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III MEF Disbursing Office Travel Section

Travel OIC: 2ndLt Shane M. Kennelly
Phone (DSN): (315) 645-3362

Email: shane.kennelly@usmc.mil

Customer Service

Phone: DSN (315)-645-7343/7344


Mandatory Split Disbursement 

Government Travel Charge Card

 DTS Voucher Approval Process

ACTS Manual

 DODFMR Vol. 9




                                      * Use E-mail certificate* 

Frequently Asked Questions


Actual Expense for Lodging

 Q.  What happens if I go to a TAD location and the hotel costs more than the per diem authorized?


A.  If circumstances should arise where the traveler should have to travel to a location where their lodging facility exceed the max lodging for the TAD site, the traveler can explain the situation to the order-issuing authority (or Authorizing Officer - AO) and ask to have the Actual Expense for Lodging authority built into the orders before traveling. The specifics of the AEA need to be stated in the travel order (e.g., Actual Expense Allowance authorized in (location) to permit a lodging ceiling of $XXX to cover lodgings costs in excess of per diem ceiling). Being able to handle this at the 'front end' of travel avoids delays in filing claims (or sending supplemental claims) after travel is completed. The orders must state what percentage the max lodging is authorized to be increased (150% or 300%).

 Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Access Fee

 Q.  Can I get reimbursed if I use my government travel charge card (GTCC) to get cash from the ATM?

 A.  Travelers can be reimbursed to obtain cash needed to pay for "out-of-pocket" travel related expenses. If the Government Travel Change Card (GTCC) issued by Bank of America is used.  While the ATM fees and rates are subject to change, the current known percentage for a cash advance (i.e., the advance 'fee') is 3% or a minimum of $2 for the advance amount authorized on your travel order. If you use an ATM not belonging to Bank of America, there may be an additional ATM use fee that is also reimbursable. (Note: The GTCC is not authorized for use during PCS travel unless TAD en-route is required! Check before using 'the card'!

 Allowable Advances

 Q.  How can I get money upfront to go on travel?

 A.  Requests for PCS, IPCOT, and Circuitous advances should be submitted 13 working days before detachment. They are paid within 10 working days from the date of detachment. The traveler should provide the known costs (airfare, and itinerary) for IPCOT / Circuitous. Also for circuitous travel the traveler should provide a CTO / PTO endorsement.

      Requests for TAD advances should be submitted within 10 working days before detachment in order for a non government charge card holder to be paid within 5 working days from the date of detachment. Also the known costs for lodging, rental car, and registration fees should be enclosed.

 Consecutive Overseas Tour (COT), Leave

 Q.  What is COT leave, and how can I travel using COT leave?

 A.  COT travel is payable when a traveler travels from an overseas duty location to another overseas duty location.  If the traveler wishes to perform COT travel, a lot of confusion and heart ache can be remedied if the traveler uses TMO/CTO to make their travel arrangements.  Travel is authorized to the traveler’s home of record/alternate authorized place, which must be stated in orders, not to exceed the costs to the travelers HOR.

     An important thing to remember is, if traveling from OCONUS permanent duty station to an OCONUS PDS via the US, COT leave cannot be deferred unless authorized by Secretarial Process (HQMC).  If traveling from OCONUS PDS to an OCONUS PDS not via the US, the traveler may defer COT leave without service authorization.  If the traveler procures their own tickets to the travelers HOR/alternate authorized place, reimbursement is primarily for use of US Flag Carriers.  Use of a Foreign Flag Carrier is authorized only if a US Flag Carrier cannot provide the service.  The traveler will rate transportation allowances up to what it would cost, if the government procured tickets for the HOR/alternate authorized place.


Currency Conversion

Q.  How do I get reimbursed for items I had to pay for using foreign currency?


A.  The traveler is responsible for supplying the exchange rate while traveling in a foreign country.  The traveler must indicate the exchange rate for each transaction incurred.  If the traveler does not indicate what rate was incurred, the Disbursing Officer will use the rates provided by the official Oanda currency converter.


Dislocation Allowance (DLA)

Q.  When will I be authorized DLA?


A.  If ordered to Okinawa on an unaccompanied tour, the traveler is still eligible for DLA at the without-dependents rate if the traveler does not move into the barracks.  DLA at the with dependant rate is payable if the traveler does relocated authorized dependants to a designated location.  The designated location must be named in the PCS orders.  DLA at the with dependant rate is also payable when the traveler is ordered to Okinawa on an accompanied tour.


Defense Table of Distance (DTOD)

Q.  Should DTOD be used for all mileage during travel?


A.  The DTOD is the official source for TDY and PCS travel distance (except for airplanes).  If the traveler is claiming local mileage, then the traveler must provide the odometer reading miles driven.


Dual Lodging

Q.  While at my TAD location, I was ordered to go to another site for a few days, do I have to move out of my hotel, go to the new location then return?


A.  Dual lodging can be authorized based off the mission.  From time to time a traveler maybe ordered to a TAD site where they may stay at a hotel, and then they may have to travel to a location and still maintain their room. The orders must identify this authorization prior to the traveler departing on TAD.  If authorized, the traveler will be reimbursed for the lodging costs at both locations.  Per diem will only be payable for the location where the traveler is physically located while on TAD.


Dry Cleaning and Laundry

Q.  Do I rate reimbursement for my laundry while on TAD?


A.  DoD civilian employees are authorized reimbursement for the cost of personal laundry/dry-cleaning and pressing of clothing when travel is within CONUS and requires at least 4 consecutive nights TAD lodging in CONUS.  Marines are authorized reimbursement for the cost of personal laundry/dry-cleaning and pressing of clothing, not to exceed $2 per day, and when travel within CONUS requires at least 7 consecutive nights TAD lodging in CONUS.  When TAD travel is OCONUS expenses for laundry is included as an incidental expense.


Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC)

Q.  I was told I had to have a government travel charge card, what can I use the card for?


A.  When orders are prepared, the orders must identify whether or not the traveler is a GTCC holder.  If the traveler is GTCC, the traveler should only use the card for official TAD Expenses only.  At a minimum the traveler must write the split disbursement amount for any transportation expenses, lodging and rental cars.


In and Around Mileage

Q.  How is in and around mileage claimed?

A.  While stationed in Okinawa, in and around mileage in most cases may not be authorized.  However, if a traveler is authorized to go TAD to a location where they are able to obtain their on POV, then the order writer may authorize "In and Around Mileage" for the TAD location.  The traveler must indicate the locations and the mileage to those locations on an "In and Around Mileage Certificate".  The certificate must be attached to the TAD claim upon submission for settlement.


Q.  Do I have to list everywhere I go when I fill out my 1351-2?

A.  When completing the itinerary portion of the 1351-2, the traveler only needs to indicate the required stops.  The traveler should always indicate the city and state, and/or country within the itinerary.  The traveler should see page two of the 1351-2 for codes that are used for modes of transportation and reason for stops.


In Place Consecutive Overseas Tour (IPCOT) Leave

Q.  What is an IPCOT?

A.  This authorization occurs when a traveler accepts orders to stay at the present over seas duty location for another tour.  If the traveler plans to go on travel for IPCOT leave, they should use TMO/CTO to make the travel arrangements.  Travel is authorized to the travelers HOR/alternate authorized place (stated in orders) not to exceed the costs to the travelers HOR.

Local Travel

 Q.  Do I get paid mileage for using my car to go to the airport?

A.  When the traveler claims local miles, the traveler is responsible for noting the amount of miles driven.  If the mileage is claimed to an airport, then the miles should be indicated on the 1351-2 from either the home address or the permanent duty station to the servicing terminal.  If the traveler was dropped off at the servicing terminal, the traveler may claim round trip mileage.  It must be claimed on the 1351-2, and remarks should be written on the 1351-2 to explain the nature of the claim.


 Q.  When can I stay in a commercial lodging facility?

A.  If a Marine is ordered to a government installation, then the traveler must use the government quarters if available.  The Traveler must obtain a statement of non-availability if government quarters are not obtainable.  The AO may direct civilian travelers to use government quarters if available.  If commercial quarters are authorized then taxes are shown as a separate reimbursable expense if lodging is at a CONUS location.  Taxes are combined with the room rate if lodging is at an overseas location.  Late check out or early check in must be authorized by the AO, the expense is not allowed for personal convenience.

      Credit card receipts are not acceptable receipts for lodging.  The traveler must provide an itemized lodging receipt.  The traveler should contact the lodging facility to obtain a copy of the receipt if it was lost or destroyed.

 Mission Related Items

 Q.  When I went TAD, I need to buy some civilian clothes because my luggage got lost.  Can I get paid for that?

A.  These items are not reimbursable on a 1351-2 or 1164 (professional dinners, clothing, tools, film, paper, ink/toner, and maps).  The mentioned items should be purchase with the unit purchase card are should be obtained prior to travel.


Official Long Distance Phone Calls

Q.  How can I claim long distance calls made back to the base or to my home?

A.  Official Long Distance Phone Calls must be authorized in the orders before execution of the travel.  The traveler should make a claim on the 1351-2 in the reimbursable expenses section.  The claim should be written as "Official Phone Calls" in the reimbursable section of the 1351-2, then indicate the amount claimed.


Partial Settlements

Q.  I will be TAD for about 60 days, how can I pay my GTCC while I am TAD?

A.  When a traveler goes on extended TAD (45 days or more), then the traveler is required to submit a travel claim every 30 days.  For the initial claim, the traveler must indicate the date of departure from the PDS, then show the arrival period on the 1351-2.  The last day should be the 30th day of TAD. The traveler should claim all reimbursable expenses applicable to the TAD.  The travel must write the statement, “PARTIAL SETTLEMENT NUMBER 1" in block 10d of the 1351-2.  All advances must be annotated in block 9 on the travel voucher.  Any leave taken during the partial settlement claim must be reflected on the travel voucher, and whether or not the leave has been reported in Marine Corps Total Forces (MCTFS).  The traveler must also make the following statement, “I DID/DID NOT TAKE ANY LEAVE DURING THE PERIOD CLAIMED ON THIS VOUCHER”, and, “I DID/DID NOT HAVE ANY CONCURRENT TDY PERIODS DURING THE PERIOD CLAIMED ON THIS VOUCHER”.

      For subsequent travel claim during extended TAD, the next claim will begin with the day immediately following the final date paid on the previous partial settlement and end with the final date of the applicable period claimed.  The travel will also write what number partial claim it is, i.e. "PARTIAL SETTLEMENT NUMBER 2, 3," in block 10d of the travel claim.  The travel claim still must include the statements regarding advances received, TAD leave, concurrent TAD and claim all reimbursable expenses for the period claim.

      On the final claim, the traveler will begin the claim with the day following the last date documented on the prior partial settlement and include the travel back to the travelers PDS.  “FINAL CLAIM” will be written in block 10d of the travel voucher.  The traveler must still include statements regarding advances, leave and concurrent TAD as noted above. 

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Supporting Documentation

Q.  What else do I need to turn in with my 1351-2 when I check into my new duty station?

A.  Above all else a complete copy of the PCS Orders must be attached. If the traveler had TAD/PTAD en-route, then a copy of all Reporting and Detaching Endorsements must be attached.  While at a school, there should be an endorsement for items such as; Meal Availability Statements, Field Duty Dates and Appropriation Data for Tad Period.

      For Marines traveling in an accession pipeline, a certified copy of the members Page 3 from the Marines SRB can be use only if all attempts have been made to gain a copy of the missing orders and endorsements.


Rental Cars

Q.  When I go TAD, how can I get reimbursed for a rental car?

A.  It is mandatory within DoD to obtain rental vehicles through the CTO when available.  Justification for

additional rental car costs may be required if the traveler got a rental car upgrade, upgrades are not reimbursable for personal convenience.  Rental car insurance is also not payable when TAD within CONUS areas. The traveler must enclose a rental car receipt, not the rental car agreement.  If the rental car receipt is lost, then the traveler can contact the rental car agency and obtain a new receipt.

      Normal operating expenses such as fuel, oil, parking, tolls, are reimbursable when a rental car is authorized.


Safe Calls

Q.  I wanted to call home to let my spouse know I made to my TAD site safely; do I rate reimbursement for the phone charges?

A.  If Safe Calls are authorized in the orders, then a dollar amount must be indicated in the orders for the traveler to know what their limits are ahead of time.  The claim should be written on the 1351-2 as "Safe Phone Call", then indicate the amount claimed.

Supplemental Travel Claims

Q.  When my claim was settled, I noticed I forgot to claim fuel expense for my rental car when I was TAD.  Can I resubmit my claim to get paid for the fuel?  

A.  From time to time a travel claim may need to be resubmitted as a supplemental claim.  If the claim needs to be reworked, or if the traveler wishes to dispute a settlement, then the traveler must enclose a new 1351-2 signed by the member. Included will be a statement as to the purpose of the supplemental claim, along with an annotation on the voucher indicating “Supplemental Claim” and a complete copy of the original settlement voucher, to include supporting documentation.

Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE) Allowance within CONUS

Q.  When do I rate TLE?

A.  The temporary lodgings must be in the vicinity of the old and/or new PDS and/or in the vicinity of the designated place.  You must use available Government quarters including temporary lodging facilities in the area of the old new PDS.  If Government quarters aren't available, you must provide a statement signed by you indicating that Government quarters weren't available to support your claim voucher.  Lodging receipts are required to support the lodging costs.  TLE can also be payable for days the traveler stays with friends or relatives for the meals portion only.  There is a 5 day limitation in connection with a PCS to an OCONUS PDS, (the days may be split between old CONUS PDS and designated place in CONUS as you choose).  There's a separate allowance called TLA at the OCONUS site.  The traveler may be paid or reimbursed up to a total of $290 per day.  A TLE certificate must be fully completed and attached to the claim.


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