Resources for:

Information for: Offenders

Welcome to CSOSA's page for offenders under supervision or soon to reenter the community from prison. CSOSA is committed to providing offenders under its supervision with the support necessary to establish a productive, crime-free life. CSOSA provides a range of treatment options, in-house adult literacy, anger management, life skills training and other programs to help offenders under CSOSA supervision develop the skills necessary to sustain themselves in the community.

CSOSA: An Overview

Offender Reentry

Adobe Acrobat PDF format Fact Sheet: Offender Reentry in Washington, DC

Offender Reentry: An Overview

Reentry Resources

Reentry Reflection

More Reentry News >

Offender Resources

Adobe Acrobat PDF format CSOSA's Faith-Based Initiative Service Provider Resource Guide 2009 [2.21MB]

Adobe Acrobat PDF format Food Pantries/Grocery Assistance Locations [80 KB]

Adobe Acrobat PDF format Treatment, Education and Job Related Services for Offenders on Community Supervision [192.07 KB]

Adobe Acrobat PDF format Starting Out, Starting Over, Staying Out [1256.81KB] A Guide for District of Columbia Ex-Offenders: Housing, Food, Employment and Other Resources (DC-CURE)

Directory of Resources - Provided by the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia

More Resources >

Community Supervision


CSOSA Headquarters:


Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency

633 Indiana Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20004

Phone: 202-220-5300

Fax: 202-220-5350


For CSOSA Field Site information see: Contact Us