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Forensic Science

Forensic Science

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) provides direct forensic analytical support, consulting and training services to United States law enforcement, homeland security and military agencies. Drawing from our staff of highly qualified forensic scientists, ORISE develops specialized courses that help forensic laboratory personnel and crime scene investigators master critical fundamentals and the latest analytic techniques to support security and military objectives. These forensics training courses are based at our training center in Northern Virginia.

ORISE also supports for homeland security and military objectives. Combining highly-qualified forensic scientists and experts in intelligence analysis, radiation emergency medicine and epidemiology, ORISE supports response to CBRNE incidents—attacks involving chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-yield explosives.

Operational support and/or training are offered in the following forensic disciplines:

  • Fingerprint Analysis
    Specialization in latent print detection, development, recovery and examination techniques.
  • DNA and Forensic Biology
    Identification, recovery and analysis of biological evidence.
  • Toolmark and Firearm Analysis
    Microscopic comparison of unique surface characteristics present on items of evidence and analysis of the ballistic properties of bullets.
  • Trace Evidence
    Recovery and identification of hairs, fibers and other trace evidence.
  • Forensic Photography
    Production of high quality forensic images of scenes and physical evidence using specialized equipment and lighting techniques to capture, process and output silver-based and digital images.

James Cadigan

With more than 30 years of forensic toolmark examination experience, ORAU’s James Cadigan is helping to strengthen national security.

Imogene Van Buren

By developing and identifying latent fingerprints, ORAU’s Imogene Van Buren helps identify criminals and victims.