Thursday, February 14, 2013
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Connecting employers with Georgia's Citizen-Soldiers

Guard Your Business!

Hiring our heroes...

Georgia Guardsmen have unique leadership qualities, experience, skills, and talents that represent a unique opportunity to employers. The initial response to our call for businesses to assist our Guardsmen facing unemployment has been outstanding. The companies attending our job fairs and the associations providing training to our Guardsmen show that Georgia believes in our Citizen-Soldiers and Citizen-Airmen. 

hiringheroesBut we can do more.

As unemployment has increased, so too has effort by the Georgia Guard to assist its members who often return from war only to find that civilian jobs are more scarce than ever.

The Georgia National Guard Family Program, traditionally assisting with emotional transitions from the battlefield back to civilian life, has developed programs such as job fairs, résumé preparation, and interview skills training to assist returning Guardsmen.

Our Guardsmen possess a strong work ethic borne of shared sacrifice and duty you cannot pick up in a classroom. This quality makes them exactly what employers are looking for, and we appreciate the strong response we’ve had so far in showing that the Georgia Guard works.

Our Partners:

employerpartnership joblinkgeorgiadol2 department of veterans service gwa   shrm

Who's Hiring Georgia Guardsmen?



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The Georgia Guard Works!

Family Job News