U.S. Army Medical Research & Materiel Command
STEM: Educational Outreach
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Professional Opportunities


National Academies Research Associateship Program

USAMRMC research opportunities through the National Academies Research Associateship Program can be found at: http://sites.nationalacademies.org/PGA/RAP/PGA_050491

The National Research Council has conducted the Research Associateship Programs in cooperation with sponsoring federal laboratories and other research organizations approved for participation since 1954. Through a national competition, the NRC recommends and makes Research Associateship awards to outstanding scientists and engineers, at the postdoctoral and senior levels, for tenure as guest researchers at the participating laboratories. A limited number of opportunities are available for support of graduate students in select fields.

Preventive Medicine Residency

Information about the Preventive Medicine Residency can be found at: http://wrair-www.army.mil/ReAndDevelop_InfectDisRe_PreventiveMedicine_Resi_Rotation.aspxExternal link

Army Research Lab (ARL) programs

Army Research Lab (ARL) continues reaching out to "partner" with leading researchers in industry and academia, while it is also reaching out to the active Army to ensure that programs produce advanced technologies that support Soldiers in the field today - and in the future.

Information about ARL programs can be found at: http://www.arl.army.mil/www/default.cfm?page=527External link


Areas of research at USAMRMC

Specific information about areas of research at USAMRMC can be found at: http://nrc58.nas.edu/RAPLab10/Opportunity/Program.aspx?LabCode=97&ReturnURL=%2fRAPLab10%2fOpportunity%2fPrograms.aspx%3fLabCode%3d97External link

Animal Medicine Residency

Animal Medicine Residency opportunities for US Army employees can be found at: http://www.aslap.org/Search/residencies/details?id=20External link

Tropical Medicine Course

The Walter Reed Army Institute of Research offers a 5-day, hands-on course designed to familiarize students with tropical diseases they may encounter overseas. The morning didactic sessions will consist of world-class experts presenting on tropical diseases military personnel may encounter while deployed or while working at an overseas laboratory. The afternoons will consist of hands-on laboratory sessions with a focus on deployment-relevant diagnostics. This course is open to physician assistants, nurse practitioners, ESOs, 18D medics, 91S preventive medicine technicians, and other medical personnel.

Information about this opportunity can be found at: http://www.wrair.army.mil/OtherServices_TropicalMedicine.aspxExternal link

Clinical Pharmacology Fellowship Program

Information about the Army Clinical Pharmacology Fellowship Program can be found at: http://www.wrair.army.mil/OtherServices_ClinicalPharmacology.aspxExternal link

Engineers & Scientists Career Program

The Engineers & Scientists (Non-Construction) Career Program is comprised of Army engineers and scientists working in acquisition and acquisition related fields. Effective October 1, 2011, CP16 also includes many engineering and scientist technicians, formerly not included in any career program. Members of the Army CP16 workforce conduct all levels of research, develop equipment for fielding, provide technical support at all phases of the contracting process, and continue to support the Army's equipment throughout the life cycle. Members of the Army CP16 workforce are fully integrated into the mission of the US Army and assist their military counterparts with engineering and scientific activities on a daily basis.

Information about the Engineers & Scientists Career Program can be found at: http://www.cpol.army.mil/library/train/catalog/ch03cp16.htmlExternal link

Army Career Track (ACT)

Army Career Track (ACT) is an Army portal that significantly changes the way training, education and experiential learning support is provided to the Army. ACT integrates data from existing Army systems into one easy to use and customized portal simplifying the career management process for the Army user.

Get on the Right Path! Take advantage of all this tool has to offer to see if you are on the right path!

  • SEARCH multiple resources in one easy to use portal;
  • SEE accomplishments, career development opportunities, and multiple training and education resources in one location;
  • UNDERSTAND career maps, recommendations, and upcoming development deadlines and options; and
  • ACT by registering for classes, creating professional and personal goals, and receiving personalized advice from Leader and Mentors!

Information on ACT can be found at: https://www.us.army.mil/suite/designerExternal link


Civilian Human Resources Training Application System

What is CHRTAS?

Thinking about developing your leadership skills? Maybe you are a current leader that just wants to be better at leading others. How do you acquire the skills and knowledge of a leader to meet the Army's challenges?

Submitting your application for attendance and the approval process starts with you!

The Civilian Human Resources Training Application System (CHRTAS) is an application management system that provides front-end on-line CES course registration for Army civilians.

Information on CHRTAS can be found at: https://www.atrrs.army.mil/CHANNELS/CHRTASExternal link

Defense Senior Leader Development Program

The Defense Senior Leader Development Program (DSLDP) is the premier civilian leader development program for the Department of Defense. DSLDP institutes a competency-based approach to the deliberate development of senior civilian leaders with the Enterprise-wide Perspective needed to lead organizations and programs, and achieve results in the Joint, interagency, and multi-national environments.

Information for DSLDP can be found at: http://www.cpms.osd.mil/Subpage/Services/External link

Last Modified Date: 17-Jan-2013