Hawaii Longline Fishery Logbook Summary Reports

About the reports

These summary reports are derived from daily records in the mandatory logbooks submitted to NMFS by captains of Hawaii-based U.S. longline vessels after each fishing trip. At the end of every quarter, all available logbook data from longline fishing operations during the quarter are analyzed and an official report of preliminary non-confidential summary statistics on nominal effort, fish catch, and catch per unit of fishing effort (CPUE) is issued. The quarterly report includes a brief narrative and a basic set of tables and charts. The official report is distributed in PDF format. The report's contents are also provided on these Web pages in HTML along with the downloadable PDF file.

At the end of the 4th quarter of each calendar year, preliminary, non-confidential summary statistics of the year's fishing effort, fish catch, and CPUE are computed and an annual report is issued along with the 4th quarter report. Tables of the annual statistics are prepared along with charts showing yearly statistics from 1991 through the current year.

In addition to the quarterly and annual reports, this Web page provides the most current charts of fishery statistics displayed on a quarterly and annual basis, plus an archive of earlier quarterly and annual summary tables from 1991 to the present. Summary statistics in the online charts and archived tables are updated periodically as additions and corrections are made to logbook data in the PIFSC Oracle database.

The longline catch summaries are prepared for tunas, billfishes, and other fishes identified by the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council as Pelagic Management Unit Species (PMUS). All non-confidential summary statistics of catch and fishing effort are based on activities of three or more vessels. Before the logbook data are summarized, they are subjected to extensive validation checks and known errors are corrected to ensure accuracy.

Current Quarterly Report

Current Annual Report

Previous Quarterly Reports

Quarterly Tables of Nominal Effort, Fish Catch and CPUE (for 3rd quarter 2012)

Fishing area Trip type  
All fishing areas All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Main Hawaiian Islands EEZ All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands EEA All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Pacific Remote Island Areas (PRIA) EEZ All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Hawaiian Islands EEZ + PRIA EEZ All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Outside U.S. EEZ All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
All fishing areas Swordfish targeted trips [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
All fishing areas Tuna targeted trips [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]

Quarterly Charts of Nominal Effort, Fish Catch and CPUE (through 3rd quarter 2012)

Chart variable Fishing area Trip type  
Number of active vessels All fishing areas All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Number of fishing trips All fishing areas By trip type [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Number of hooks set By fishing area All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Catch of bigeye tuna All fishing areas All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
CPUE of bigeye tuna All fishing areas Tuna trips [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Catch of albacore All fishing areas All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
CPUE of albacore All fishing areas Tuna trips [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Catch of yellowfin tuna All fishing areas All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
CPUE of yellowfin tuna All fishing areas Tuna trips [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Catch of swordfish All fishing areas All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
CPUE of swordfish All fishing areas By trip type [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Catch of striped marlin All fishing areas All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
CPUE of striped marlin All fishing areas Tuna trips [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Catch of blue marlin All fishing areas All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
CPUE of blue marlin All fishing areas Tuna trips [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Catch of blue shark All fishing areas All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
CPUE of blue shark All fishing areas By trip type [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Catch of mahimahi All fishing areas All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
CPUE of mahimahi All fishing areas Tuna trips [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Catch of moonfish All fishing areas All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
CPUE of moonfish All fishing areas Tuna trips [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Catch of pomfret All fishing areas All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
CPUE of pomfret All fishing areas Tuna trips [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Catch of wahoo All fishing areas All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
CPUE of wahoo All fishing areas Tuna trips [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]

Yearly Charts of Nominal Effort and Fish Catch (through 2011)

Chart variable Fishing area Trip type  
Number of active vessels All fishing areas All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Number of fishing trips All fishing areas By trip type [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Number of hooks set By fishing area All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Catch of albacore, bigeye tuna, and yellowfin tuna All fishing areas All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Catch of blue marlin, striped marlin, and swordfish All fishing areas All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Catch of blue shark, mako shark, thresher shark, and other sharks All fishing areas All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]
Catch of mahimahi, moonfish, pomfret, and wahoo All fishing areas All trip types [ view | download (0.1 MB PDF) ]

Archive of Quarterly and Yearly Tables of Nominal Effort, Fish Catch and CPUE