Friday, February 15, 2013
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Potential Fiscal Restraints and Continued Perseverance

Facilitating a smooth transition into an increasingly restrained fiscal environment...


Men and Women of the Georgia National Guard,

I want to take the opportunity to remind each of you how proud I am of the exceptional performance of our organization. We lead the nation in many key areas and continue to set the standard for the other 53 U.S states and territories.

I am sure all of you are aware of the looming financial constraints facing our federal government in the coming months. Consequently, and very honestly, the Georgia National Guard will likely be affected. It is my intention to approach this situation with composure and preparedness. This will facilitate a smooth transition into an increasingly restrained fiscal environment. Therefore, I ask you to disregard any rumors that may be circulating around the organization as nothing has been determined at this time.

As we begin finalizing the course of action which will direct us toward a more fiscally restrictive day-to-day business model, all cost cutting measures will be made in a very deliberate, yet judicial, manner. Whatever adjustments which may result in the coming months, our course of action will be to ensure readiness as an operational reserve is preserved.

Thank you for your cooperation and continued mission focus as we navigate through the uncertainty of the months to come. I am confident the Georgia National Guard will continue to perform at its optimal level even in the face of these potential fiscal restraints. I promise that we will be better in the long run. I will continue to serve with that main goal in mind.

If you have any suggestions or questions, please pass them through your chain of command. We’re a team and our continued success depends on each of us focusing on our assigned tasks and communicating best practices to our leadership.

Together I am sure we will continue to remain Always Ready, Always There and Always On Target. May the Lord continue to bless the Georgia National Guard, our fine State, and our great Nation. 

Maj. Gen. Jim Butterworth

Georgia's Adjutant General

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