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News and Notices

This page provides announcements and links for documents, press releases, meeting notices, and activities of the NOAA Seafood Inspection Program. The items are presented in reverse chronological order so the most recent links are listed at the top.

2010 | 2011

Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May |  Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct |  Nov | Dec


Posted: 8/3/11

Meetings between NOAA Fisheries and the Animal Plant Quarantine Inspection Service (AQSIQ) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Recently, there have been problems in some of the ports of entry to PRC concerning which published format of the U.S. fish and fishery products health certificate that AQSIQ requires for importation.  Two of the Seafood Inspection Program (SIP) regions were using a 2005 version while the third was using an earlier 2003 version that SIP had a reasonable belief was superseded by the 2005.  We asked AQSIQ to verify which version was the correct one.  The officials replied that the 2003 version was the correct certificate as the 2005 version was withdrawn because the Chinese characters were not accurate.



Posted: 6/7/11

SIP Details Procedures for EU Policy Nonconformance

The Seafood Inspection Program (SIP) has occasionally received inaccurate information about consignments that need health certification for the European Union (EU).  The European Commission’s DG SANCO, the food safety agency for Europe, has noticed these problems and raised concerns about the integrity of the SIP process for issuing EU Health Certificates. As a result, SIP has detailed procedures it will take when it is determined that false, misleading or inaccurate information has been provided by a SIP customer requesting inspection and / or certification services. Requesters/Customers should be aware that information related to requests for EU Health Certificates provided through SIP’s online data system is subject to Title 18 of the United States Code.

Link to Memorandum


Posted: 6/6/11

UPDATE: Requirements for Certain Seafood Commodities Exported to the Republic of Korea

Link to updated Memorandum


Posted: 5/9/11

New Requirements for Certain Seafood Commodities Exported to the Republic of Korea

Since 1995 the United States has been able to export cod heads to the Republic of Korea through a bilateral agreement without the need for certification or prior company listing.  Recently the Republic of Korea decided to expand importation of products that they formerly identified as not being fit for human consumption. The link below is the memorandum to inform United States Seafood exporters of new regulations regarding fish heads, entrails, roe, hard roe and the nidamental gland of squid promulgated by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MFAFF) of the Republic of Korea and circulated to The World Trade Organization on March 23, 2009 (Notification G/SPS/N/KOR/320).  This new requirement will go into effect on June 16, 2011.

Link to Memorandum


Posted: 5/3/11

U.S. Seafood Safe and Unaffected by Radiation Contamination from Japanese Nuclear Power Plant Incident

Monitoring efforts by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) prove high confidence in the safety of seafood products in the U.S. marketplace or exported U.S. seafood products.

Link to Fact Sheet


Posted: 1/26/11

UPDATE: Vietnam Regulation reforms for imported foods deadline extended

The Seafood Inspection Program has been notified by the Foreign Agricultural Service that the date deadline posted December 6, 2010, for exporters to Vietnam has been extended. The new date deadline, for providing information to the authorities in Vietnam, is February 28, 2011 for all fishery products exporters wishing to send shipments to Vietnam.


Posted: 1/21/11

New U.S.-European Union List of Establishments to be published February 10, 2011

The Seafood Inspection Program has received notice by the NOAA Representative to the European Union that the next US-EU list of establishments that corresponds to the January 1, 2011 FDA list is finalized. The new list will be published on the DG SANCO website on the 10th of February and will be taken into effect on February 24th.

Link to EU Website




U.S. Department of Commerce/NOAA Fisheries • 1315 East West Highway • Silver Spring, MD 20910 • Phone (301) 427-8300 • Toll Free (800) 422-2750

Our Vision:

  • "An informed society that has confidence in the seafood that they purchase, sell and consume today and in the future."

Our Mission:

  • To ensure the safety and quality as well as enhance the marketability and sustainability of seafood products for the benefit of the American consumer by providing science based inspection services to the seafood industry.