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South Carolina Water Science Center

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Frequently Asked Questions

Water Information

  1. How can I obtain streamflow and groundwater level data?
  2. How do I get low-flow and flood frequency statistics?
  3. Where can I get precipitation and air temperature data?
  4. Where can I get river stage forecasts?
  5. How do I get information on wetlands?
  6. Where can I get information on tides and charts?
  7. How can I get information on flood plains?

Water Quality and Health Issues

  1. Where can I get the water from my local well tested?
  2. Where can I get information on the health effects of radon and other substances in water?
  3. Where can I find water-quality standards that apply to streams in South Carolina ?
  4. Where can I find standards for drinking water in South Carolina?
  5. Where can I find consumption advisories that are in effect for fish in South Carolina ?

Mapping and Related Topics

  1. How do I obtain a USGS topographic map?
  2. How do I obtain satellite images?
  3. How do I obtain an aerial photograph
  4. How do I get data on map projections and other data on how USGS maps are made?
  5. Where can I get information on benchmarks?
  6. Where can I get information on datums and coordinate conversions?
  7. Where can I get correction data for Global Positioning System (GPS) field files?

Geology and Related Topics

  1. How can I get information on earthquakes?
  2. Where can I get data on soils?
  3. Where can I get geologic maps?
  4. Where can I get information on Mineral Resources?

USGS Activities South Carolina and USGS Publications

  1. How do I obtain a USGS publication?
  2. How do I obtain information on projects and activities of the USGS in South Carolina?
  3. How can I get information on job openings in the USGS?
  4. Where in South Carolina are USGS Water-Resources Division Offices located?

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Page Last Modified: Friday, 11-Jan-2013 08:04:56 EST

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