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About PNNL

PNNL Mission, Vision, Values

Mission, Vision, Values

At PNNL, our mission is to transform the world through courageous discovery and innovation. It is our vision that PNNL science and technology will inspire and enable the world to live prosperously, safely, and securely. It's no easy task and with values of integrity, creativity, collaboration, impact, and courage, our staff delivers time and time again.

View our Videos page for the stories behind the amazing scientific discoveries and world-changing technologies originating from PNNL, and click on the videos below to hear from staff as to how they are living our PNNL values.


We demonstrate Integrity when we:

  • Conduct business with uncompromising adherence to our ethical principles
  • Seek truth, represent our findings, and make decisions in an unbiased and objective way
  • Behave professionally, respectfully, honestly, safely, and sustainably
  • Expeditiously confront threats to the trust placed in us by those we serve
Doing greater good
Run Time: :59
Integrity at the Lab really stands out
Run Time: :36
Doing it right
Run Time: :24
Maintaining confidentiality
Run Time: 1:06


We demonstrate Creativity when we:

  • Foster innovation and creative thinking in all we do
  • Encourage and reward informed risk-taking
  • Treat failures as portals to discovery
  • Push beyond established boundaries
Good scientific impact
Run Time: :30
Finding solutions
Run Time: :25
Products, systems, concepts
Run Time: :34
Run Time: :24


We demonstrate Collaboration when we:

  • Harness the power of the united team to discover and solve the extraordinary
  • Find and align the best and diverse talent, both in thought and experience
  • Maintain an environment where all team members are heard and valued
  • Strive to synthesize the most qualified interdisciplinary teams
Connecting knowledge
Run Time: :19
Raise the bar
Run Time: :23
Freedom to explore
Run Time: :49
New and efficient technologies
Run Time: :37


We demonstrate Impact when we:

  • Focus on delivering crucial outcomes
  • Lead positive change in the world to make it safer, cleaner, and more prosperous
  • Make and meet bold commitments with performance certainty
  • Serve humanity, giving it discoveries that change the way we think about the world
Training foreign nationals
Run Time: 1:32
Reducing energy consumption
Run Time: :53
Sustainable future
Run Time: :21
Protecting our science and nation
Run Time: :47


We demonstrate Courage when we:

  • Act as pioneers who overcome inertia in order to serve a greater purpose
  • Strive to do what is right, even if it is not expedient or popular
  • Adhere to our principles in the face of opposition
  • Willingly acknowledge our mistakes and seek to learn from them
  • Challenge conventional thinking and accepted practice in our quest for excellence
Providing tough answers
Run Time: :34
Supportive management
Run Time: :32
Recruiting talent
Run Time: :55
Run Time: :47

Items of Interest

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Advancing Transformational Science and Technology