


World Vision

World Vision

World Vision is a Christian relief, development, and advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families, and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. Inspired by Christian values, World Vision is dedicated to working with the world’s most vulnerable people. World Vision serves all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.            

Care International

CARE International

CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. CARE places special focus on working alongside poor women because, equipped with the proper resources, women have the power to help whole families and entire communities escape poverty.

Catholic Relief Services

Catholic Relief Services

Catholic Relief Services was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States. Our mission is to assist the poor and disadvantaged, leveraging the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to alleviate human suffering, promote development of all people, and to foster charity and justice throughout the world

Save the children

Save the Children

Save the Children is the world’s leading independent organisation for children. They save children’s lives, we help them fulfil their potential and we fight for their rights. There are 29 members of Save the Children around the world, all working together to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and achieving real and lasting change in their lives.  A full list of members is on the page/below – you can get in touch directly with the one most relevant to you by clicking on the appropriate flag.  I know they will want to hear from you!

World Food PRogramme

UN World Food Programme

As the food aid arm of the UN, WFP uses its food to meet emergency need and support economic & social development. The Agency also provides the logistics support necessary to get food aid to the right people at the right time and in the right place. WFP works to put hunger at the centre of the international agenda, promoting policies, strategies and operations that directly benefit the poor and hungry.

Associates for Rural Development

Associates for Rural Development

ARD plans, designs, implements, and evaluates projects, and conducts research in five service areas: governance and institutional development; natural resources and the environment; agriculture and rural development; infrastructure, especially water supply, sanitation and environmental health; and information and knowledge management


AIDS Information Centre

A broad range of HIV&AIDS education and awareness campaigns in Uganda since 1986 has resulted in many Ugandans asking the question Am I infected? And a growing demand for HIV testing. Before the opening of AIC, there were few HIV testing services in Uganda and almost none with associated counselling programmes. Before long, an enormous burden was placed on the national Blood Bank where many Ugandans interested in knowing their HIV status went to donate blood. The Blood Bank was notable to offer supportive counselling, and donating blood for the purpose of learning one's sero-status was an expensive misuse of blood banking services.


International HIV/AIDS Alliance

By the end of the 1980s, there was clear evidence that HIV was a global development crisis of enormous proportions, that its social and economic consequences were threatening attempts to address poverty in developing countries, and that it was inseparably bound to the challenges of poverty. In 1991, a group of donor agencies and international organisations began a series of discussions about how to give more support to community groups in developing countries that were carrying out work around HIV. Two years later this process resulted in the creation of the 'International Alliance Supporting Community Action on AIDS’ – later renamed the ‘International HIV/AIDS Alliance’.


Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation seeks to prevent pediatric HIV infection and to eradicate pediatric AIDS through research, advocacy, and prevention and treatment programs.

Christian Aid

Christian Aid Mission

Christian Aid is generally considered to be the first missionary agency to support and promote indigenous mission groups. It has been the catalyst behind the present reformation in foreign missions methodology. Over the years, Christian Aid has provided more than $100 million in assistance to more than 800 evangelistic ministries based in 122 "mission field" countries overseas. These boards deploy a combined total of 80,000 missionaries serving in the most unevangelized nations of the world.

Engender Health

Engender Health

EngenderHealth is a leading global reproductive health organization working to improve the quality of health care in more than 20 countries around the world. In partnership with governments and communities, we train local health professionals to provide high-quality services in maternal health, family planning, and HIV and AIDS. We also work to promote gender equality and to advocate for sound practices and policies that support sexual and reproductive health.

Hospice Africa

Hospice Africa Uganda

HOSPICE AFRICA (HA) was inspired by witnessing the terrible suffering of those with cancer sent home to de without support, in Nairobi in 1990-2.. Palliative care from Nairobi Hospice could support these patients and allow them to dies without pain and at peace with their families and their God. But this was a problem throughout Sub Saharan Africa, not just Nairobi. Thus HA was founded for palliative care provision in Africa. This service was to be based on a model in an African country and Uganda was chosen for the model in 1993. Hospice Africa Uganda is now the model for service, education, research and promoting excellent but affordable clinical care appropriate to the cultures in Africa. Hospice Africa (HA (UK)) was registered in UK in 1993 as Hospice Africa (UK). Hospice Africa Uganda (HAU) was registered in Uganda in 1994.

The Civil Society Fund (CSF)

The Civil Society Fund (CSF) provides grants and capacity building services to civil society organisations to scale up effective and comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention and care services, as well as multisectoral services to Ugandan orphans and other vulnerable children.


Education Development Center

EDC is an international, nonprofit organization with more than 335 projects dedicated to enhancing learning, promoting health, and fostering a deeper understanding of the world.

Joint Clinical  
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Inter Religious Council  
Body Par  
Minnesota International Health Voluteery  
Meeting Point  
Africa Programs  
Wildlife Conservation Society

Wildlife Conservation Society

The Wildlife Conservation Society saves wildlife and wild lands. We do so through careful science, international conservation, education, and the management of the world’s largest system of urban wildlife parks, led by the flagship Bronx Zoo. Together, these activities change individual attitudes toward nature and help people imagine wildlife and humans living in sustainable interaction on both a local and a global scale. WCS is committed to this work because we believe it essential to the integrity of life on Earth.

Land O Lakes