Subcommittees 2007-2008

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Subcommittee 1 – “Best Practices” workshop

TASK: Develop a “Best Practices” workshop on minimizing gender bias

CHAIR: Barbara Alving, M.D. (NCRR)

MEMBERS: Janine Clayton, M.D. (ORWH), Kameha Kidd, Ph.D. (NCRR), Joslyn Kravitz, Ph.D. (OD/OIR), Jennifer Pohlhaus, Ph.D. (OD/ORWH), Louise Ramm, Ph.D. (NCRR), Joan Schwartz, Ph.D. (OD/OIR), Mona Trempe, Ph.D. (NIGMS), Kathryn Zoon, Ph.D. (NIAID)


Subcommittee 2–5 – Extramural funding mechanisms and policies, including gender equity in NIH funding reviews, and demographics of extramural funding applicants and recipients


CHAIR: Norka Ruiz Bravo, Ph.D. (OD/OER)

MEMBERS: Patricia Grady, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N. (NINR), J. Taylor Harden, Ph.D. (NIA), Ruth L. Kirschstein, M.D. (OD), Donald Lindberg, M.D. (NLM), Becky Lyon (NLM), Pamela Marino, Ph.D. (NIGMS), Sherry Mills, Ph.D. (OD/OER), Elaine Ostrander, Ph.D. (NHGRI), Joyce Rudick (OD/ORWH), Walter Schaffer, Ph.D. (OD/OER)


Subcommittee 6 – Research on the efficacy of programs to reduce gender bias

TASK: Expand support for research on the efficacy of organizational programs designed to reduce gender bias and bring systemic organizational change

CHAIR: Raynard S. Kington, M.D., Ph.D. (OD)

MEMBERS: Amy Bany Adams, Ph.D. (OD), Jeremy Berg, Ph.D. (NIGMS), Janine Clayton, M.D. (ORWH), Patricia Grady, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N. (NINR), Camelia Owens, Ph.D. (OD), Belinda Seto, Ph.D. (NIBIB)


(Subcommittee 7 – Enforcement of Title IX and existing anti-discrimination laws)

TASK: Examine the role of NIH in enforcing Title IX and other antidiscrimination laws to increase the science and engineering talent in this country

COMMENTS/ADVICE: Catherine Manzi, J.D. (OD/OGC)

Subcommittee 8 – Mentoring programs


CHAIR: Lawrence Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D. (NIDCR)

MEMBERS: J. Taylor Harden, Ph.D. (NIA), Catherine Kuo, Ph.D. (NIAMS), Pamela Marino, Ph.D. (NIGMS), Ira Pastan, M.D. (NCI), Jennifer Pohlhaus, Ph.D. (OD/ORWH), Joyce Rudick (OD/ORWH), Kathryn Zoon, Ph.D. (NIAID)


Subcommittee 9–10 – Changing the NIH work culture and improving the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women at NIH


CHAIRS: Michael Gottesman, M.D. (OD/OIR) and Joan Schwartz, Ph.D. (OD/OIR)

MEMBERS: Mirit Aladjem, Ph.D. (NCI), Janine Clayton, M.D. (ORWH), Valerie Durrant, Ph.D., (CSR), Edward Giniger, Ph.D. (NINDS), Patricia Grady, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N. (NINR), Ruth L. Kirschstein, M.D. (OD), Joslyn Kravitz, Ph.D. (OD/ORWH), Story Landis, Ph.D. (NINDS), Germaine Buck Louis, Ph.D. (NICHD), Elaine Ostrander, Ph.D. (NHGRI), Ira Pastan, M.D. (NCI), Joyce Rudick (OD/ORWH), Lawrence Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D. (NIDCR), Kathryn Zoon, Ph.D. (NIAID)


Subcommittee 11 – Integration of women into bioengineering fields

TASK: Ensure that the career challenges faced by women in bioengineering fields are considered and develop resources for the career development and advancement of female and male bioengineers with caregiving responsibilities

CHAIRS: Catherine Kuo, Ph.D. (NIAMS) and Belinda Seto, Ph.D. (NIBIB)

MEMBERS: Robert Balaban, Ph.D. (NHLBI), Christine Kelley, Ph.D. (NIBIB), Alan Koretsky, Ph.D. (NINDS), Richard Leapman, Ph.D. (NIBIB), Joan McGowan, Ph.D. (NIAMS), Jennifer Pohlhaus, Ph.D. (OD/ORWH), Rocky Tuan, Ph.D. (NIAMS)


Subcommittee 12 –Women of Color in Biomedical Careers

TASK: Ensure that the unique career challenges faced by women of color are addressed, paying specific attention to recruitment, mentoring, retention, and promotion

CHAIR: J Taylor Harden, Ph.D. (NIA)

MEMBERS: Janine Clayton, M.D. (OD/ORWH), Lisa Evans, J.D. (OD/OER), Roland Owens, Ph.D. (OD/OIR), Walter Schaffer, Ph.D. (OD/OER), Joan Schwartz, Ph.D. (OD/OIR)

This Subcommittee was formed in November, 2008.




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This page last updated: December 30, 2009