage=5.19ft,2013-02-13 17:00,10-24,FLAMBEAU RIVER NEAR BRUCE, WI 05356000: Flow=428cfs,Stage=4.67ft,Floodstage=11ft,2013-02-13 15:00,10-24,CHIPPEWA RIVER AT BISHOPS BRIDGE NEAR WINTER, WI 04060500: Flow=50cfs,Stage=4.02ft,Floodstage=11ft,2013-02-13 18:30,10-24,IRON RIVER AT CASPIAN, MI 05544200: Flow=57cfs,Stage=2.57ft,Floodstage=5ft,2013-02-13 15:30,25-75,MUKWONAGO RIVER AT MUKWONAGO, WI 05395000: Flow=1840cfs,Stage=4.68ft,Floodstage=11ft,2013-02-13 18:00,25-75,WISCONSIN RIVER AT MERRILL, WI 05394500: Flow=79cfs,Stage=1.97ft,Floodstage=7ft,2013-02-13 19:00,25-75,PRAIRIE RIVER NEAR MERRILL, WI 05370000: Flow=12cfs,2013-02-13 19:00,Stage=11.94ft,2013-02-13 15:00:00,25-75,EAU GALLE RIVER AT SPRING VALLEY, WI 05369000: Flow=783cfs,Stage=6.26ft,2013-02-13 15:30,25-75,RED CEDAR RIVER AT MENOMONIE, WI 05365500: Flow=1960cfs,Stage=3.31ft,2013-02-13 17:00,25-75,CHIPPEWA RIVER AT CHIPPEWA FALLS, WI 05340500: Flow=1780cfs,Stage=2.71ft,2013-02-13 17:00,25-75,ST. CROIX RIVER AT ST. CROIX FALLS, WI 04063500: Flow=1070cfs,Stage=6.79ft,Floodstage=12ft,2013-02-13 18:30,25-75,MENOMINEE RIVER AT TWIN FALLS NEAR IRON MT, MI 04063000: Flow=1220cfs,Stage=3.78ft,Floodstage=9ft,2013-02-13 19:00,25-75,MENOMINEE RIVER NEAR FLORENCE, WI 464646092052900: Stage=600.71ft,2013-02-13 15:00:00,Not ranked,Rating being developed or revised,SUPERIOR BAY DULUTH SHIP CANAL AT DULUTH, MN 450659091441401: Not ranked,Site discontinued,DISCOVERY FARMS-RED CEDAR WATERWAY 4 NR COLFAX, WI 450654091441501: Not ranked,Site discontinued,DISCOVERY FARMS-RED CEDAR WATERWAY 3 NR COLFAX, WI 450618091444001: Not ranked,Site discontinued,DISCOVERY FARMS-RED CEDAR WATERWAY 2 NR COLFAX, WI 450456092225801: Flow=0.095520cfs,Stage=0.178ft,2013-02-13 17:05,Not ranked,DISCOVERY FARMS-WILLOW WATERWAY 1 NEAR CYLON, WI 450115092180101: Flow=0.795600cfs,Stage=0.564ft,2013-02-13 17:05,Not ranked,DISCOVERY FARMS-WILLOW WATERWAY 2 NR WOODVILLE, WI 441624088045601: Flow=0.000000cfs,Stage=0.000ft,2013-02-13 19:00,Not ranked,GLRI EAST RIVER WATERWAY NUMBER 1 NR GREENLEAF, WI 441546088082001: Flow=0.000000cfs,Stage=0.000ft,2013-02-13 19:00,Not ranked,GLRI EAST RIVER WATERWAY NUMBER 2 NR GREENLEAF, WI 434425090462401: Flow=0.009220cfs,Stage=0.030ft,2013-02-13 17:15,Not ranked,DISCOVERY FARMS-JERSEY WATERWAY 6 AT CASHTON, WI 434311090461401: Flow=0.012100cfs,Stage=0.060ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,DISCOVERY FARMS-JERSEY WATERWAY 4 NEAR CASHTON, WI 434250090461401: Flow=0.012470cfs,Stage=0.061ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,DISCOVERY FARMS-JERSEY WATERWAY 5 NEAR CASHTON, WI 434246090465801: Flow=0.000000cfs,Stage=-0.010ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,DISCOVERY FARMS-JERSEY WATERWAY 3 NEAR CASHTON, WI 434244090470801: Flow=0.000000cfs,Stage=0.005ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,DISCOVERY FARMS-JERSEY WATERWAY 2 NEAR CASHTON, WI 434209090491101: Flow=0.001620cfs,Stage=0.019ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,DISCOVERY FARMS-JERSEY WATERWAY 1 NEAR CASHTON, WI 434034088252401: Flow=2.215000cfs,Stage=0.937ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,SCF W BR MILWAUKEE RIVER WATERWAY 1 NEAR BYRON, WI 433727088215801: Flow=0.006100cfs,Stage=0.018ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,SCF W BR MILWAUKEE RIVER WATERWAY 2 NR ASHFORD, WI 433615088202501: Flow=0.000000cfs,Stage=0.000ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,SCF W BR MILWAUKEE RIVER WATERWAY 3 NR ASHFORD, WI 431250089282901: Flow=5.150000cfs,Stage=1.407ft,2013-02-13 17:01,Not ranked,DANE COUNTY MRBI WATERWAY NUMBER 1 NR WAUNAKEE, WI 431212089314801: Stage=0.146ft,2013-02-13 17:04,Not ranked,DANE CO MRBI WATERWAY 2 NR SPRINGFIELD CORNERS, WI 431208089314901: Stage=0.837ft,2013-02-13 17:04,Not ranked,DANE CO. MRBI TILE #1 NEAR SPRINGFIELD CORNERS, WI 430532089315602: Stage=0.030ft,2013-02-13 19:00,Not ranked,BIO CELL SS-OUTLET-AT USGS OFFICE AT MIDDLETON, WI 430532089315601: Stage=-0.061ft,2013-02-13 19:00,Not ranked,BIO CELL SS-INLET-AT USGS OFFICE AT MIDDLETON, WI 430402089183501: Stage=0.22ft,2013-02-13 15:02,Not ranked,US HWY 51 WISDOT GRASS SWALES DOWNSTRM MADISON, WI 430356089183502: Stage=0.24ft,2013-02-13 15:02,Not ranked,US HWY 51 WISDOT GRASS SWALES MIDDLE MADISON, WI 425715089164700: Stage=3.10ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,LAKE KEGONSA AT BARBER DRIVE NEAR STOUGHTON, WI 424848088083100: Stage=7.73ft,2013-02-13 18:15,Not ranked,WIND LAKE AT OUTLET AT WIND LAKE, WI 423525088260400: Stage=2.62ft,2013-02-13 15:20,Not ranked,GENEVA LAKE AT LAKE GENEVA, WI 055451345: Flow=34cfs,Stage=8.62ft,2013-02-13 15:20,Not ranked,WHITE RIVER AT CENTER STREET AT LAKE GENEVA, WI 054279465: Flow=4.8cfs,Stage=2.66ft,2013-02-13 17:10,Not ranked,S FORK PHEASANT BRANCH @ DEMING WAY @ MIDDLETON,WI 054041665: Stage=6.37ft,2013-02-13 18:30:00,Floodstage=14ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,BARABOO RIVER AT MAIN STREET AT REEDSBURG, WI 053813595: Flow=243cfs,Stage=35.80ft,Floodstage=47ft,2013-02-13 19:00,Not ranked,BLACK RIVER DS ST HWY 54 AT BLACK RIVER FALLS, WI 053674967: Flow=5.9cfs,Stage=3.70ft,2013-02-13 18:25,Not ranked,Trout Creek at Tenth St. near Bloomer, WI 053674962: Stage=1.63ft,2013-02-13 18:45:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,TROUT CREEK AT CNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY DD NR BLOOMER,WI 053416972: Flow=28cfs,Stage=3.75ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,WILLOW RIVER @ COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY T AT JEWETT,WI 053416966: 2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,DRY RUN AT 190TH STREET NEAR JEWETT, WI 040871488: Flow=33cfs,Stage=12.12ft,2013-02-13 18:50,Not ranked,WILSON PARK CR @ ST. LUKES HOSPTL @ MILWAUKEE, WI 040871476: Flow=0.00cfs,Stage=0.10ft,2013-02-13 18:00,Not ranked,HOLMES AVE CR TRB @ GMIA OUTFALL #1 @ MILWAUKEE,WI 040871475: Flow=8.6cfs,Stage=11.35ft,2013-02-13 18:55,Not ranked,WILSON PARK CREEK @ GMIA OUTFALL #7 @ MILWAUKEE,WI 040871473: Flow=1.5cfs,Stage=10.80ft,2013-02-13 18:50,Not ranked,WILSON PARK CREEK AT GMIA INFALL AT MILWAUKEE, WI 040869416: Stage=4.51ft,2013-02-13 16:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,LINCOLN CREEK @ SHERMAN BOULEVARD AT MILWAUKEE, WI 040857005: Stage=6.42ft,2013-02-13 19:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,OTTER CREEK AT WILLOW ROAD NEAR PLYMOUTH, WI 040854592: Stage=5.22ft,2013-02-13 17:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,FISHER CREEK AT HOWARDS GROVE, WI 040851385: Flow=5040cfs,Stage=577.93ft,Floodstage=584ft,2013-02-13 18:00,Not ranked,FOX RIVER AT OIL TANK DEPOT AT GREEN BAY, WI 040851325: Stage=3.07ft,2013-02-13 17:15:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,BAIRD CREEK AT SUPERIOR ROAD AT GREEN BAY, WI 040734605: Stage=6.16ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,GREEN LAKE SW INLET @ CT HIGHWY K NR GREEN LAKE,WI 040263205: Flow=18cfs,Stage=1.30ft,Floodstage=5ft,2013-02-13 18:05,Not ranked,WHITTLESEY CREEK NEAR ASHLAND, WI 05548170: Flow=39cfs,Stage=2.28ft,2013-02-13 18:45,Not ranked,NORTH BRANCH NIPPERSINK CREEK AT GENOA CITY, WI 05548000: Stage=3.17ft,2013-02-13 18:45,Not ranked,NIPPERSINK LAKE AT FOX LAKE, IL 05547500: Stage=3.19ft,2013-02-13 18:30,Not ranked,FOX LAKE NEAR LAKE VILLA, IL 05547000: Stage=3.35ft,2013-02-13 18:45,Not ranked,CHANNEL LAKE NEAR ANTIOCH, IL 05545750: Flow=1480cfs,Stage=9.03ft,Floodstage=10ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,FOX RIVER NEAR NEW MUNSTER, WI 05544475: Stage=4.52ft,Floodstage=7.5ft,2013-02-13 18:15,Not ranked,FOX RIVER AT ROCHESTER, WI 05544385: Stage=12.02ft,2013-02-13 18:45,Not ranked,MUSKEGO (BIG MUSKEGO) LAKE OUTLET NR WIND LAKE, WI 05543830: Stage=3.66ft,2013-02-13 15:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,FOX RIVER AT WAUKESHA, WI 05527950: Flow=68cfs,Stage=7.61ft,2013-02-13 18:45,Not ranked,MILL CREEK AT OLD MILL CREEK, IL 05527910: Not ranked,Temporarily unavailable,NORTH MILL CREEK NEAR MILBURN, IL 05527905: Flow=11cfs,Stage=11.86ft,2013-02-13 18:45,Not ranked,HASTINGS CREEK NEAR LINDENHURST, IL 05527900: Flow=44cfs,Stage=8.25ft,2013-02-13 18:45,Not ranked,NORTH MILL CREEK AT HICKORY CORNERS, IL 05527800: Stage=5.25ft,2013-02-13 18:30:00,Floodstage=7ft,Not ranked,Temporarily unavailable,DES PLAINES RIVER AT RUSSELL, IL 05438283: Flow=4.8cfs,Stage=4.85ft,2013-02-13 15:00,Not ranked,PISCASAW CREEK NEAR WALWORTH, WI 05437050: Flow=3460cfs,Stage=8.76ft,Floodstage=12ft,2013-02-13 18:30,Not ranked,PECATONICA RIVER NR SHIRLAND, ILL 05436500: Stage=2.89ft,2013-02-13 17:00:00,Floodstage=5ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,SUGAR RIVER NEAR BRODHEAD, WI 05435950: Stage=3.47ft,2013-02-13 17:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,SUGAR RIVER NEAR VERONA, WI 05435943: Flow=12cfs,Stage=4.41ft,2013-02-13 15:00,Not ranked,BADGER MILL CREEK AT VERONA, WI 05434500: Stage=10.43ft,2013-02-13 15:45:00,Floodstage=13.5ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,PECATONICA RIVER AT MARTINTOWN, WI 05433000: Stage=5.98ft,2013-02-13 15:00:00,Floodstage=11ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,EAST BRANCH PECATONICA RIVER NR BLANCHARDVILLE, WI 05432927: Flow=10cfs,Stage=9.69ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,PLEASANT VALLEY CREEK @ CTH H NR BLANCHARDVILLE,WI 05432695: Flow=8.0cfs,Stage=7.57ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,RIDGEWAY BRANCH NEAR HOLLANDALE, WI 05432500: Stage=4.28ft,Floodstage=13.5ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,PECATONICA RIVER AT DARLINGTON, WI 05431486: Stage=4.48ft,2013-02-13 15:15:00,Floodstage=8ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,TURTLE CREEK AT CARVERS ROCK ROAD NEAR CLINTON, WI 05431016: Flow=11cfs,Stage=8.66ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,JACKSON CREEK AT MOUND ROAD NEAR ELKHORN, WI 05430500: Stage=5.41ft,2013-02-13 17:15:00,Floodstage=9ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,ROCK RIVER AT AFTON, WI 05430175: Stage=4.69ft,2013-02-13 15:15:00,Floodstage=10ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,YAHARA RIVER NEAR FULTON, WI 05430150: Stage=4.98ft,2013-02-13 15:15:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,BADFISH CREEK NEAR COOKSVILLE, WI 05429700: Flow=328cfs,Stage=6.76ft,2013-02-13 17:10,Not ranked,YAHARA RIVER @ FORTON STREET BRIDGE @ STOUGHTON,WI 05429510: Flow=304cfs,2013-02-13 17:15,Stage=5.76ft,2013-01-28 08:10:00,Not ranked,YAHARA RIVER @ EXCHANGE ST. BRIDGE @ MC FARLAND,WI 05429485: Stage=4.52ft,2013-02-13 17:15,Not ranked,LAKE WAUBESA AT MC FARLAND, WI 05429000: Stage=4.75ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,LAKE MONONA AT MADISON, WI 05428500: Flow=114cfs,Stage=4.81ft,2013-02-13 17:15,Not ranked,YAHARA RIVER AT EAST MAIN STREET AT MADISON, WI 05428000: Stage=9.32ft,2013-02-13 17:15,Not ranked,LAKE MENDOTA AT MADISON, WI 05427943: Flow=5.8cfs,Stage=3.83ft,2013-02-13 19:00,Not ranked,PHEASANT BRANCH AT AIRPORT ROAD NEAR MIDDLETON, WI 05427930: Stage=10.34ft,2013-02-13 17:05:00,Not ranked,Rating being developed or revised,DORN (SPRING) CREEK AT CT HIGHWAY M NR WAUNAKEE,WI 05427927: Stage=2.88ft,2013-02-13 17:10:00,Not ranked,Rating being developed or revised,DORN (SPRING) CREEK @ CT HIGHWAY Q NR WAUNAKEE, WI 05427910: Flow=57cfs,Stage=10.14ft,2013-02-13 13:05,Not ranked,SIXMILE CREEK @ COUNTY TRNK HGHWY M NR WAUNAKEE,WI 05427880: Stage=3.72ft,2013-02-13 17:05:00,Not ranked,Rating being developed or revised,SIXMILE CREEK AT STATE HIGHWAY 19 NEAR WAUNAKEE,WI 05427850: Flow=99cfs,Stage=9.44ft,2013-02-13 18:30,Not ranked,YAHARA RIVER AT STATE HIGHWAY 113 AT MADISON, WI 05427718: Flow=32cfs,Stage=1.27ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,YAHARA RIVER AT WINDSOR, WI 05427530: Flow=1570cfs,Stage=3.38ft,2013-02-13 17:05,Not ranked,ROCK RIVER AT NEWVILLE, WI 05427235: Stage=6.97ft,Floodstage=10ft,2013-02-13 19:00,Not ranked,LAKE KOSHKONONG NEAR NEWVILLE, WI 05427085: Not ranked,Ice affected,ROCK RIVER AT ROBERT STREET AT FORT ATKINSON, WI 05426380: Stage=0.65ft,2013-02-13 18:30,Not ranked,Paradise Springs Creek near Eagle, WI 05426350: Stage=0.26ft,2013-02-13 18:15,Not ranked,Scuppernong R upstream from marl pit near Eagle,WI 05426250: Stage=2.47ft,2013-02-13 15:00:00,Floodstage=3ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,BARK RIVER NEAR ROME, WI 05426067: Flow=31cfs,Stage=12.64ft,2013-02-13 15:30,Not ranked,BARK RIVER AT NAGAWICKA ROAD AT DELAFIELD, WI 05426060: Stage=3.20ft,2013-02-13 19:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,BARK RIVER AT COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY K NR MERTON, WI 05426000: Stage=3.63ft,2013-02-13 17:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,CRAWFISH RIVER AT MILFORD, WI 05425912: Flow=111cfs,Stage=839.89ft,Floodstage=843.5ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,BEAVERDAM RIVER AT BEAVER DAM, WI 05425500: Stage=2.68ft,2013-02-13 15:15:00,Floodstage=5.5ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,ROCK RIVER AT WATERTOWN, WI 05424057: Flow=387cfs,Stage=7.15ft,Floodstage=8.5ft,2013-02-13 15:20,Not ranked,ROCK RIVER AT HORICON, WI 05424000: Not ranked,Site discontinued,EAST BRANCH ROCK RIVER NEAR MAYVILLE, WI 05423510: Not ranked,Site discontinued,WEST BRANCH ROCK RIVER @ STATE HWY 49 NR WAUPUN,WI 05414000: Stage=3.69ft,Floodstage=9ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,PLATTE RIVER NEAR ROCKVILLE, WI 05413500: Stage=11.20ft,2013-02-13 17:00:00,Floodstage=18ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,GRANT RIVER AT BURTON, WI 05411500: Stage=12.41ft,2013-02-13 18:45,Not ranked,Mississippi River at Clayton, IA 05410490: Stage=7.23ft,2013-02-12 02:45:00,Floodstage=12ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,KICKAPOO RIVER AT STEUBEN, WI 05408480: Flow=0.91cfs,Stage=2.63ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,W FORK KICKAPOO R @ PEACEFUL VAL RD NR CASHTON, WI 05408476: Flow=0.01cfs,Stage=0.02ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,WEST FORK KICKAPOO RIVER @ OGDEN AVE AT CASHTON,WI 05408000: Stage=4.47ft,2013-02-13 15:00:00,Floodstage=15ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,KICKAPOO RIVER AT LA FARGE, WI 05407470: Stage=8.68ft,2013-02-13 15:30:00,Floodstage=16ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,KICKAPOO RIVER AT STATE HIGHWAY 33 AT ONTARIO, WI 05407000: Stage=3.17ft,2013-02-13 17:00:00,Floodstage=9ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,WISCONSIN RIVER AT MUSCODA, WI 05406457: Flow=10cfs,Stage=1.91ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,BLACK EARTH CREEK NR BREWERY RD @ CROSS PLAINS, WI 05405000: Stage=9.98ft,2013-02-13 17:00:00,Floodstage=16ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,BARABOO RIVER NEAR BARABOO, WI 05404500: Stage=6.51ft,2013-02-13 15:15,Not ranked,DEVILS LAKE NEAR BARABOO, WI 05404116: Flow=25cfs,Stage=4.93ft,Floodstage=13ft,2013-02-13 15:15,Not ranked,WEST BRANCH BARABOO RIVER AT HILLSBORO, WI 05404000: Stage=3.87ft,2013-02-13 18:30:00,Floodstage=16ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,WISCONSIN RIVER NEAR WISCONSIN DELLS, WI 05403500: Stage=3.05ft,2013-02-13 19:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,LEMONWEIR RIVER AT NEW LISBON, WI 05403000: Flow=56cfs,2013-02-13 19:00,Not ranked,YELLOW RIVER AT NECEDAH, WI 05402000: Stage=2.51ft,2013-02-13 18:00:00,Floodstage=12ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,YELLOW RIVER AT BABCOCK, WI 05401556: Flow=59cfs,2013-02-13 18:30,Stage=10.66ft,2013-01-10 03:00:00,Not ranked,BIG ROCHE A CRI CREEK @ STATE HWY 21 NR ARKDALE,WI 05401050: Stage=4.54ft,2013-02-13 15:45:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,TENMILE CREEK NEAR NEKOOSA, WI 05400718: Stage=2.37ft,2013-02-13 18:30:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,MILL CREEK @ COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY PP NR PLOVER, WI 05400513: Stage=2.64ft,2013-02-13 18:30:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,PLOVER RIVER AT HIGHWAY 66 AT STEVENS POINT, WI 05400220: Stage=3.85ft,2013-02-13 18:30:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,LITTLE EAU PLEINE RIVER NEAR ROZELLVILLE, WI 05399580: Stage=3.33ft,2013-02-13 18:45:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,FREEMAN CREEK AT HALDER, WI 05399550: Not ranked,Ice affected,FENWOOD CREEK AT BRADLEY, WI 05399500: Stage=3.91ft,2013-02-13 18:00:00,Floodstage=15.5ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,BIG EAU PLEINE RIVER AT STRATFORD, WI 05397500: Not ranked,Ice affected,EAU CLAIRE RIVER AT KELLY, WI 05396000: Stage=2.53ft,2013-02-12 15:00:00,Floodstage=10ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,BIG RIB RIVER AT RIB FALLS, WI 05395063: Stage=3.90ft,2013-02-13 18:30:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,PINE RIVER AT CENTER AVENUE NEAR MERRILL, WI 05393500: Stage=1.58ft,2013-02-13 18:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,SPIRIT RIVER AT SPIRIT FALLS, WI 05390500: Stage=89.63ft,2013-02-13 18:30,Not ranked,ANVIL LAKE NEAR EAGLE RIVER, WI 05390100: Stage=80.02ft,Floodstage=82ft,2013-02-13 18:00,Not ranked,LAC VIEUX DESERT NEAR LAND O\'LAKES, WI 05389400: Flow=20cfs,Stage=4.38ft,2013-02-13 18:00,Not ranked,Bloody Run Creek near Marquette, IA 05389000: Flow=91cfs,Stage=4.96ft,2013-02-13 18:45,Not ranked,Yellow River near Ion, IA 05388410: Stage=13.53ft,Floodstage=625ft,2013-02-13 18:30,Not ranked,Mississippi Riv at Lock and Dam 9 nr Lynxville, WI 05386400: Stage=31.19ft,2013-02-13 18:45,Not ranked,MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT BROWNSVILLE, MN 05383075: Stage=3.45ft,2013-02-13 19:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,LA CROSSE RIVER NEAR LA CROSSE, WI 05382325: Flow=139cfs,2013-02-13 19:00,Stage=3.36ft,2013-02-13 15:00:00,Not ranked,LA CROSSE RIVER AT SPARTA, WI 05382284: Stage=5.49ft,2013-02-13 15:05:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,SILVER CREEK AT STATE HIGHWAY 21 NEAR ANGELO, WI 05382267: Flow=51cfs,Stage=5.89ft,2013-02-13 15:00,Not ranked,LA CROSSE RIVER @ CNTY TRUNK HIGHWY BB NR TOMAH,WI 05382257: Flow=1.0cfs,Stage=1.69ft,2013-02-13 15:00,Not ranked,STILLWELL CREEK AT YARD ROAD NEAR TOMAH, WI 05382255: Stage=2.27ft,2013-02-13 15:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,STILLWELL CREEK AT 16TH COURT NEAR TOMAH, WI 05382000: Stage=3.73ft,2013-02-13 18:30:00,Floodstage=12ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,BLACK RIVER NEAR GALESVILLE, WI 05381000: Stage=4.50ft,2013-02-13 17:00:00,Floodstage=18ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,BLACK RIVER AT NEILLSVILLE, WI 05379500: Stage=6.43ft,2013-02-13 17:00:00,Floodstage=9ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,TREMPEALEAU RIVER AT DODGE, WI 05378500: 2013-02-13 18:00,Stage=5.62ft,2013-02-13 18:45:00,Floodstage=13ft,Not ranked,Very low value,MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT WINONA, MN 05378490: Stage=5.78ft,2013-02-13 18:00,Not ranked,MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT LOCK AND DAM 5A NR WINONA, MN 05369500: Stage=4.23ft,2013-02-13 17:15:00,Floodstage=13ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,CHIPPEWA RIVER AT DURAND, WI 05368000: Stage=4.56ft,2013-02-13 15:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,HAY RIVER AT WHEELER, WI 05365550: Stage=4.88ft,2013-02-13 18:30,Not ranked,Chippewa River at Eau Claire below Dells Dam 05364422: Flow=0.08cfs,Stage=1.94ft,2013-02-13 18:45,Not ranked,COMO CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR BLOOMER, WI 05362000: Stage=4.03ft,2013-02-13 15:45:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,JUMP RIVER AT SHELDON, WI 05357335: Flow=39cfs,Stage=3.93ft,2013-02-13 18:15,Not ranked,BEAR RIVER NEAR MANITOWISH WATERS, WI 05357245: Flow=30cfs,Stage=1.07ft,2013-02-13 05:15,Not ranked,TROUT RIVER AT TROUT LAKE NEAR BOULDER JUNCTION,WI 05357230: Stage=7.64ft,2013-02-13 17:30:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,NORTH CREEK AT TROUT LAKE NEAR BOULDER JUNCTION,WI 05357225: Stage=8.76ft,2013-02-13 17:15:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,STEVENSON CREEK @ CT HWY M NR BOULDER JUNCTION, WI 05357215: Flow=10cfs,Stage=1.46ft,2013-02-13 17:15,Not ranked,ALLEQUASH CREEK @ CT HWY M NR BOULDER JUNCTION, WI 05357206: Flow=3.2cfs,Stage=0.46ft,2013-02-13 10:45,Not ranked,ALLEQUASH CREEK SITE NO. 3 NR BOULDER JUNCTION, WI 05356500: Stage=3.29ft,2013-02-13 17:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,CHIPPEWA RIVER NEAR BRUCE, WI 05344500: Stage=25.10ft,2013-02-13 18:00,Not ranked,Very low value,MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT PRESCOTT, WI 05344490: Stage=25.12ft,2013-02-13 18:15:00,Not ranked,Equipment malfunction,ST. CROIX RIVER AT PRESCOTT, WI 05342000: Flow=85cfs,Stage=10.48ft,2013-02-13 19:00,Not ranked,KINNICKINNIC RIVER NEAR RIVER FALLS, WI 05341752: Flow=80cfs,Stage=3.57ft,2013-02-13 13:00,Not ranked,WILLOW RIVER @ WILLOW R STATE PARK NR BURKHARDT,WI 05341694: Flow=3.8cfs,Stage=4.33ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,SOUTH FORK WILLOW RIVER AT US HWY 63 NEAR CYLON,WI 05341687: Stage=5.24ft,2013-02-13 17:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,WILLOW RIVER AT STATE HIGHWAY 46 NEAR DEER PARK,WI 05333500: Stage=2.24ft,2013-02-13 15:15:00,Floodstage=7ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,ST. CROIX RIVER NEAR DANBURY, WI 05331833: Stage=1.58ft,2013-02-13 15:30:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,NAMEKAGON RIVER AT LEONARDS, WI 04087233: Stage=4.02ft,2013-02-13 15:15:00,Floodstage=9ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,ROOT RIVER CANAL NEAR FRANKLIN, WI 04087220: Stage=3.77ft,2013-02-13 17:15:00,Floodstage=8ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,ROOT RIVER NEAR FRANKLIN, WI 04087214: Flow=13cfs,Stage=10.86ft,2013-02-13 16:00,Not ranked,ROOT RIVER AT GRANGE AVENUE AT GREENFIELD, WI 04087204: Stage=2.79ft,2013-02-13 15:15:00,Floodstage=8ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,OAK CREEK AT SOUTH MILWAUKEE, WI 04087170: Stage=5.76ft,2013-02-13 17:05,Not ranked,MILWAUKEE RIVER AT MOUTH AT MILWAUKEE, WI 04087159: Stage=6.80ft,2013-02-13 18:30:00,Floodstage=16ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,KINNICKINNIC RIVER @ S. 11TH STREET @ MILWAUKEE,WI 04087142: Flow=301cfs,Stage=10.12ft,2013-02-13 18:30,Not ranked,MENOMONEE RIVER AT 16TH STREET AT MILWAUKEE, WI 04087120: Stage=2.53ft,2013-02-13 18:55:00,Floodstage=11ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,MENOMONEE RIVER AT WAUWATOSA, WI 04087119: Stage=6.58ft,2013-02-13 17:55:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,HONEY CREEK AT WAUWATOSA, WI 04087088: Stage=8.66ft,2013-02-13 19:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,UNDERWOOD CREEK AT WAUWATOSA, WI 04087070: Flow=44cfs,Stage=5.14ft,2013-02-12 13:30,Not ranked,LITTLE MENOMONEE RIVER AT MILWAUKEE, WI 04087050: Flow=17cfs,Stage=2.46ft,2013-02-13 18:30,Not ranked,LITTLE MENOMONEE RIVER NEAR FREISTADT, WI 04087030: Stage=4.35ft,2013-02-13 18:30:00,Floodstage=7.5ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,MENOMONEE RIVER AT MENOMONEE FALLS, WI 04087000: Stage=3.08ft,2013-02-13 17:00:00,Floodstage=7ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,MILWAUKEE RIVER AT MILWAUKEE, WI 04086600: Stage=9.04ft,2013-02-13 17:05:00,Floodstage=11ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,MILWAUKEE RIVER NEAR CEDARBURG, WI 04086500: Stage=7.28ft,2013-02-13 15:45:00,Floodstage=10ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,CEDAR CREEK NEAR CEDARBURG, WI 04086139: Stage=3.52ft,2013-02-13 17:00:00,Not ranked,Rating being developed or revised,WEST BRANCH MILWAUKEE RIVER NEAR KEWASKUM, WI 04086120: Stage=2.90ft,2013-02-13 17:00:00,Not ranked,Rating being developed or revised,WEST BRANCH MILWAUKEE RIVER @ CTH K NEAR LOMIRA,WI 04086110: Stage=2.85ft,2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,WEST BRANCH MILWAUKEE RIVER AT CTH F NEAR BYRON,WI 04086000: Stage=7.51ft,2013-02-13 15:05:00,Floodstage=8ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,SHEBOYGAN RIVER AT SHEBOYGAN, WI 04085427: Stage=6.27ft,2013-02-13 18:30:00,Floodstage=10ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,MANITOWOC RIVER AT MANITOWOC, WI 04085200: Stage=10.50ft,2013-02-13 18:00:00,Floodstage=14ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,KEWAUNEE RIVER NEAR KEWAUNEE, WI 04085108: Stage=9.05ft,2013-02-13 17:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,EAST RIVER @ CNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY ZZ NR GREENLEAF,WI 04084911: Stage=8.11ft,2013-02-13 14:55:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,PLUM CREEK NEAR WRIGHTSTOWN, WI 04084445: Flow=4486cfs,Stage=5.69ft,Floodstage=8.4ft,2013-02-13 19:00,Not ranked,FOX RIVER AT APPLETON, WI 04084255: Stage=1.93ft,2013-02-13 15:40,Not ranked,LAKE WINNEBAGO NEAR STOCKBRIDGE, WI 04084038: Stage=749.82ft,2013-02-13 16:05,Not ranked,DE NEVEU CREEK @ E. MERRILL ST. AT FOND DU LAC, WI 04083545: Not ranked,Site discontinued,FOND DU LAC RIVER @ W. ARNDT ST. AT FOND DU LAC,WI 04082500: Stage=2.07ft,Floodstage=3.5ft,2013-02-13 15:30,Not ranked,LAKE WINNEBAGO AT OSHKOSH, WI 04082400: Flow=3030cfs,Stage=5.26ft,Floodstage=7.5ft,2013-02-13 19:00,Not ranked,FOX RIVER AT OSHKOSH, WI 04081000: Stage=2.91ft,2013-02-13 15:15:00,Floodstage=6ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,WAUPACA RIVER NEAR WAUPACA, WI 04080000: Stage=1.42ft,2013-02-13 18:00:00,Floodstage=5ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,LITTLE WOLF RIVER AT ROYALTON, WI 04079000: Stage=2.86ft,2013-02-13 17:00:00,Floodstage=9ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,WOLF RIVER AT NEW LONDON, WI 04078500: Stage=3.52ft,2013-02-13 17:00:00,Floodstage=7ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,EMBARRASS RIVER NEAR EMBARRASS, WI 04077630: Stage=6.68ft,2013-02-13 18:30:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,RED RIVER AT MORGAN ROAD NEAR MORGAN, WI 04074950: Stage=8.63ft,2013-02-13 19:00:00,Floodstage=11.5ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,WOLF RIVER AT LANGLADE, WI 04073970: Not ranked,Site discontinued,WAUKAU CREEK NEAR OMRO, WI 04073500: Stage=10.00ft,2013-02-13 15:00:00,Floodstage=13ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,FOX RIVER AT BERLIN, WI 04073473: Not ranked,Site discontinued,PUCHYAN RIVER DS N. LAWSON DRIVE NR GREEN LAKE, WI 04073468: Not ranked,Site discontinued,GREEN LAKE INLET AT CT HIGHWAY A NR GREEN LAKE, WI 04073466: Flow=35cfs,2013-02-13 19:05,Stage=6.82ft,2013-02-13 17:05:00,Not ranked,SILVER CREEK AT SPAULDING ROAD NEAR GREEN LAKE, WI 04073462: Not ranked,Site discontinued,WHITE CREEK AT SPRING GROVE ROAD NR GREEN LAKE, WI 04073458: 2013-02-13 17:00,Not ranked,ROY CREEK AT ROY CREEK ROAD NEAR GREEN LAKE, WI 04073365: Not ranked,Ice affected,FOX RIVER AT PRINCETON, WI 04072845: Not ranked,Site discontinued,MONTELLO RIVER NEAR MONTELLO, WI 04072150: Stage=15.29ft,2013-02-13 15:15:00,Floodstage=18ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,DUCK CREEK NEAR HOWARD, WI 04071765: Stage=5.06ft,2013-02-13 17:00:00,Floodstage=9ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,OCONTO RIVER NEAR OCONTO, WI 04071000: Stage=3.59ft,2013-02-13 15:15:00,Floodstage=7.5ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,OCONTO RIVER NEAR GILLETT, WI 04069500: Stage=2.25ft,2013-02-13 15:15:00,Floodstage=10ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,PESHTIGO RIVER AT PESHTIGO, WI 04069416: Stage=8.60ft,2013-02-13 15:40:00,Floodstage=12ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,PESHTIGO RIVER AT PORTERFIELD, WI 04067958: Stage=4.63ft,2013-02-13 15:45:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,PESHTIGO RIVER NEAR WABENO, WI 04067500: Stage=9.17ft,2013-02-13 17:05:00,Floodstage=15ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,MENOMINEE RIVER NEAR MC ALLISTER, WI 04066800: Stage=10.12ft,2013-02-13 15:30:00,Floodstage=17ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,MENOMINEE RIVER AT KOSS, MI 04066500: Stage=3.30ft,2013-02-13 14:45:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,PIKE RIVER AT AMBERG, WI 04066030: Flow=1240cfs,Stage=6.40ft,Floodstage=14ft,2013-02-13 17:15,Not ranked,MENOMINEE RIVER AT WHITE RAPIDS DAM NEAR BANAT, MI 04066003: Flow=4400cfs,2013-02-13 19:00,Stage=9.26ft,2013-02-13 17:00:00,Floodstage=14ft,Not ranked,MENOMINEE RIVER BELOW PEMENE CREEK NR PEMBINE, WI 04065106: Flow=1190cfs,2013-02-13 19:00,Stage=4.87ft,2013-02-13 18:00:00,Floodstage=13ft,Not ranked,MENOMINEE RIVER AT NIAGARA, WI 04063700: Stage=1.90ft,2013-02-13 17:15:00,Floodstage=6ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,POPPLE RIVER NEAR FENCE, WI 04062011: Flow=298cfs,Stage=6.42ft,Floodstage=12ft,2013-02-13 18:15,Not ranked,BRULE RIVER NEAR COMMONWEALTH, WI 04037400: Stage=3.92ft,2013-02-13 18:45,Not ranked,CISCO LAKE NEAR WATERSMEET, MI 04031000: Stage=1.48ft,2013-02-13 19:00:00,Floodstage=10ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,BLACK RIVER NEAR BESSEMER, MI 04027000: Stage=3.21ft,2013-02-13 18:45:00,Floodstage=18ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,BAD RIVER NEAR ODANAH, WI 04026561: Stage=3.52ft,2013-02-13 18:30:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,TYLER FORKS RIVER AT STRICKER ROAD NEAR MELLEN, WI 04026390: Stage=4.27ft,2013-02-13 17:15:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,BEARTRAP CREEK AT U.S. HIGHWAY 2 NEAR ASHLAND, WI 04025500: Stage=1.65ft,2013-02-13 15:15:00,Floodstage=7ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,BOIS BRULE RIVER AT BRULE, WI 04024430: Stage=6.07ft,2013-02-13 19:00:00,Floodstage=20ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,NEMADJI RIVER NEAR SOUTH SUPERIOR, WI Go to WaterWatch (offsite) for a larger map with additional options