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Mark Shriver Video Transcript

Video duration: 3 minutes, 37 seconds


On-screen image: Book cover of "A Good Man: Rediscovering My Father, Sargent Shriver"

On-screen text: Mark Shriver - Author

On-screen image: National Job Corps Association logo

On-screen text: 2012 National Job Corps Commencement Day

Shriver: Hi, I'm Mark Shriver.

I am honored to be part of the Second Annual National Job Corps Commencement Day. This is the day we celebrate the 60,000 young people Job Corps serves every year.

I've spoken with Job Corps students over the years and know that for many of you, who have finished Job Corps, today's accomplishment didn't always seem possible.


[Audience cheering]

Shriver: Here you are! You have shown that you can set a goal and work hard to achieve it. Now you have great opportunities ahead. Congratulations! Today really is a big day!

It's also a big day for our country.

There are 125 Job Corps centers across America serving 60,000 students every year. There are 15,000 staff working every day to touch young people's lives. There are thousands of employer partners and community supporters including federal, state, and local elected officials who believe in Job Corps. They're joining you at commencement ceremonies all across the country today.

Together, you represent our nation's largest and most successful residential education and job training program for deserving young people like yourselves.

You and your families should be very proud.

It's a proud day for my family, as well.

You see, almost 50 years ago, my dad Sargent Shriver founded Job Corps. He knew there were many young people missing out on opportunities to be productive members of their communities - young people who wanted brighter futures but didn't have the resources to make their dreams become realities.

He worked with President Johnson and Congress in the Capitol right behind me to create Job Corps so young people could work with the best faculty, staff, and community partners for hands-on training that leads to success - such as the opportunities that lie ahead for you.

If my father were still with us, he would be proud that the program has served some 3 million young people - and proud of you, the newest class of graduates.

Your futures look bright. 85% of Job Corps graduates find and keep jobs, enlist in the military, or continue their educations. So we know Job Corps works for young people at all 125 centers across the country.

Job Corps works for small businesses and local employers joining you today to show their support. Many of them have worked alongside you to help you learn the skills you need to get the jobs available in your community.

That's just one of the ways Job Corps works for local communities. Students and staff donate many hours in volunteer service - saving lives by fighting fires and floods, collecting tens of thousands of pints of blood. You have built, rebuilt, or renovated countless public facilities. And you have enriched the lives of children in your neighborhoods.

Job Corps is a great investment for the American people. Your commitment and dedication to get good-paying jobs makes Job Corps the most successful federal training program serving your age group.

That's why we need Job Corps for 50 more years - to continue helping young people like you who may not have the same opportunities others have had but are willing to work hard to overcome their obstacles.

Today, each of you has fulfilled one of my favorite quotes from my father: "Just keep working hard. Something good will happen."

Congratulations and best of luck. And thank you for letting me be part of such a special day.


On-screen image: Book cover of "A Good Man: Rediscovering My Father, Sargent Shriver"

On-screen text: Mark Shriver - Author

On-screen image: National Job Corps Association logo

On-screen text: 2012 National Job Corps Commencement Day

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Page last updated: Thursday, August 23, 2012