Feb 13


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Consideration of Costs in the DON Decision Making

DON/AA Memo - March 8, 2011

Pursuant to the memo "Consideration of Costs in DoD Decision-Making" released by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, effective Feb. 1, 2011, all military departments will use the tools available on OSD's Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE) website located at https://www.cape.osd.mil/costguidance to calculate costs associated with preparin

Consideration of Costs in DoD Decision-Making

SECDEF Memo - February 16, 2011

On Aug. 9, 2010, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates directed that any new proposal or initiative, large or small, be it policy, program or ceremony, come with a cost estimate. To implement this plan, the director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation, working with the military departments, established a Cost Guidance Group to develop guidance, methods and tools that assist DoD employees in estimating costs associated ...

DON Social Security Number Reduction Plan for Forms Phase One

192101Z JUL 10 DON CIO Washington DC - July 20, 2010

Widespread use of the Social Security number has reached unacceptable levels and requires a Department-wide effort to eliminate or reduce the collection, use, display and storage of this sensitive data element. As a result, the Chief of Naval Operations, Commandant of the Marine Corps and Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer are initiating procedures for a review of all official and non-official forms that ...

DoD Social Security Number Reduction Plan

USD (P&R) Directive-Type Memorandum 07-015 - March 31, 2010

This Directive-Type Memorandum establishes the Department of Defense policy for the use of the Social Security number and guidance for reducing its unnecessary use.

Policy for Digital Signature Functionality and Acceptance

USD P&R Policy Memo - May 22, 2008

This memo establishes Department of Defense policy for the adoption and use of digital signature as a standard business practice for all Human Resources Management (HRM) and Compensation business processes that require a signature.

DoD-Wide Digital Signature Interoperability

DoD CIO Memo - May 22, 2008

This memo provides direction to incorporate standard digital signature profiles into all applications, systems or processes that use digital signatures. This implementation will lead industry toward interoperable digital signature implementations.

DON Forms Management Manual

SECNAV M-5213.1 - December 19, 2007

This manual implements policy set forth in SECNAVINST 5210.16: Department of the Navy Forms Management and Information Requirements (Reports) Management Programs. The manual specifies procedures for forms management within the DON.

DON Information Requirements (Reports) Manual

SECNAV M-5214.1 - December 19, 2007

This manual implements the policy set forth in SECNAVINST 5210.16: DON Forms Management and Information Requirements (Reports) Management Programs, regarding information collection.


SSN Reduction Plan Phase 1 and 2 Results

by Steve Muck - January 12, 2012

The Department of the Navy continues to implement guidance to better safeguard personally identifiable information (PII) by reducing or eliminating the collection, use, display and maintenance of a Social Security number (SSN) where possible. During the past 18 months, the DON has implemented two phases of its SSN reduction plan and is initiating procedures for the third phase. Results of this department-wide effort are ...

DON SSN Reduction Plan

by Steve Muck - January 21, 2011

The Social Security number (SSN) has evolved beyond its intended purpose to become the identifier of choice for many of the business processes within the Department of the Navy. While use of the SSN has become the enabler to identify and authenticate individuals, it is one of the key elements used for identity theft and fraud. Widespread use of the SSN has reached unacceptable levels and requires a department-wide effort ...

Unique DoD ID Replaces SSN

by Steve Muck - January 21, 2011

A memo from the Under Secretary of Defense issued Nov. 23, 2010, (DTM 13798-10, "Social Security Numbers (SSN) Exposed on Public Facing and Open Government Websites"), addresses concerns about the potential for adverse consequences if the Social Security number (SSN) is truncated or removed as previously planned.

CHIPS Magazine

SSN Reduction Plan Phase 1 and 2 Results

by Steve Muck - January-March 2012 - January-March 2012


Privacy Frequently Asked Questions

by DON CIO Privacy Team - December 11, 2008

The following is a list of topics with questions that are frequently asked of the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer Privacy Team. Responses have been provided and, in many cases, there are added references to the guidance that is cited. Please provide the Privacy Team additional questions so they may be added to the list.

Naval Forms Online

by DON CIO Privacy Team - August 10, 2011

Naval Forms Online is the Department of the Navy's repository for all Navy and Marine Corps officially approved forms.

SSN Reduction Plan Resources

August 25, 2010

The following resources are provided to help implement the Department of the Navy's Social Security Number Reduction Plan.

DON SSN Reduction Review Form SECNAV 5213/1 (Jul 2010)

by DON CIO Privacy Team - August 31, 2010

Naval message DTG 192101Z Jul 10: "DON Social Security Number Reduction Plan for Forms Phase One" requires the use of SECNAV 5213/1 to review and justify the continued collection of Social Security numbers on all Department of the Navy forms.