Feb 13

Functional Area Manager

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DITPR-DON Process Guidance v1.0

DON Guidance - December 8, 2011

The Department of Defense Information Technology Portfolio Repository-Department of the Navy (DITPR-DON) process guidance document provides a comprehensive discussion of core DITPR-DON functionality and basic lifecycle transactions. This information will enable all users to gain the understanding necessary to perform the basic IT asset management functions of registering, transferring and archiving DON IT systems within ...

Appointment of DON Deputy Chief Information Officer as Functional Area Manager Authority for Navy

VNCO Memo - July 26, 2011

This memo appoints the Department of the Navy Deputy Chief Information Officer as the single Functional Area Manager authority for Navy.

Marine Corps Information Technology Portfolio Management

DTG 201145Z APR 11 - April 21, 2011

MARADMIN 253/11 identifies U.S. Marine Corps Functional Area Managers and their roles and responsibilities relative to information technology portfolio management.

Process for Requesting Waivers for Continued Use of Unsupported COTS Software

DON CIO Memo - February 25, 2011

This memo provides guidance on the process to request a waiver for continued use of unsupported Commercial Off-the-Shelf software.

DON Information Technology/Cyberspace Efficiency Initiatives and Realignment Tasking

DON CIO Memo - December 27, 2010

This memo establishes Department of the Navy information technology/cyberspace policy and governance strategy to meet the long-term objectives of the Department's information management, IT/cyberspace and information resources management efficiency and effectiveness goals. The memo also outlines initial DON IT/cyberspace efficiency focus areas.

Implementation of Master Record Functionality in DADMS/DITPR-DON

DTG 021936Z JAN 09 - January 5, 2009

This Naval message directs all Department of the Navy functional area managers (FAMS) to create master records for Department of the Navy Application and Database Management System (DADMS) applications and Department of Defense IT Portfolio Repository-Department of the Navy (DITPR-DON) systems within their respective functional areas.

DON Information Technology Applications and Data Management

SECNAVINST 5000.36A - December 17, 2007

This instruction establishes policy for DON applications and data management and describes the responsibilities of the Functional Area Managers, Functional Data Managers and Functional Namespace Coordinators. It also establishes responsibilities for DON IT processes and tools to transform applications and data into net-centric naval capabilities consistent with DoD policy for interoperability and data sharing. ...


Implementing DON IT/Cyberspace Efficiency Initiatives & Realignment

by Lynda Pierce - April 29, 2011

In the January-March 2011 issue of CHIPS, the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer announced the DON CIO's role in addressing information technology/cyberspace efficiency initiatives and realignment in the Department of the Navy, in response to a memo released by the Under Secretary of the Navy Dec. 3, 2010. The Under Secretary directed the DON CIO to take the lead for this endeavor.

DON IT/Cyberspace Efficiency Initiatives and Realignment

by Lynda Pierce - January 20, 2011

The Under Secretary of the Navy, The Honorable Robert O. Work, signed a memo, dated Dec. 3, 2010, addressing information technology (IT)/cyberspace efficiency initiatives and realignment in the Department of the Navy. The memo underscores the challenge from Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) Robert Gates to think about the DON's approach to IT initiatives and to centralize and consolidate efforts where it makes sense. Work ...