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Recent Publications

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This is a list of publications recently entered (within the past 4 weeks) into the NWFSC Publications Database.

In press

Anderson, J. J., E. Gurarie, C. Bracis, B. J. Burke, K. L. Laidre. In press. Modeling climate change impacts on phenology and population dynamics of marine migrating species. Ecological Modelling.Go to metadata icon

Anderson, L. E., S. T. Lee, P. S. Levin. In press. Costs of Delaying Conservation: Regulations and the Recreational Values of Rockfish and Co-occurring Species. Land Economics, 89(2):371-385.Go to metadata icon

Anderson, L. E., S. T. Lee. In press. Untangling the Recreational Value of Wild and Hatchery Salmon. Marine Resource Economics.Go to metadata icon

Frischkorn, K., A. Stojanovski, R. Paranjpye. In press. Vibrio parahaemolyticus type IV pili mediate interactions with diatom-derived chitin and point to an unexplored mechanism of environmental persistence. Environmental Microbiology.Go to metadata icon

Jung, J., C. Hicken, D. Boyd, B. F. Anulacion, M. Carls, W. J. Shim, J. Incardona. In press. Geologically distinct crude oils cause a common cardiotoxicity syndrome in developing zebrafish. Chemosphere.Go to metadata icon

Turner, J. W., R. N. Paranjpye, E. D. Landis, S. V. Biryukov, N. Gonzalez-Escalona, W. B. Nilsson, M. S. Strom. In press. Population Structure of Clinical and Environmental Vibrio parahaemolyticus from the Pacific Northwest Coast of the United States. PLoS ONE.Go to metadata icon

Xu, J., J. W. Turner, M. Idso, S. V. Biryukov, L. Rognstad, H. Gong, V. L. Trainer, M. L. Wells, M. S. Strom, Q. Yu. In press. In-situ Strain-level Detection and Identification of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Using Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. Analytical Chemistry.Go to metadata icon


Burke, B. J., W. T. Peterson, B. R. Beckman, C. A. Morgan, E. A. Daly, M. Litz. 2013. Multivariate Models of Adult Pacific Salmon Returns. PLoS ONE, 8(1):e54134.Go to metadata icon

last modified 06/09/2008
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