Thursday, February 14, 2013
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Contact Details for this Web site
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# Name Phone
1 Joint Operations Center 678-569-3911
2 Public Affairs Office 678-569-6060
3 Emergency After-Hours Contact 678-569-5124
4 Human Resources Office for Federal/Civilian Military Service Members 678-569-5705
5 State Personnel Office for Ga. DoD State Employees 678-569-6022
6 DD-214, Medical and Personnel Records 678-569-5067 or 678-569-5385 or 678-569-5385
7 Funeral Honors 678-569-6073
8 Human Resources for Traditional Ga. Army Guardsmen 678-569-5702
9 State Director of Finance 678-569-6042
10 Ga. Air Guard Recruiting 678-655-4766
11 Ga. Army Guard Recruiting and Retention 1-800-464-8273
12 Retirement Services 678-569-5733
13 Full-time Labor Relations and SEEM 678-569-5730 or 678-569-5728
14 Technicians Employment Verification 678-569-5726
15 Enlisted Promotions 678-569-5354
16 History Office 678-569-3868
17 Office of the Staff Judge Advocate (JAG) 678-569-5644
18 State Inspector General 678-569-6020
19 State Chaplain 678-569-3650
20 Provost Marshal 678-569-3898
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