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Enroll Now in NIC's 5 Remaining FY2012 VILT Courses!

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Leslie LeMaster posted on Mon, Jul 30 2012 2:52 PM

Enroll Now for One or More of NIC's Virtual Instructor Led Training Courses!

 Registration is now open in the NIC Learning Center ( ) for our 5 remaining FY2012 Virtual Instructor Led (VILT) offerings (see full descriptions below)! To enroll in any VILT, log onto  and find the virtual instructor led training program you wish to register for in the Training Catalog on the left side of the screen.   Click Enroll and follow the required procedures. If you need help, click the Help/Support button in the upper right of the screen.

 To participate effectively in NIC's WebEx virtual training requires a telephone, preferably with a headset, and a computer with an internet connection. We ask you to join each training session at least 15 minutes prior to the start, in the event you encounter connectivity issues.


 Using E Strategies to Reach Our Corrections and Juvenile Justice Young Adult Workforce


August 2, 2012                        8am PT / 9am MT / 10am CT / 11am ET

A Virtual Instructor-Led Training via WebEx                                                            


Local, state and federal adult corrections and juvenile justice training directors and administrators, training coordinators and training and curriculum developers who are interested in creating staff performance enhancement strategies that key into the needs of the young adult corrections workforce, sometimes known as the Millennials or the Digital Generation.

 Course Description:

During this 2 hour VILT course via WebEx, the workplace learning needs of our technology savvy young adult workforce will be defined. Content includes describing the emerging profile/characteristics of the contemporary corrections workforce, including a look at the specific profile of our younger employees. Also included are ideas on how to meet the staff performance enhancement needs of this emerging group, as well as several examples of how this is being done by selected correctional agencies.

 As a concluding activity, participants will develop an initial plan for assessing their organization's ability for meeting the needs of their young adult workforce and what they will do as a result.


At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

 ● Distinguish the unique workplace learning needs of their young adult workforce.

● Develop an initial plan for assessing their organization's ability to meet their needs and what they will do as a result.


Learning in WebEx: Making NIC's Virtual Instructor Led Training Work for You!


August 14, 2012                8am PT / 9am MT / 10am CT / 11am ET

A Virtual Instructor-Led Training via WebEx


This up to 1.5 hour course is open to all comers and serves as an interactive orientation to NIC's Virtual Instructor Led (VILT) training platform, WebEx®. We strongly recommend you take this interactive orientation to NIC's virtual training platform, WebEx®, prior to enrolling in one of our virtual instructor led (VILT) training courses.

 Course Description:

Come and learn how to learn effectively in a virtual training environment! During this VILT course via WebEx, participants from corrections settings of all types will learn how to make the most out of training that occurs in the WebEx virtual classroom environment. Highlights include practice with WebEx interactive annotation tools (text, drawing, chat, arrow / pointer, and highlighter and more!), and participating in learning activities that mirror face to face classroom processes. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with each other and facilitators via audio and shared visual connections via NIC's WebEx virtual training room.

 To participate effectively in NIC's WebEx virtual training, you will need a telephone, preferably with a headset, and a computer with an internet connection.


At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Conduct two way communications in a virtual learning environment using WebEx tools.
  • Determine what preparation is needed for future participation in Virtual Instructor Led Trainings (VILTs) offered by the National Institute of Corrections.


UPDATED !!!!!!!!      Designing E Strategies for Staff Performance Enhancement


August 30, 2012                8am PT / 9am MT / 10am CT / 11am ET

A Virtual Instructor-Led Training via WebEx


Local, state and federal adult corrections and juvenile justice training directors and administrators, training coordinators and training and curriculum developers who are interested adding social media tools to their learning and performance strategies, and incorporating them into their workplace learning approach (formerly known as staff development and training approaches).

Course Description:

During this 2 hour VILT course via WebEx, participants experienced in designing training will explore ways to incorporate e-strategies into contemporary corrections and juvenile justice training. Participants will explore design "do's and don'ts" and some "how tos" of using popular social media tools such as wikis, blogs, Twitter, and online communities in their training. During the course a social media tool case study will be highlighted.


At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Incorporate e-based learning and performance strategies in delivering workplace learning experiences.
  • Develop an initial plan for integrating e-based learning and performance strategies into their agencies training and development approach.


 How to Turn Competencies into Development Opportunities for Staff


September 13, 2012        8am PT / 9am MT / 10am CT / 11am ET

A Virtual Instructor-Led Training via WebEx


Local, state and federal adult corrections and juvenile justice training directors and administrators, human resources managers and leaders, and agency managers and leaders who are tasked with and/or are interested in developing competency based development opportunities to enhance on the job staff performance.

Course Description:

During this 2 hour VILT course via WebEx, participants from corrections and juvenile justice settings of all types will review the basics of competency frameworks - what they are, how they are developed, where to find them, and how to move from a competency framework into creating staff performance building opportunities. Content includes a look at NIC's Correctional Leadership Competencies for the 21st Century framework, and how the Academy Division of NIC has implemented the framework into their own leadership and management development opportunities. Participants will also develop an initial plan for implementing a competency based staff performance enhancement framework (formerly known as staff training and development) into their home organization.


At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

● Explain what competencies are and their connections to enhancing staff performance.

● Articulate how a given competency, such as Self-Awareness, can be translated into development opportunities/activities.

● Develop an initial plan for the application of a competency model lens to their home organization's staff performance enhancement system (formerly known as staff training and development).


Managing, Coordinating and Participating in Distance Learning Environments


September 27, 2012        8am PT / 9am MT / 10am CT / 11am ET

A Virtual Instructor-Led Training via WebEx


Local, state and federal adult corrections and juvenile justice training directors and administrators, human resources managers and leaders, and agency managers and leaders who are interested in leveraging the effectiveness of training delivered via distance environments (satellite, virtual, and e-based). This will also appeal to participants who are interested in getting the most out of learning opportunities delivered in a distance learning environments.

Course Description:

During this 2 hour VILT course via WebEx, participants explore essentials for managing, coordinating and participating in effective training for corrections staff members delivered in various distance learning environments / formats. Key content includes preparing individuals and your agency for training in these environments, preparing for and supporting various delivery formats (satellite, web-based, virtual instructor led, and other e-based environments), and leveraging the effectiveness of these environments by using them with a "blend" of training activities.


At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Address basic readiness and support issues related to training in various distance learning environments.
  • Prepare your participants for receiving training in various distance learning environments.
  • Develop a plan(s) for the use of various distance learning environments / formats in their home organization.


Leslie LeMaster / NIC Academy Division "We must become the change we want to see." - Mahatma Gandhi

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