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1st Marine Logistics Group

Victory Through Logistics

Unit Leaders

Lieutenant Colonel Delazaro

Commanding Officer Combat Logistics Battalion 7

Commanding Officer
Combat Logistics Battalion 7

Lieutenant Colonel Steve deLazaro received his commission in the Marine Corps upon graduation from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1993. After completing The Basic School, he reported to Camp Johnson, NC for Ground Supply Officers’ Course. Upon completion of GSOC in June 1994, he deployed to 3d Marine Division in Okinawa as the Supply Officer for 3d Combat Engineer Battalion.

He left 3d CEB one year later, being assigned to the Active Duty staff at the Marine Corps Reserve Training Center, Fresno, CA where he served as the Supply Officer for 4th Light Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalion and in various other capacities involving outreach to the Central California community.

In November 1997, LtCol deLazaro transferred to II MEF Headquarters Group and was assigned as the Supply Officer for 8th Communication Battalion where he served for two years until being selected to attend the Army Logistics Management College in Fort Lee, VA. There, he completed the six-month Combined Logistics Captains Career Course.

Returning to Camp Lejeune in April 2000, he assumed duties as the Supply Officer for the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit, where he completed two deployments. His first deployment found him planning and executing exercises with the Spanish, Italian, Tunisian, and Croatian Armed Forces. Deploying again five months after the World Trade Center Attacks in support of OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, he conducted support operations afloat during the MEU’s time off the Horn of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and various Middle Eastern countries.

In December 2002, LtCol deLazaro was assigned to the Secretary of the Navy Council of Personnel Boards at the Washington Navy Yard, D.C. where he served as a Board Member and Recorder until re-assignment in September 2005 to 2d Marine Logistics Group in Camp Lejeune.

He deployed to Kabul, Afghanistan that same month, again in support of OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, as a Logistics Analyst in the Future Operations Section of Combined Forces Command – Afghanistan. While serving with CFC-A, he was sent from October to November 2005 to act the Liaison Officer to the U.S. Combined Disaster Assistance Center conducting earthquake relief operations out of Islamabad, Pakistan.

In May 2006, he returned to 2d MLG and assumed duties as the Operations Officer for 2d Supply Battalion, preparing the command to conduct general support logistics operations in Al Anbar Province, Iraq in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. Prior to deployment in July 2006, he assumed duties as the Executive Officer for 2d Supply Battalion(-)(REIN) and served the deployment in that capacity.

His previous assignment before reporting to Combat Logistics Battalion 7 was at Headquarters Marine Corps from June 2008 until October 2011 as the Head of Supply Policy and Capabilities for the Deputy Commandant for Installations and Logistics.

LtCol deLazaro's personal decorations include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (Second Award), Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (Second Award), Joint Service Achievement Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, and Humanitarian Service Medal.